The BEST "Man with no name" - Clint Eastwood or Toshiro Mifune

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Red Shirt
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The BEST "Man with no name" - Clint Eastwood or Toshiro Mifune

Unread post by Greg55_99 »

I love Clint Eastwood but Toshiro Mifune is the MAN. Also, he is the original "Man with no name"

Mifune - Yojimbo - 1961, Sanjuro - 1962
Eastwood - "A Fist Full of Dollars" - 1964, "For a Few Dollars More" - 1965, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - 1966

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Re: The BEST "Man with no name" - Clint Eastwood or Toshiro Mifune

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Never saw any Japanese cowboy shows. Were the SFX better than "Godzilla"?

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Re: The BEST "Man with no name" - Clint Eastwood or Toshiro Mifune

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Seven Samurai - 1954
No cows, but they did whoop ass

The Magnificent Seven - 1960
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Re: The BEST "Man with no name" - Clint Eastwood or Toshiro Mifune

Unread post by Greg55_99 »

Back in the mid sixties, there was a theater in Cleveland (where I lived) that had all three Man with No Name flicks as a triple feature (if you remember those). So, one summer afternoon, I went in at 12 and didn't come out until almost 8pm. Lot's of popcorn that day. That was my introduction to "The Man with No Name". I remember that he was so damn COOL! The dialog was cool too. 20 years later I was stationed in Okinawa Japan in the Air Force. Renting VHS tapes was big then as well as drinking. Thought I'd mix the two one afternoon and saw the Japanese movie "Yojimbo" in the rental store. Cover looked interesting. This was my samurai period. Got it and stopped by the BX for a six pack of San Miguel beer. Drank three beers and I was ready. WHOA! That movie was so damn COOL! What blew me away though was the translated dialog and action was damn near word for word the same as "A Fistful Of Dollars" and this movie came before that one. Stopped the movie, got another six pack and watched the rest. Man! That was a damn good film. Toshiro Mifune was damn good. Next day got another six pack and rented it's sequel "Sanjuro". Just as good. So, that's my story.


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