Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Where Did All the White People Go? Ranking the Blackest and Whitest Places in America, According to the New Census Data

... While many outlets focused on the news that, for the first time in a half-century, the country’s white population declined, we decided to take a look at some of the other facts that show the country evolving into the multiracial nation feared by Republicans.

The Blackest States

MD surprises me, cool. NC does not surprise me. I'm glad for it, but relatively few Blacks are in WNC.
... Montana (.5 percent), Idaho, (.9 percent) and Wyoming (.9 percent) are the only three states that are less than one percent Black.
Where the White Things Are

Maine continues its reign as the whitest state, with a white population of 92 percent. The 10 states with the highest percentage of non-Hispanic white residents are:

Maine: 92%
Vermont 91.3%
New Hampshire 91.1%
West Virginia 90.9%
Wyoming 90.7.%
Idaho 90.7%
Utah 88.7%
Iowa 88.7%
Montana 86.7%
Nebraska 86%

Where Did All the White People Go?

As we previously noted, America’s white population has declined by 8.6 percent since the 2010 census, with Connecticut leading the way. However, don’t sell all your stock in Panera Bread just yet. There are still more than enough of D’Wights to go around.

The states with the largest percentage of decrease in white residents are:

... 2. Illinois: When asked about the state’s 14.3 percent decline in Caucasians, white people replied: “But what about Chicago?”
3. California: Cali’s white population declined by 8.3 percent. I blame Joe Rogan.
4. Maryland: Maryland lost 7.7 percent of its white population, ending any hope for another season of The Wire.
5. New Jersey: The Census Bureau did not state whether New Jersey’s 15.2 percent decline had anything to do with Chris Christie not letting white people across the bridge.
Whack9 beat the rush.
... 7. Alaska: Sarah Palin stopped having kids and Alaska’s whites declined by 7.4 percent. Thankfully, they can see Russia from their window.
... 10. New York: According to every episode of Friends and Seinfeld, New York had more than enough white people to lose 6.2 percent.

Where’d the Black People Go?

Here are the states that experienced a decline in their Black population since 2010:

... 2. Alaska: One Black person left Alaska and their population declined by 5.5 percent. A polar bear probably ate him.
3. Illinois: a 3.3 percent decline. Damn you Black-on-Black violence!
4. California: I heard the last Black man in San Francisco couldn’t afford rent, which is why the population declined by 2.1 percent.
5. Michigan: Michigan lost 1.8 percent of its Black residents because they were tired of listening to Eminem songs.
6. Mississippi: The 1.3 percent of Black people who left Mississippi did the right thing.

... Other Facts You Should Know

America’s Hispanic population is 18 percent.

Non-Hispanic whites are the minority in California, New Mexico, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada and Texas....
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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There are many reasons for our current mess, and this is a huge one of them:
After the latest Census numbers, brace yourselves for one helluva of a hissy fit | Opinion
Leonard Pitts Jr.

... Last week, the Census Bureau dropped a demographic bombshell. According to its 2020 count, the number of white people in this country has fallen for the first time since the first census in 1790. To be clear: This is not a measurement of white as a percentage of the population, a figure that’s been dropping for years as we move toward a majority people-of-color population. No, this is white as an absolute number. It seems the group of Americans who identify as white alone (i.e., not biracial) shrank by 5.1 million, a decrease of 2.6 percent.

We’re talking a demographic demotion that will leave some of us terrified.

We already know what that leads to. Indeed, hysteria over the pending loss of straight, white, Christian primacy has driven the tumult of the last decade and a half. Meaning, yes, the obvious stuff like the church massacre in Charleston, the synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh, the murder in Charlottesville and street violence against Asian Americans.

