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Re: Heroes

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These doctors risked their careers to expose the dangers children face in immigrant family detention

... "Detention of innocent children should never occur in a civilized society, especially if there are less restrictive options, because the risk of harm to children simply cannot be justified," they wrote....
Boeing, Theranos, & the Cost of Secrecy

... The two companies have been in the headlines recently for whistleblower complaints and high-profile coverage of manufacturing errors and quality control issues. Boeing remains a reputable company, with the support of major airline companies, while Theranos is now viewed as a “cautionary tale” of Silicon Valley innovation ethics run amok. While at first glance the pair appear to share little, the root of their problems seems to be similar; both of the companies created environments in which employees feared retaliation for disclosing abuse or wrongdoing. The scrutiny both companies are facing shares a common source: a culture of secrecy and intimidation. As Sheelah Kolhatkar of The New Yorker recently wrote, “institutional denial, obfuscation, and retaliation are hallmarks of many whistleblowing cases.” Boeing and Theranos share related forms of a culture of secrecy, which threatens employees’ ability to raise issues internally and ensure that the public is receiving the best product possible. As both companies’ products immediately affect public health and safety, their accountability to quality control is critical....
Whistleblower Protections Key Tool To Investigators Probing Waste And Abuse Of Power

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Indiana Jesuit school refuses to fire teacher in same-sex marriage over archdiocese's order

... "Brebeuf Jesuit has respectfully declined the Archdiocese's insistence and directive that we dismiss a highly capable and qualified teacher due to the teacher being a spouse within a civilly-recognized same-sex marriage," the letter from the school states. The teacher's name and gender were not identified.

The regional Jesuit community appears to be supporting the decision, with Brian Paulson, the leader of the Jesuits Midwest Province, writing a letter about the "disappointing development" posted to the group's website.

Paulson noted that the teacher's same-sex union has been known within the community since the summer of 2017 when "this act became publicly known via social media."

The Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Paulson wrote, "requested verbally two years ago that Brebeuf Jesuit not renew this teacher's contract because this teacher's marital status does not conform to church doctrine."

... Paulson wrote that on Thursday, the Jesuits received an advanced copy of a canonical decree set to be published Friday that states that the Archdiocese will no longer recognize Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School as a Catholic school....

The issue has drawn national attention, and the school is getting support from one of the best-known Jesuits, James Martin, a Jesuit priest and outspoken supporter of greater inclusion within the Catholic Church.

Martin, who regularly speaks publicly about the church, tweeted that he supports "my brother Jesuits who stand with our LGBT colleagues and stand against the relentless targeting of LGBT people."

"Other employees do not conform to, or agree with, church teaching: straight couples living together before marriage, practicing birth control, etc.....as well as employees who are not Catholic, not Christian, or not believers. Yet they are not targeted. The targeting of LGBT employees must cease, and Brebeuf and the Midwest Province are here standing with the marginalized. This is the most Catholic thing that they could do," he wrote in two tweets.
How often do we read that the LGBTQ person has NOT been fired?

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Re: Heroes

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I figure this will result in a severe reprimand with a king hell dose of self righteousness from the Vatican; maybe even monetary (the true avenger) sanctions. This reminds me of the thing I posted about the kid who was fired from his camp counselor job at the religious camp he'd worked at and attended most of his life and was fired for being gay. I don't think the camp was Catholic, though, which only tells me that his camp didn't play the homosexual pedophilia gig.

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Re: Heroes

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neoplacebo wrote:
Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:28 pm
I figure this will result in a severe reprimand with a king hell dose of self righteousness from the Vatican; maybe even monetary (the true avenger) sanctions....
I don't think there's anything the Vatican can do, other than removing any bennies from collaboration.
... Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School was founded in 1962 as an independent Catholic school and has "enjoyed a collaborative partnership with the Archdiocese for nearly 57 years," the school's letter states. It noted that the school always had control of the school's governance, which included staff hiring and firings....
Good for the teacher, but it means the school is not risking a ton unless all the students and donors go elsewhere. If the church owned the school, the teacher would be long gone.

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Re: Heroes

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It would seem for each hero there must also be a villian.
https://news.yahoo.com/save-apos-cathol ... 01235.html

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Re: Heroes

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neoplacebo wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:15 am
It would seem for each hero there must also be a villain.
https://news.yahoo.com/save-apos-cathol ... 01235.html
You nearly predicted it, the church has a lot more money power over this second school :ateeth: . Sad the school caved in, but kudos for the 2 year fight :thumbup: .

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Re: Heroes

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:24 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:15 am
It would seem for each hero there must also be a villain.
https://news.yahoo.com/save-apos-cathol ... 01235.html
You nearly predicted it, the church has a lot more money power over this second school :ateeth: . Sad the school caved in, but kudos for the 2 year fight :thumbup: .
Yeah, well, the Catholic church has an illustrious history of meddling. I just assumed they'd meddle in that earlier case as well so it's good that the first school will be able to continue without interference.

