CTS (non)Cleanup

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Re: CTS (non)Cleanup

Unread post by bannination »

Vrede wrote:
CTS Site Asheville, Fullscale Cleanup (petition)

We the undersigned ask CTS Corporation to pay for a full scale cleanup of the toxic chemicals leaching into the soil, water, and air surrounding the CTS of Asheville site. The delays have gone on long enough. Do the corporate socially responsible thing and clean up the mess. It should not take a government / EPA action to force you to take care of the toxins leaching into the environment of this mountain community.

Corporate responsibility? That's an oxymoron.

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Re: CTS (non)Cleanup

Unread post by mike »

bannination wrote:
Vrede wrote:
CTS Site Asheville, Fullscale Cleanup (petition)

We the undersigned ask CTS Corporation to pay for a full scale cleanup of the toxic chemicals leaching into the soil, water, and air surrounding the CTS of Asheville site. The delays have gone on long enough. Do the corporate socially responsible thing and clean up the mess. It should not take a government / EPA action to force you to take care of the toxins leaching into the environment of this mountain community.

Corporate responsibility? That's an oxymoron.
Indeed ... I wonder who's cleaning this up:

One guess ...
The U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Vicksburg is in charge of the cleanup, and a stretch of the river was closed after the spill. A spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard, Lt. Ryan Gomez, told the Associated Press that oil booms had been set up around the barges.

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