But that hysteria is also at the root of outrages some might find less obvious. It’s why the GOP has withdrawn from basic democratic norms, why Donald Trump was elected, the Capitol was ransacked and state laws now suppress Black votes while restricting Black history. It’s why conservatives often cast Democratic legislation in racial terms, as when Rush Limbaugh dubbed the Affordable Care Act “reparations.” It’s why some people find the likes of Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez so deeply frightening, why they rail against masks and vaccinations as incursions on their “freedom,” why Tucker Carlson warns his audience of older white people on seemingly a nightly basis that they are being “replaced.”

There is a sweaty desperation to all of this, as if some white people — thank heaven, only some — cannot conceive of themselves without the perks, privileges, power and prerogatives of majority. And if that’s how they felt before last week’s announcement, imagine how they feel now. Suffice it to say, we should brace for more upheavals....
Spot on.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Wingnuts are gonna think we're gonna run out of white folks.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:41 am
Wingnuts are gonna think we're gonna run out of white folks.
Nttawwt. :wave:
Gen. Lee statue can be removed, Virginia Supreme Court rules

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia’s Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Thursday that the state can remove an iconic statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a prominent spot in its capital city, saying “values change and public policy changes too” in a democracy.

The 7-0 decision cited testimony from historians that the enormous statue was erected in 1890 to honor the southern white citizenry’s defense of a pre-Civil War life that depended on slavery and the subjugation of Black people.

More than a century later, its continued display “communicates principles that many believe to be inconsistent with the values the Commonwealth currently wishes to express," the justices said.

The high court’s decision came in two lawsuits filed by Virginia residents who attempted to block Gov. Ralph Northam's order to remove the bronze equestrian sculpture, which shows Lee in military attire atop a massive stone pedestal....
:---P :happy-cheerleaderkid:
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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neoplacebo wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:59 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 6:38 pm
Speaking of Southern nazis:

3 Men Indicted On Federal Hate Crime Charges In Ahmaud Arbery Killing

:---P :---P :---P
These assholes have been left hanging fire for a couple of years over this. Hopefully they'll have the proverbial boom lowered on their asses.
O Really wrote:
Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:21 pm
Judgement should be quick and harsh.
Trial is this Autumn. I never expected this, though I believe that I called for it here:
Ex-prosecutor accused of trying to shield suspects in murder of Ahmaud Arbery

A former Georgia prosecutor who handled the case of Ahmaud Arbery, a Black man who was gunned down while out jogging, was indicted on Thursday for using her position to shield the two accused men from being charged.

Former Brunswick judicial circuit district attorney Jackie Johnson was charged with misconduct on a felony count for violating her oath of office and hindering a law enforcement officer.

Ms Johnson was charged with showing “favour and affection” toward one of the accused in the investigation, who had worked in her office till 2019, reports said. She has also been indicted for interfering with police officers at the scene, by issuing orders against the arrest of the man who shot down Arbery.

Ms Johnson’s indictment followed a probe by Georgia’s attorney general Chris Carr, after a video showing the accused chasing and killing Arbery and the delay in charging them sparked high-voltage protests nationwide....

Stating that the case was not closed after Ms Johnson’s indictment, Mr Carr said: “While an indictment was returned today, our file in not closed, and we will continue to investigate in order to pursue justice.”
There were others, including police and I believe another prosecutor that were involved in the coverup. Lock them all up!
... Ms Johnson previously maintained she did not do anything wrong and immediately recused herself from the case due to the involvement of a former employee.

She went on to fight her re-election for Brunswick district attorney, but lost to independent candidate Keith Higgins. She blamed her loss on the controversy surrounding Arbery’s killing. Shortly after, she said people will understand that her office did “what it had to under the circumstances.”
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Also, I read yesterday that the judge has disallowed anything from the defense about Arbery's prior arrest record. Judge says it's not relevant to the present case.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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neoplacebo wrote:
Fri Sep 03, 2021 9:45 am
Also, I read yesterday that the judge has disallowed anything from the defense about Arbery's prior arrest record. Judge says it's not relevant to the present case.

LIVE video:

Virginia removes the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond

I can hear protestors or celebrants, but I can't make out what they're shouting.

