List of the real "Takers"

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List of the real "Takers"

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

I'll start with Mike Pence ... ce-family/

"The state of Indiana has spent at least $21 million to clean up the contaminated sites left behind by Vice President Pence’s shuttered family gas stations, The Associated Press reported Friday.

The AP found that Indiana has spent an average of $500,000 to clean up each site left behind by Kiel Bros. Oil Co., which went bankrupt and closed down in 2004.

Pence’s father had created the business, which included more than 200 gas stations.

Kentucky and Illinois have also had to clean up contamination left behind by the gas stations"

"Pence spokeswoman Alyssa Farah told the AP that the amounts were “a years old issue” and that Pence has addressed them in the past."

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