You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

The Washington Sentinel is always on the lookout for things that will victimize them. Cat fan fits in well with this. A true clarion call to any and all potential and perpetual victims with special emphasis on anything that can be interpreted as "kill dee wite peeple."
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by 1 CAT FAN »

Nah, they're not as upscale as :lol:

How about this one, ... dia-uproar

The University of Georgia has asked the state Attorney General’s office to investigate a UGA philosophy graduate student as his controversial comments about white people stirred a social media uproar.

Osei-Frimpong is prolific on Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms. He has been a frequent poster in the Clarke County School District Town Hall Facebook page, where he made such provocative statements as white women are one of the big problems of public schools. He’s used phrases such as “crappy white people” and callied for the dismantling of white institutions. War on women, vrede/little lulu?

In one post last year, he said “some white people may have to die for black communities to be whole in this struggle to advance freedom.”
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

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DeVon Holmes, positive influence on society.

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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

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1 CAT FAN wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:17 pm DeVon Holmes, positive influence on society.

Well, shucks, that's just peachy. But you might want to send your new black friend a warning about you and the others like you who continually profess their righteousness but actually hate the religion they say they adhere to. Perhaps I am too harsh, though......perhaps some like you don't actially hate their religion; they just disregard it. In any case, you better warn your "friend" the coach that he better not go to this "church" in North Hollywood.......and DEFINITELY not go there with those kids. He may not leave there alive. Read this story about some of your "brethren" and you will see a good example of what I've been telling you about how you hate your religion. ... 23738.html
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

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neoplacebo wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:11 am... In any case, you better warn your "friend" the coach that he better not go to this "church" in North Hollywood.......and DEFINITELY not go there with those kids. He may not leave there alive. Read this story about some of your "brethren" and you will see a good example of what I've been telling you about how you hate your religion. ... 23738.html
... In her Facebook post, Marshall-Brown wrote that just after the woman left she had friends “appear out of nowhere” to sit with her across the street “and bear witness to [her] experience.” ...
Way cool rapid response.

The church apologized and dismissed its volunteers. 1 FAT CAN and his "brethren" and sistern would never have the spine to do that.
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

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Vrede too wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:40 am
neoplacebo wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:11 am... In any case, you better warn your "friend" the coach that he better not go to this "church" in North Hollywood.......and DEFINITELY not go there with those kids. He may not leave there alive. Read this story about some of your "brethren" and you will see a good example of what I've been telling you about how you hate your religion. ... 23738.html
... In her Facebook post, Marshall-Brown wrote that just after the woman left she had friends “appear out of nowhere” to sit with her across the street “and bear witness to [her] experience.” ...
Way cool rapid response.

The church apologized and dismissed its volunteers. 1 FAT CAN and his "brethren" and sistern would never have the spine to do that.
I know. That's why I wanted him to be aware of this. He may learn something. I doubt it.
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by PeacefulPartier »

Another example of how Democrats are racist: ... redo-ortiz
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

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Speech may be free, but getting your company into political controversy almost always has a price. You cannot possibly support Trump and at the same time support the best interests of the Hispanic population, and it's Hispanics, not Dems as a whole who are leading the charge. It's really not a major product line for most non-Hispanic people. As to those thousands of employees hired, "many of them Latino," let's browse through the listings that pop up with a cursory visit to Google "Goya labor relations."
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