Edit, 0945 EDT: The live feed quit, but still :happy-cheerleaderkid: .
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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It's probably a tossup whether Lee will surrender more times than trump will lose the 2020 election. But trump and the cult will see all this in a different way. Hilarious.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:29 am
... I can hear protestors or celebrants, but I can't make out what they're shouting.
neoplacebo wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:21 pm
It's probably a tossup whether Lee will surrender more times than trump will lose the 2020 election. But trump and the cult will see all this in a different way. Hilarious.
Virginia cuts Confederate Gen. Robert Lee statue into pieces (with short video)

A crowd erupted in cheers and song Wednesday as work crews hoisted an enormous statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee off the pedestal where it has towered over Virginia’s capital city for more than a century.

One of America’s largest monuments to the Confederacy, the equestrian statue was lowered to the ground just before 9 a.m., after a construction worker who strapped harnesses around Lee and his horse lifted his arms in the air and counted, “Three, two, one!” to jubilant shouts from a crowd of hundreds....

Some chanted “Whose streets? Our streets!" and sang, “Hey hey hey, goodbye.” ... No arrests were reported, and there was no sign of a counter protest.
Workers used a power saw to cut the statue in two along the general's waist, so that it can be hauled under highway overpasses to an undisclosed state-owned facility until a decision is made about its final disposition.
How humiliating!
The job was overseen by Team Henry Enterprises, led by Devon Henry, a Black executive who faced death threats after his company's role in removing Richmond's other Confederate statuary was made public last year....

After Floyd’s death, the area around the statute became a hub for protests and occasional clashes between police and demonstrators. The pedestal has been covered by constantly evolving, colorful graffiti, with many of the hand-painted messages denouncing police and demanding an end to systemic racism and inequality.

... A statue of Black tennis hero and Richmond native Arthur Ashe erected in 1996 is expected to stay.

“I think it’s pretty apropos that the only remaining monument on this tree-lined street is Arthur Ashe, and I’m pretty confident he’ll withstand the test of time," (Richmond Mayor Levar) Stoney said.
... Protesters had already toppled a statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis before Stoney's decree. Work crews then removed removed statues of Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Confederate naval officer Matthew Maury and Gen. J.E.B. Stuart from the thoroughfare, where their pedestals remain.

Northam's plans to remove the Lee statue stalled until the Supreme Court of Virginia cleared the way last week in unanimous rulings against two lawsuits, saying that in a democracy, “values change and public policy changes too.”

... As for the Lee statue, Northam has said his administration will seek public input on what should happen to it next.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Maybe get all the Confederate statuary and half bury them at 45 degree angles with the asses in the air. Sort of like that guy who did the same thing with a handful of Cadillacs. I would like to have the 1887 silver dollar that's part of the time capsule in the Lee statue even though 1887 is not a rare date for that coin.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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neoplacebo wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:53 am
Maybe get all the Confederate statuary and half bury them at 45 degree angles with the asses in the air. Sort of like that guy who did the same thing with a handful of Cadillacs....
:thumbup: Do it, Gov Northam. Tonight:
How the Monuments Came Down (2021)
10:00 PM - 11:30 PM EDT ON PBS • TV-PG • Stereo • CC

Personal stories from descendants and historians uncover how Confederate monuments came to shape the landscape of Richmond, Va., and why protestors demand they be torn down.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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BBC World News America TV did a report on:
Murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi

Balbir Singh Sodhi (1949 – September 15, 2001), a Sikh-American entrepreneur and franchisee in Mesa, Arizona, was murdered in a hate crime in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. This was the first of several cases across the United States that were reported to the police as supposed acts of retaliation for the attacks. Balbir Singh Sodhi, who had a beard and wore a turban in accordance with his Sikh faith, was profiled as an Arab Muslim and murdered by 42-year-old Frank Silva Roque, a Boeing aircraft mechanic at a local repair facility who held a criminal record for an attempted robbery in California. Roque had reportedly told friends that he was "going to go out and shoot some towel-heads" the day of the attacks. Roque was sentenced to death (commuted later to life imprisonment) for first degree murder.
It's ironic that the victim was Sikh, but it wouldn't have been any better if he was a Muslim Arab. Good on the BBC for reminding us as part of the 20th.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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California ski resort changes name to remove offensive word

