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Re: Immigration

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... Sen. Lindsay Graham just abused his power as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee to jam through a racist anti-asylum bill straight out of Stephen Miller's white nationalist playbook. The Secure and Protect Act would ban Central American refugees from seeking asylum at the border, permit the federal government to jail children and families indefinitely and expand the Trump regime's already well-oiled deportation machine....

The petition to Congress reads:

"The Secure and Protect Act would institutionalize Donald Trump's racism and gut humanitarian and asylum protections for immigrants and refugees. Stand up to hate and block this bill."

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Re: Immigration

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Pickup Truck Barrels Into Jewish Activists At ICE Detention Center In Rhode Island
A Wyatt Detention Facility officer has been placed on administrative leave after driving into a group of Never Again Action protesters.

... At least five people were treated at a hospital for injuries sustained during the confrontation, Lerner said, including one person who was still hospitalized Thursday afternoon with a broken leg....

The Wyatt Detention Facility is a “publicly owned and privately operated” correctional institution, according to its website. It began housing Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainees in March, 10 years after a migrant’s death there put a temporary end to the practice.

Wednesday’s protest was part of Never Again Action, a movement by young, progressive Jews who believe saying “Never again” to the horrors of the Holocaust means speaking up about the U.S. government’s current treatment of migrants. Since early July, these activists have been organizing protests at ICE centers across the country, including in Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and San Francisco....

“Having something like a car barreling towards you and not stopping when you’re peacefully protesting is a totally terrifying experience,” Lerner said. “We were not anticipating really anybody, but especially an employee of the Wyatt, to drive a car through the protest.”

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) expressed “outrage” about the incident on Thursday.

“President Trump’s immigration policies are immoral, and these Rhode Islanders were exercising their constitutional right to protest,’’ the governor said.
Gina Raimondo

I share the outrage Rhode Islanders are feeling about the incident depicted in the video at the Wyatt Detention Center. Our state and our nation were built on the idea that everyone has a right to express their opinion publicly and peacefully.
Only in 45SHOLE-world is this an issue that needs to be resolved by the courts:
Appeals court rules Trump administration must provide hygiene products at migrant facilities

A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld a previous court order mandating the Trump administration provide basic personal hygiene items to children in detention at facilities in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

The ruling by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Fransisco hands a loss to the Trump administration, which had challenged a lower court decision two years ago ordering U.S. officials to provide basic personal hygiene items as well as adequate sleeping conditions, temperatures and food and water to children in detention at facilities in the Rio Grande Valley.

The appeals court's ruling essentially backs the two-decade old Flores agreement, which mandates key aspects of how immigrant children can be held by authorities, including that they be kept under the “least restrictive conditions” possible.

“Assuring that children eat enough edible food, drink clean water, are housed in hygienic facilities with sanitary bathrooms, have soap and toothpaste, and are not sleep-deprived are without doubt essential to the children’s safety,” the appeals court panel ruled.

“The district court properly construed the agreement as requiring such conditions rather than allowing the government to decide whether to provide them,” they added.

The Justice Department declined to comment to The Hill.

Justice Department attorney Sarah Fabian made headlines in June when she argued before the panel that the Flores agreement did not specify that the government was required to provide soap or oral hygiene products.

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The New Stephen Miller
In (Acting Citizenship and Immigration Services Director) Ken Cuccinelli, President Trump’s biggest immigration hard-liner has found the consummate ideological ally.

When President Donald Trump’s administration on Monday rolled out its so-called public-charge rule, which would allow the government to deny permanent residence to legal immigrants receiving public assistance, whispers of Stephen Miller were immediate.

Miller, the 33-year-old Trump adviser, has created many of the White House’s most controversial immigration policies over the past two and half years, and sure enough, when Acting Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli announced the plan, which is scheduled to take effect in 60 days, reports detailing Miller’s handiwork were not far behind. It was as though Cuccinelli, in briefing journalists on the rule, had served as little more than a suited vessel for Miller’s worldview. But to shift focus away from Cuccinelli is to ignore the very real convictions he brings to bear in this administration.