O Really wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:43 am Speech may be free, but getting your company into political controversy almost always has a price. You cannot possibly support Trump and at the same time support the best interests of the Hispanic population, and it's Hispanics, not Dems as a whole who are leading the charge. It's really not a major product line for most non-Hispanic people. As to those thousands of employees hired, "many of them Latino," let's browse through the listings that pop up with a cursory visit to Google "Goya labor relations."
:lol: Out of the question; a Fox opinion story will "trump" any objective facts. On any subject. For any nutjob.
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Here in my area of TN I've been subjected to incessant political ads from "conservatives" running for Congress or TN state house. There are about five different ones. Two of them I can recall; Diana Harshbarger running for US House and Dr. Manni Sethi running for US Senate. ALL of the ads for these five exhibit dog whistle racism in their ads. Diana has one that shows the violent and destructive parts of various protests (not sure where the footage is from; the ad does not provide that info). But Diana's narrative over the video speaks of "burning and looting" and general mayhem and insinuates that it's because of BLM protests, when in fact likely less than one percent of protesters engage in any type of violence or looting. Dr. Manni''s ad is about abortion and his narrative has statements like "I don't think liberals care about BLM; do they realize that almost all Planned Parenthood facilities are located in poor neighborhoods?" (IF this is true, why would it not be because minority and low income folks are their main clients, or because the cost of real estate and or rent is lower in those areas?). Then Dr. Manni shows an ultrasound of what appears to be a near full term fetus and says "liberals look at this as a blob of cells. I'm a doctor, and that's a baby. And babies lives matter." So Manni seems to insinuate that liberals WANT women to have abortions, which is nonsense, and he belittles the BLM movement with his "babies lives matter" revelation. The inescapable fact is that these "conservatives" consider dog whistle racism to be quite important to their cause. But I'm sure there's some Fox opinion stories that will refute this with some sort of delusional nonsense or just straight up lies. And of course the racist conservatives who see those opinion stories will delight in their being told that they are not racist at all, but instead take comfort in the lie that liberals want black babies to be aborted and are in favor of blacks burning and looting their town. They swallow it whole without even chewing. I think those TN conservatives would do just as well if they just said what they mean, which is fear and hate; make it great.
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Another example of how conservatives are not racist. Right. ... f-the.html
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

neoplacebo wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:12 am Another example of how conservatives are not racist. Right. ... f-the.html
Have to wonder how this idiot could get himself outed by a CNN reporter.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by Vrede too »

GoCubsGo wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:23 am
neoplacebo wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:12 amAnother example of how conservatives are not racist. Right. ... f-the.html
Have to wonder how this idiot could get himself outed by a CNN reporter.
It would surprise me if any of Tucker Carlson's staff are not racist, sexist idiots.
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Re: You Must Be Racist To Be Liberal.

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Vrede too wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:26 am Pretty small differences, goofball, and it's not equality by intent. It's the appearance of greater equality because there's a lower limit to how poor an economy can be, but no limit to how successful it can be. In other words, you're bragging because red states have a greater proportion of their people in trailer parks.

Besides, you neglect to mention that much of that red state "equality" comes courtesy of blue state taxpayers.
He also must have needed purple State numbers added to his red states to beat the blue state numbers.
Like everything republican,, just another lie.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”
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(Silly Con Whining)

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billy.pilgrim wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:10 am
Vrede too wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:26 amPretty small differences, goofball, and it's not equality by intent. It's the appearance of greater equality because there's a lower limit to how poor an economy can be, but no limit to how successful it can be. In other words, you're bragging because red states have a greater proportion of their people in trailer parks.

Besides, you neglect to mention that much of that red state "equality" comes courtesy of blue state taxpayers.
(probably linked to discussion of how blue states are producers and red states are slackers. Old links were lost during one of the BRD revamps)
He also must have needed purple State numbers added to his red states to beat the blue state numbers.
Like everything republican,, just another lie.
Below is the intricate and failed logic post from Page 1 that I and several others responded to. What led you to dredge up a June 2020 discussion?
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:56 amSince you guys are in denial and I love to watch you twist in the wind, here are more stats that show the institutional racism in democratic states:

I found this article that ranked states by their economic equality - . So I did some statistical analysis to see how it worked out. Using to determine what states are red and what states are blue, I separated the states (DC was included) and then averaged their scores.

This first comparison was all 50 states and DC averaged. Purple states were included in red states.
Average Blue Rating: 62.97
Average Red Rating: 66.08

But I wondered what would happen if you eliminated purple states:
Average Blue Rating: 62.97
Average Red Rating: 66.90

Ok, but what if we drop the leans blue and leans red:
Average Blue Rating: 62.67
Average Red Rating: 67.22

It turns out the more conservative a state is, the more equal the races become economically and the more liberal a state is the more unequal the races become.
FAIL. See page 2.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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