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Re: Sedition

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O Really wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:01 pm
Four more not-so-proud boys down.
Yay . . . until they get out and go on their book tours.

Sorry, not sorry: Some 1/6 rioters change tune after apology

Trumpettes are unaccountable liars, cowards and whiny perpetual victims just like their idol, TRE45QN? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

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Re: Sedition

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:04 am
I wonder why it took 2 years to arrest these a-holes. At least one posted pictures of himself inside the Capitol. That's on the merrick level of slowness.
Marines Charged in Capitol Riot Got Highly Sensitive Spy Jobs After Jan. 6
Following his alleged participation in the insurrection, Sgt. Joshua Abate was assigned to an NSA liaison unit at Fort Meade.

The reassignments raise serious new questions about the ability of both the military and the U.S. intelligence community to identify right-wing extremists in their midst. Since the Capitol riot, the Pentagon has claimed that it has been trying to root out extremists, but there have been few signs that the problem has yet been reduced or even that the scale of the threat has been adequately measured. What’s more, the Pentagon’s efforts are now being impeded by congressional Republicans, who are seeking to block initiatives to oust right-wing radicals from the military. An early warning of Republican opposition came last summer, when the Senate Armed Services Committee voted in favor of legislative language designed to halt Pentagon attempts to counter extremist influence in the military’s ranks. Every Republican senator on the panel voted to block the anti-extremist training, and they succeeded when Maine independent Sen. Angus King joined them.

Now that Republicans control the House, they are vowing to go after what they call “woke” policies at the Pentagon; efforts to root out right-wing extremists are certain to be among their prime targets.

While Pentagon officials have talked extensively about the problem of right-wing extremism in the military, the U.S. intelligence community has so far been much more secretive about the issue. Intelligence officials have reported on the rising threat posed by white nationalism and right-wing domestic terrorism, but there is no public data on the extent of the problem within its ranks and little evidence that they are taking significant action to prevent the spread of extremism inside their own agencies....
:puke-left: :puke-left: :puke-left: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered:

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:37 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:04 am
I wonder why it took 2 years to arrest these a-holes. At least one posted pictures of himself inside the Capitol. That's on the merrick level of slowness.
Marines Charged in Capitol Riot Got Highly Sensitive Spy Jobs After Jan. 6
Following his alleged participation in the insurrection, Sgt. Joshua Abate was assigned to an NSA liaison unit at Fort Meade.

The reassignments raise serious new questions about the ability of both the military and the U.S. intelligence community to identify right-wing extremists in their midst. Since the Capitol riot, the Pentagon has claimed that it has been trying to root out extremists, but there have been few signs that the problem has yet been reduced or even that the scale of the threat has been adequately measured. What’s more, the Pentagon’s efforts are now being impeded by congressional Republicans, who are seeking to block initiatives to oust right-wing radicals from the military. An early warning of Republican opposition came last summer, when the Senate Armed Services Committee voted in favor of legislative language designed to halt Pentagon attempts to counter extremist influence in the military’s ranks. Every Republican senator on the panel voted to block the anti-extremist training, and they succeeded when Maine independent Sen. Angus King joined them.

Now that Republicans control the House, they are vowing to go after what they call “woke” policies at the Pentagon; efforts to root out right-wing extremists are certain to be among their prime targets.

While Pentagon officials have talked extensively about the problem of right-wing extremism in the military, the U.S. intelligence community has so far been much more secretive about the issue. Intelligence officials have reported on the rising threat posed by white nationalism and right-wing domestic terrorism, but there is no public data on the extent of the problem within its ranks and little evidence that they are taking significant action to prevent the spread of extremism inside their own agencies....
:puke-left: :puke-left: :puke-left: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered:
I finally read this article. Insane, totally insane.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Sedition

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:11 am
I finally read this article. Insane, totally insane.
Only insane if one thinks that the Pentagon is about protecting democracy rather than promoting fascism.

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Re: Sedition

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Capitol rioter who jabbed Confederate flag at black cop jailed
A rioter who jabbed a Confederate flag at a black policeman while storming the US Capitol two years ago has been sentenced to three years in prison.