A former senior White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to be frank, told me that one of the chief challenges in staffing this administration has been finding people whose fervor for hard-line immigration policies matches that of the president, and whose résumé includes even one line of government experience. Miller has thus found himself on an island at times in his attempt to execute his more extreme visions for the nation’s immigration system. (A screaming match on the topic of, say, the proposed Mexican border wall is not unusual, said the source, who was party to one such exchange.)

Enter Cuccinelli. The former Virginia attorney general joined the Trump administration in late May. His background includes trying to eliminate birthright citizenship, questioning whether Barack Obama was born in the United States, and proposing to make speaking Spanish on the job a fireable offense. Accordingly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell advised the president against nominating Cuccinelli to any post that required Senate confirmation. To some, Cuccinelli’s arrival meant that Miller had, at long last, found the consummate ideological ally. (A representative for Cuccinelli declined my request for a phone interview with the director....
The banker for white supremacist xenophobia, even well after her death:

Why an Heiress Spent Her Fortune Trying to Keep Immigrants Out
Newly unearthed documents reveal how an environmental-minded socialite became an ardent nativist whose money helped sow the seeds of the Trump anti-immigration agenda.

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Re: Immigration

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Re: Immigration

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(Short) Quiz
What is asylum? Who are asylum seekers? Test your knowledge.

100%, though maybe it's sad to know all of these things.

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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2019 9:38 am
(Short) Quiz
What is asylum? Who are asylum seekers? Test your knowledge.

100%, though maybe it's sad to know all of these things.
I missed one; I picked most asylum seekers are from El Salvador.

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Re: Immigration

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:12 pm
I missed one; I picked most asylum seekers are from El Salvador.
I guessed correctly because that seemed too obvious.

Donald Trump's latest tweets!
North Carolina Governor Cooper Vetoed a Bill that would have required Sheriffs to cooperate with Ice. This is a terrible decision for the great people of North Carolina. He should reverse his decision and get back to the basics of fighting crime!

Plus, he lies. The rapist of an undocumented immigrant too frightened to report it is just as likely to rape a citizen the next time.

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Re: Immigration

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To: Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC)

Re: ... ?__tn__=-R
Tillis and Colleagues Introduce the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act ... cities-act

This is beneath you, and is a rejection of the core con principle of states’ rights.

The feds can enforce their own damn law rather than imposing a burden on localities.

The rapist of an immigrant that’s too afraid to report thanks to you may rape your wife or daughter next.

Is There a Connection Between Undocumented Immigrants and Crime?
It’s a widely held perception, but a new analysis finds no evidence to support it. ... -and-crime

Rightwing Cato Institute:
Criminal Immigrants in Texas: Illegal Immigrant Conviction and Arrest Rates for Homicide, Sex Crimes, Larceny, and Other Crimes ... -immigrant
“the conviction and arrest rates for illegal immigrants were lower than those for native-born Americans.”

Shame on your fear mongering and your adoration for Big Brother.

(Vrede too)

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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri Aug 30, 2019 12:48 am
To: Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC)

Re: ... ?__tn__=-R
Tillis and Colleagues Introduce the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act ... cities-act

This is beneath you, and is a rejection of the core con principle of states’ rights.

The feds can enforce their own damn law rather than imposing a burden on localities.

The rapist of an immigrant that’s too afraid to report thanks to you may rape your wife or daughter next.

Is There a Connection Between Undocumented Immigrants and Crime?
It’s a widely held perception, but a new analysis finds no evidence to support it. ... -and-crime

Rightwing Cato Institute:
Criminal Immigrants in Texas: Illegal Immigrant Conviction and Arrest Rates for Homicide, Sex Crimes, Larceny, and Other Crimes ... -immigrant
“the conviction and arrest rates for illegal immigrants were lower than those for native-born Americans.”

Shame on your fear mongering and your adoration for Big Brother.

