Wingnutties out of control!

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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GOP Senate candidate: Pregnancies from rape God’s will
Posted by
CNN's Kevin Liptak
(CNN) – Richard Mourdock, running for U.S. Senate in Indiana, said at a debate Tuesday that pregnancies resulting from rape are intended by God.

The Republican candidate was explaining his opposition to abortion in cases of rape or incest when he made the remark.

"I struggled with it myself for a long time, and I realized that life is a gift from God, and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something God intended to happen," Mourdock said, explaining that he would allow for exceptions to an abortion ban when a mother's life is in danger.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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The Night of the Long Kvetches.

I got a kick out of this when I read it in the newspaper. Pee Parties are
educational groups? Hilarious. Let's hope there are enough wingnuts around
to support two different parties. Let the fun begin. :crazy: :crazy:

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by mike »

I've always figured the Tea Party was a flash in the pan merely comprised of gun nuts, constitutional idiots and, well, idiots in general.

The entire adopted name goes against everything they attempt to propose ... that was my first clue.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by Boatrocker »

McCrory is a teablubliklan idiot- higher education is for the idle rich; the lower classes can make do with trade schools.
If they can aford them.
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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Boatrocker wrote:McCrory is a teablubliklan idiot- higher education is for the idle rich; the lower classes can make do with trade schools.
If they can aford them.

Not likely anymore, the cost of trade schools are up to what a 4 year college used to be, and books are obscene.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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At least one can say that with McCrory what you see is likely what you'll get-a button-down,
conservative, professional management type who will be interested in efficiency-not that what
he does will necessarily be so. It will be interesting to see where he lands on social issues.
That hasn't really been front and center, as far as I know.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Oh, Lord. You guys got a wingnut governor, too? I hope to hell he's not as bad as ours. If he's close, he could pretty much destroy a really good university system in North Carolina.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Stinger wrote:Oh, Lord. You guys got a wingnut governor, too? I hope to hell he's not as bad as ours. If he's close, he could pretty much destroy a really good university system in North Carolina.
The new governor was a pretty decent middle pragmatic mayor of Charlotte, but at the state level he hangs out with some real nut cases. He's no Scott personally, but he'll probably come off as one with the Legislature he's got.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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O Really wrote:
Stinger wrote:Oh, Lord. You guys got a wingnut governor, too? I hope to hell he's not as bad as ours. If he's close, he could pretty much destroy a really good university system in North Carolina.
The new governor was a pretty decent middle pragmatic mayor of Charlotte, but at the state level he hangs out with some real nut cases. He's no Scott personally, but he'll probably come off as one with the Legislature he's got.
Hope he doesn't have any national aspirations. If he's dumb enough to imagine he can Tea Party his way to a presidential nomination, it could get ugly. (Remember, most of them believe that the reason they lost the last 2 elections was because they didn't pick a severe enough extremist -- you know ... a real Republican.)

Good luck to North Carolina.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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I noticed the Shadow gave his highly accurate 2008 election prediction at a
private dinner, but his very inaccurate 2012 one right out in public in his column.
Somehow he mentioned the former, but forgot the latter. I've read predictions
of the demise or near demise of both political parties over the years, so I take
them with a ton of salt.

I think it's a little too early to tell how out there Pat will be. The early signs are a
little disturbing, but time will tell. The nutjobs eventually go too far and lose their
majority. The problem is all the trouble they create while they still have a majority.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Vrede wrote: . . . It will take awhile but if the GOP ever sheds its racist image and fanciful belief in enforcement-only then the fight for Hispanic votes will largely play out on social issues - advantage GOP among socially conservative Hispanics - and economic issues - advantage Dems until Hispanics gain some ground on whites.
I keep waiting for these hidebound assholes to realize just how religious Hispanics can be, and how socially conservative most of them are, on issues that are near and dear to wingnut hearts. But they persist in their manufactured belief in the lazy, Mexican, drug-dealing gang-banger on welfare, dribin' a tricked out Chebby wi' spinners, while smoking a bomber and groovin on some Santana, on the way to WalMart wi' the ol' lady and 14 kids. Meanwhile WE have a lock on a huge hunk of the Latino vote.
Let the teabaggers take their time figgerin it out.
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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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It has the ideas, but those ideas may no longer appeal to a majority
of Americans. That's different from being bankrupt of ideas. And it's
pretty obvious that they're not changing their ideas because they
really believe differently, but that they've seen the writing on the
wall and it's time to go to the Etch A Sketch.

The TN had an interesting article a couple of days ago. A poll showed that
young Hispanics who were born here are more liberal than their parents
on many social issues. The same was true of Asian Americans. So the idea
that Hispanics will go with a socially conservative candidate may not pan
out as much as people think and Republicans hope.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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That has been sort of the received wisdom for many Republicans and other folks.
Hispanics are natural Republicans--hard working, religious, family oriented, and
conservative. At least that was their mantra, and one can see where some of it
might be true, but they messed that up with their hard line on immigration.
I'd guess that younger Hispanics born here are at least as familiar with American
culture as they are with their parents' and they are adopting more liberal attitudes.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Yep, Meadows is a semi-nutjob who doesn't know his ass from his elbow. I
remember reading an interview with him that the TN published sometime during
the campaign. It became very obvious that this guy had little knowledge of the
basic facts of government. Guess he figured all he said to say was that he's a
conservative Christian businessman and that would be enough for him to be
elected. At least he was right on that one. :crazy:

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by Stinger »

Your governor made national news by gutting your unemployment law. Is he trying to out-stupid our governor?

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by Stinger »

Vrede wrote:
Stinger wrote:Your governor made national news by gutting your unemployment law. Is he trying to out-stupid our governor?
Based on McCrory's start it may be the only distinguishing feature we can hope for.
Scott would love not to be the nation's most unpopular governor. I'm sure he's pulling for McCrory.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by rstrong »

Michigan Senator Tom Casperson Goes Birther
After being asked by Michael Patrick Shiels if he believed the President was born in the United States, Sen. Casperson responded simply: “don’t know.” He went on to complain that the major media had dropped the issue “immediately,” and called the lack of scrutiny “strange.”
Scratch a right-wing Republicon and you'll uncover a birther.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by Mad American »

Stinger wrote:Your governor made national news by gutting your unemployment law. Is he trying to out-stupid our governor?
Not gutting...CUTting and there is a difference. Personally I think it is about time someone had a pair and told these people that unemployment is meant to be a stop gap measure...not a full time living. UE benefits were about $535 a week prior to the cuts. My wife is a paralegal with over 15 years on her job and makes $1040 bi-weekly. In other words she could make MORE money by not working. Like I said about time someone grew a pair and told these folks that WORKING is how you make a living....UE allows you to survive until you get back to work!

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