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Re: Heroes

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Asylum officers ask court to block Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy in surprising filing

Citing the American government's refusal to take in a group of desperate Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany on the eve of World War II, a group of current asylum officers tasked with overseeing the controversial "Remain in Mexico" policy asked a federal appeals court in a surprising legal filing late Wednesday to block the Trump administration from implementing it.

The labor union representing thousands of asylum officers, Local 1924, filed the extraordinary court filing siding with plaintiffs seeking to prevent the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from implementing the so-called "Remain in Mexico" program. Under the policy, officially called the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), migrants who claim asylum at U.S. ports of entry along the southern border are required to wait in Mexico while their cases are adjudicated in American immigration courts.

In the filing to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals — which is reviewing the legal challenge to "Remain in Mexico" brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other plaintiffs — the union of asylum officers said the program violates U.S. and international law because it places asylum seekers in dangerous circumstances....

Asylum officers, the filing argued, "should not be forced to honor departmental directives that are fundamentally contrary to the moral fabric of our Nation." ...
:-|| :---P

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Re: Heroes

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Haven't had much opportunity to post heroes lately. Here's a couple:

ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them
https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/22/us/nashv ... ce-arrest/

‘The church was empty’: Congregation walks out of service after pastor echoes Trump’s comments
https://www.rawstory.com/2019/07/the-ch ... -comments/

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Re: Heroes

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O Really wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:02 pm
Haven't had much opportunity to post heroes lately. Here's a couple:

ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them
https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/22/us/nashv ... ce-arrest/
... Last year, advocates in North Carolina surrounded an ICE van in North Carolina in an attempt to block the deportation of an undocumented immigrant who'd been living in sanctuary in a local church. Police eventually arrested 27 people that day, and the undocumented immigrant was deported days later. Some advocates faced obstruction charges....
Too bad they got her/him, but yay for the NC folks.

Same Nashville event, different article:
... The ICE officials had been sitting in the truck since midnight Sunday, neighbors said....
I'll bet no citizens brought them water, food and gas.
When ICE called MNPD at 7:19 a.m., they requested assistance but did not specify what they needed, MNPD spokesman Don Aaron said. Police on the scene were instructed not to get involved unless necessary....

In Call's live-stream video, MNPD Sgt. Noah Smith said he was there in case things got out of hand.

"We're not here to enforce any federal script. ... We're just here if anything major happens," he said.

Smith said they had no warrants on the individual in the van in Davidson County....

Councilman Bob Mendes received a text message from an immigration advocate about the event and decided to show up....

"When ICE attempts a federal civil immigration enforcement and Metro gets involved, it's worth paying attention to," he said. "There's a reason why the city and MNPD have a policy of not participating in civil immigration enforcement. It tends to give people a reason to distrust Metro."
Bigots and their storm trooper lose, again. :---P
O Really wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:02 pm
‘The church was empty’: Congregation walks out of service after pastor echoes Trump’s comments
https://www.rawstory.com/2019/07/the-ch ... -comments/
Baptists, in Virginia!!!


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Re: Heroes

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'Send him back': Angry reactions to Trump at Virginia event honoring foundations of democracy

A Virginia legislator interrupted President Trump as he delivered remarks at an event Tuesday in Jamestown, Va., commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first representative legislative assembly in America.

“Mr. President, you can’t send us back. Virginia is our home,” shouted State Delegate Ibraheem Samirah, holding up a sign that read “Go back to your corrupted home,” “Deport hate” and “Reunite my family and all shattered by systemic discrimination.”

As Samirah, dressed in a suit and bow tie, stood directly below Trump, who had stopped speaking at the podium, audience members booed and chanted, “Trump, Trump, Trump” and “U.S.A.” before the man was escorted away by police....

“I just disrupted the @realDonaldTrump speech in Jamestown because nobody’s racism and bigotry should be excused for the sake of being polite,” Samirah’s Twitter account read after the interruption. “The man is unfit for office and unfit to partake in a celebration of democracy, representation, and our nation’s history of immigrants.”

“Proud to do my part to show that @realDonaldTrump’s xenophobia isn’t welcome in our Commonwealth #DeportHate,” read a later post. Samirah became the second Muslim American elected to the Virginia General Assembly when he won a special election earlier this year....

Black legislators in Virginia boycotted the event honoring the first convening of the Virginia General Assembly in 1619 after Trump was confirmed to attend, advising the event organizers to “send him back.”

“The current President does not represent the values that we would celebrate at the 400th anniversary of the oldest democratic body in the western world,” leaders of the Virginia House and Senate Democratic Caucuses said in a statement. “We offer just three words of advice to the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation: ‘Send Him Back.’”