(Vrede too)
Good works; Tillis is a shameless money whore who would sell out his entire family for the right price and a reasonable path to deny it all. Many people say he's a major drug dealer who has dozens of surrogates who work the streets and bring him paper grocery bags full of money at all hours of the night when he's in NC. It's also said he enjoys sitting in his basement office shoving huge piles of cocaine around on his desk with the butt of a sawed off shotgun. He will be betrayed by a group of illegal aliens he hired to make collections for him.

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Re: Immigration

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neoplacebo wrote:
Fri Aug 30, 2019 2:10 pm
Good works; Tillis is a shameless money whore who would sell out his entire family for the right price and a reasonable path to deny it all. Many people say he's a major drug dealer who has dozens of surrogates who work the streets and bring him paper grocery bags full of money at all hours of the night when he's in NC. It's also said he enjoys sitting in his basement office shoving huge piles of cocaine around on his desk with the butt of a sawed off shotgun. He will be betrayed by a group of illegal aliens he hired to make collections for him.
Maybe he will pay, and you might be right that undocumented immigrants will be his downfall, indirectly.
Vulnerable Republicans Squeezed By Trump’s Emergency Declaration Once Again
They’re siding with the president even though he’s raiding money for military projects in their states to build his border wall.

Republican senators facing tough reelection fights next year are sticking with President Donald Trump despite taking heat back home over his administration’s announcement that it would fund construction of a wall on parts of the U.S.-Mexico border with money that had been earmarked for military projects in their states.

The bad news for GOP senators in swing states like North Carolina, Arizona and Colorado is that the political situation for them is bound to get tougher.

Democrats on Tuesday announced they would once again force a vote to overturn Trump’s emergency declaration on the border, which allowed him to divert billions in funds Congress had approved for other programs. Such a vote is authorized by the National Emergencies Act, which means Republicans cannot block the vote....

Only 12 Republican senators joined Democrats in voting to terminate Trump’s emergency declaration in March, short of the two-thirds majority needed to block it. The new vote, which is expected later this month, is unlikely to ultimately change any GOP votes. But it does put vulnerable Republicans, who faced bad press in their states after the Pentagon identified 127 projects that will lose funding, on the spot once more.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who initially opposed Trump’s emergency declaration but reversed himself just hours before the March vote, said he still stands with the president on the matter. But he expressed confidence that Democrats would agree to “backfill” (that is, approve for a second time) the funding Trump has raided from his state for the wall construction, including money for projects at Camp Lejeune and Fort Bragg....
No predictions here, but it's good to see that the “shameless money whore (and) major drug dealer” is vulnerable and sweating.

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Re: Immigration

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Re: Immigration

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neoplacebo wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:02 am
More on Tillis' vulnerability: ... ed#p101474
I know that you saw it, just cross-referencing. It would be way cool if NC is part of flipping the Senate.

From Executive Producer Selena Gomez | Living Undocumented | Official Trailer

Right on, Selena! :thumbup:

Article, with obligatory bigoted comments and wussy denial that they're bigots.

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The petition to Google reads:

"End your contract with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Do not be complicit in Trump's racist system of abuse and neglect."

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Re: Immigration

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Replica of Trump's "impenatrable" wall is climbed by 8-year old, and by an adult in about 40 seconds. :lol: :lol: ... l-replica/


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Re: Immigration

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I knew this was going to happen, I just wasn't able to get the word out in time. And it's lucky they have that ladder on the other side so they can get back over when they realize how fucked up the place they just got to actually is. Especially for them

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O Really wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:36 pm
Replica of Trump's "impenetrable" wall is climbed by 8-year old, and by an adult in about 40 seconds. :lol: :lol: ... l-replica/
Well sure, but the replica doesn't have the moat full of alligators and snakes.

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Re: Immigration

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Take along a bag of chickens and the gators are no problem. Trump's is also supposed to be painted heat-absorbing black sitting out in the border sun, too, but protective gloves/clothing would neutralize that. But really, the whole discussion is silly because most illegals didn't get here by crossing an unguarded river spot. And the "great unwashed horde" of refugees isn't trying to get in illegally.

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