A popular California ski resort whose name included a derogatory term for Native American women changed its name to Palisades Tahoe Monday. Resort officials had begun searching for a new name last year amid a reckoning over racial injustice.

The renaming of Squaw Valley Ski Resort is one of many efforts nationally to address a history of colonialism and oppression against Native Americans and other people of color that includes removing statues of Christopher Columbus.

The word “squaw,” derived from the Algonquin language, may have once simply meant “woman,” but over generations, the word morphed into a misogynist and racist term to disparage Indigenous women, according to experts....

The resort is in Olympic Valley, which was known as Squaw Valley until it hosted the 1960 Winter Olympics. Tribes in the region had been asking the resort for a name change for decades.

The valley, in the Lake Tahoe area about 200 miles northeast of San Francisco, is within the ancestral homeland of the Washoe people, Darrel Cruz of the Washoe Tribe Historic Preservation Office said in a statement. He said the word is a “constant reminder of those time periods when it was not good for us. It’s a term that was inflicted upon us by somebody else and we don’t agree with it.”

Washoe Tribal Chairman Serrell Smokey said the tribal council expressed “its great appreciation for this positive step forward.”

... Smokey said the tribe plans to work with the resort as well as Placer County officials to rename other public places and features in the Olympic Valley that continue to use the derogatory word....

Beyond changing its name, the company said it is partnering with the Washoe Tribe to educate resort guests about tribal culture. This summer, the resort launched the Washoe Cultural Tour series, offering a monthly talk by Cruz. The resort will also install an exhibit on the Washoe way of life.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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It's been done.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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O Really wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:58 pm
It's been done.
I was there about 3 years before it closed, school trip when I was 11.
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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:54 am
Finally made it to the Memorial. I was impressed and informed at the Legacy Museum a few months back. The Memorial was more of a single emotional statement.

Go to both if you are ever near Montgomery with a few hours time.

https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/news/ ... acy-museum

Update - new museum

"We are proud to announce the opening of the new Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, which opened to the public for previews on September 1 and will officially open on October 1. The new Legacy Museum provides a comprehensive history of the legacy of slavery from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on the Northeast and coastal communities through the Domestic Slave Trade. The museum explores the Reconstruction era, lynchings, codified racial segregation, and contemporary issues including police violence and mass incarceration. We’re thrilled that the museum also includes a new art gallery with works by extraordinary world-class artists."
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:44 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:54 am
Finally made it to the Memorial. I was impressed and informed at the Legacy Museum a few months back. The Memorial was more of a single emotional statement.

Go to both if you are ever near Montgomery with a few hours time.

https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/news/ ... acy-museum

Update - new museum

"We are proud to announce the opening of the new Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, which opened to the public for previews on September 1 and will officially open on October 1. The new Legacy Museum provides a comprehensive history of the legacy of slavery from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on the Northeast and coastal communities through the Domestic Slave Trade. The museum explores the Reconstruction era, lynchings, codified racial segregation, and contemporary issues including police violence and mass incarceration. We’re thrilled that the museum also includes a new art gallery with works by extraordinary world-class artists."
The convict leasing system that was prevalent throughout the south in the decades after about 1875 (or when Reconstruction, and federal troops, were withdrawn from the south). For decades black men were arrested on charges such as "likely to steal" or "loitering" or just for the hell of it. Those guys were put in prison and the state profited from their labor; in one case, it represented nearly ten percent of Alabama's budget. It was basically "legal" slavery. The whole time I was eating those white sugar little donuts and trying not to notice. I'm culpable.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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neoplacebo wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:36 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:44 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:54 am
Finally made it to the Memorial. I was impressed and informed at the Legacy Museum a few months back. The Memorial was more of a single emotional statement.