Before Tuesday's event, Richmond, Va., Mayor Levar Stoney also spoke against inviting Trump to the ceremony.

“A president who labels those who disagree with him as un-American and ignorantly advocates for duly elected congresswomen, all United States citizens of color, to be sent back to their countries of origin has no place at this commemorative gathering in our Commonwealth this weekend,” Stoney said in a statement last week.

But Virginia’s black lieutenant governor, descended from slaves, Justin Fairfax, said he would attend the event “to proudly show to all in attendance that no national leader can diminish Virginia’s continuing efforts to cast aside its racist past and move forward as a state built on the blended contributions of Native Americans, enslaved Africans, settlers from Europe and later immigrants from across the globe.” The first ship bearing slaves from Africa arrived in Jamestown in August 1619; ceremonies commemorating the “First African Landing” will be held in Hampton, Va., Aug. 23-25....

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Along with the other defiant officials testifying:

Pentagon told witness not to testify in impeachment inquiry

Heroes and patriots. :-||

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Re: Heroes

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Linda Ronstadt Tells Mike Pompeo to His Face: ‘He’ll Be Loved, When He Stops Enabling Donald Trump’
The 200 guests in attendance responded to the remark with cheers

Linda Ronstadt did not let Saturday night’s festivities stop her from telling Secretary of State Mike Pompeo what she thought about his connection to President Donald Trump.

“I’d like to say to Mr. Pompeo, who wonders when he’ll be loved, it’s when he stops enabling Donald Trump.”

The singer, songwriter and activist is one of the Kennedy Center’s Honorees this year. Both Ronstadt and Pompeo attended a pre-gala dinner where honorees were awarded their ribbons at the State Department.

Early in the evening Pompeo, who played host, referred to the lyrics of “When I Be Loved,” one of Ronstadt’s hit songs, saying to the 200 guests gathered, “As I travel the world, I wonder when will I be loved.”

Later, in the evening Ronstadt rose from her chair to deliver the zinger. And according to Variety, the audience first gasped, which was followed by slow applause that turned into cheers.

Variety, went on to report that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended the event and was greeted with a standing ovation.

Sunday’s Honors gala paid tribute to Ronstadt, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sally Field, Sesame Street, and Michael Tilson Thomas.
"at the State Department" :---P


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Re: Heroes

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:16 am
Linda Ronstadt Tells Mike Pompeo to His Face: ‘He’ll Be Loved, When He Stops Enabling Donald Trump’
The 200 guests in attendance responded to the remark with cheers

Linda Ronstadt did not let Saturday night’s festivities stop her from telling Secretary of State Mike Pompeo what she thought about his connection to President Donald Trump.

“I’d like to say to Mr. Pompeo, who wonders when he’ll be loved, it’s when he stops enabling Donald Trump.”

The singer, songwriter and activist is one of the Kennedy Center’s Honorees this year. Both Ronstadt and Pompeo attended a pre-gala dinner where honorees were awarded their ribbons at the State Department.

Early in the evening Pompeo, who played host, referred to the lyrics of “When I Be Loved,” one of Ronstadt’s hit songs, saying to the 200 guests gathered, “As I travel the world, I wonder when will I be loved.”

Later, in the evening Ronstadt rose from her chair to deliver the zinger. And according to Variety, the audience first gasped, which was followed by slow applause that turned into cheers.

Variety, went on to report that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended the event and was greeted with a standing ovation.

Sunday’s Honors gala paid tribute to Ronstadt, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sally Field, Sesame Street, and Michael Tilson Thomas.
"at the State Department" :---P

That damned deep state !😋 :lol:
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Heroes

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:45 am
That damned deep state !😋 :lol:
Shamed Pompous a-ho' . . . in his own house!

Linda Ronstadt sure didn't sing about Red Bayou.

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The public servants Trump smeared as 'traitors' and 'human scum' are Time magazine's 2019 'Guardians of the Year'

The nonpartisan career officials who blew the whistle on President Donald Trump and testified against him are Time magazine's 2019 "Guardians of the Year."

Among those named in the profile are the whistleblower who first sounded the alarm on Trump's efforts to strongarm Ukraine for political gain; Marie Yovanovitch, the former US ambassador to Ukraine; Bill Taylor, the US's chargé d'affaires in Ukraine; Fiona Hill, the former White House Russia expert; and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the White House's top Ukraine expert.

"For each, the decision to step forward came at a cost," Time reported, adding that as some agreed to share their experiences with the magazine, they "became emotional when speaking about what they described as the most difficult weeks of their careers." ...
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Re: Heroes

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:34 am
Linda Ronstadt sure didn't sing about Red Bayou.
:D Just watched Carrie Underwood sing Blue Bayou at the Kennedy Center Honors.

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