Go to both if you are ever near Montgomery with a few hours time.

https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/news/ ... acy-museum

Update - new museum

"We are proud to announce the opening of the new Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, which opened to the public for previews on September 1 and will officially open on October 1. The new Legacy Museum provides a comprehensive history of the legacy of slavery from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on the Northeast and coastal communities through the Domestic Slave Trade. The museum explores the Reconstruction era, lynchings, codified racial segregation, and contemporary issues including police violence and mass incarceration. We’re thrilled that the museum also includes a new art gallery with works by extraordinary world-class artists."
The convict leasing system that was prevalent throughout the south in the decades after about 1875 (or when Reconstruction, and federal troops, were withdrawn from the south). For decades black men were arrested on charges such as "likely to steal" or "loitering" or just for the hell of it. Those guys were put in prison and the state profited from their labor; in one case, it represented nearly ten percent of Alabama's budget. It was basically "legal" slavery. The whole time I was eating those white sugar little donuts and trying not to notice. I'm culpable.
You're not alone. Everyone involved, if not aware, deserves a share of the blame.

EDIT: And I was just goofing on you in some previous discussion.
They call me Creamy Tawdry.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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.Oomba. wrote:
Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:37 am
neoplacebo wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:36 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:44 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:54 am
Finally made it to the Memorial. I was impressed and informed at the Legacy Museum a few months back. The Memorial was more of a single emotional statement.

Go to both if you are ever near Montgomery with a few hours time.

https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/news/ ... acy-museum

Update - new museum

"We are proud to announce the opening of the new Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, which opened to the public for previews on September 1 and will officially open on October 1. The new Legacy Museum provides a comprehensive history of the legacy of slavery from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and its impact on the Northeast and coastal communities through the Domestic Slave Trade. The museum explores the Reconstruction era, lynchings, codified racial segregation, and contemporary issues including police violence and mass incarceration. We’re thrilled that the museum also includes a new art gallery with works by extraordinary world-class artists."
The convict leasing system that was prevalent throughout the south in the decades after about 1875 (or when Reconstruction, and federal troops, were withdrawn from the south). For decades black men were arrested on charges such as "likely to steal" or "loitering" or just for the hell of it. Those guys were put in prison and the state profited from their labor; in one case, it represented nearly ten percent of Alabama's budget. It was basically "legal" slavery. The whole time I was eating those white sugar little donuts and trying not to notice. I'm culpable.
You're not alone. Everyone involved, if not aware, deserves a share of the blame.

EDIT: And I was just goofing on you in some previous discussion.
Yeah, it boggles the mind that a lot of right wing idiots claim that America isn't a fundamentally racist society. One does not have to look too deep to see this in blatant display. Consider that all the jobs programs invented during the depression era, like WPA, CCC. and the others were not available to blacks. Same thing for the GI Bill and SBA loan programs; none of it was offered to black veterans.

And you were making me suspicious with some of those earlier comments. Peace, brother.

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Re: Race, lets make this serious! It is nearly 2013.

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Black woman sues police union over misleading Facebook photo of toddler son

A Black woman who was pulled from her car and beaten by Philadelphia police during a protest last year is suing a police union for posting what she calls a misleading photo of her “terrified” toddler on social media, attorneys for the woman said.

The Fraternal Order of Police, the country’s largest police union, posted a Facebook photo of Rickia Young’s then 2-year-old son in a police officer’s arms last October claiming the child had been lost and wandering around aimlessly. However, police had actually taken the boy after officers smashed out Young’s car windows with the child inside, dragged Young from the vehicle and beat her, according to Young’s attorneys. She hadn’t broken any laws....
1312, racist FOPs too.
A clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower.
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