Kevin Seefried, 53, was convicted in June of obstructing Congress and unlawful parading.

Images of him bearing the banner of the slaveholding South during the US Civil War in the seat of American democracy ricocheted around the world.

A judge in Washington DC called Seefried's actions "outrageous".

Seefried thrust the base of the flagpole at US Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman, who is black, several times without making contact, prosecutors said.

During Thursday's sentencing, Judge Trevor McFadden noted this incident and said: "I hope you realise how deeply offensive, how troubling it is."

Mr Goodman has previously recalled that Seefried told him: "You can shoot me, man, but we're coming in."

Prosecutors said Seefried was the 12th rioter to enter the Capitol that day, coming in through a broken window, and that he remained inside for 25 minutes.

The drywall mechanic from Laurel, Delaware, told the court he regretted his actions and had "crossed the line" during the raid on the Capitol on 6 January 2021.

"My intention was to use my voice," he told the judge. "I never wanted to send a message of hate."

Judge McFadden found Seefried guilty of other charges, including entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct.

The three-year sentence is shorter than the nearly six years that was sought by prosecutors.

Seefried's son, Hunter, was also at the Capitol during the riot. He was convicted of obstruction and sentenced to two years in prison last year....

More than 940 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the breach on the US Capitol, and nearly 500 have pleaded guilty so far.
:---P GoMerrickGo

Judge Trevor McFadden was appointed by TRE45QN, but I don't read too much into it. Three years in prison is still pretty stiff for a semi-violent slaver/traitor loving terrorist.

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Re: Sedition

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Wonder what they want to talk to him about?

Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Sedition

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Former Air Force officer gets prison term for Capitol attack

A retired Air Force officer who stormed the U.S. Capitol dressed in combat gear and carried zip-tie handcuffs into the Senate gallery was sentenced on Friday to two years in prison.

Larry Brock, 55, of Grapevine, Texas, joined other rioters on the Senate floor only minutes after then-Vice President Mike Pence, senators and their staff evacuated the chamber to escape the mob attacking the building on Jan. 6, 2021.

U.S. District Judge John Bates also sentenced Brock to two years of supervised release after his prison term and ordered him to perform 100 hours of community service....

Prosecutors had recommended a sentence of five years in prison followed by three years of supervised release.
Still, it's a great day when a Cult .45 J6 terrorist gets locked up.
... “When we get to the bottom of this conspiracy we need to execute the traitors that are trying to steal the election, and that includes the leaders of the media and social media aiding and abetting the coup plotters," Brock wrote in a Nov. 9. 2020, post on Facebook.

In a Facebook message to another user on Christmas Eve, Brock outlined what he called a “plan of action if Congress fails to act” on Jan. 6. One of the “main tasks” in his plan was to “seize all Democratic politicians and Biden key staff and select Republicans.”

"Begin interrogations using measures we used on al-Qaida to gain evidence on the coup," he wrote....

His “plan of action” also called for a “general pardon for all crimes up to and including murder of those restoring the Constitution and putting down the Democratic Insurrection.”

“Do not kill LEO unless necessary,” he wrote, apparently referring to law enforcement officers.
... Bates convicted Brock of all six counts in his indictment, including obstruction of an official proceeding, the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden's electoral victory, The obstruction charge is a felony; the other five counts are misdemeanors.
... In a letter to the judge, a retired Air Force major general praised Brock's military service. The major general, whose name was redacted from public court filings ...
:bs: Public record. If you support a felon, don't be a coward about it.
... Brock was employed as a commercial airline pilot on Jan. 6. His lawyer said the Federal Aviation Administration revoked Brock's licenses after his January 2021 arrest.
Approximately 1,000 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the Jan. 6 riot. More than 400 of them have been sentenced, with over half getting terms of imprisonment ranging from seven days to 10 years.

At least 70 of the sentenced rioters have served in the military, according to an Associated Press review of court records.

Also on Friday, a rioter who signed up for the Air Force after assaulting police at the Capitol was sentenced to three years and four months in prison by U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton. Aiden Bilyard was 18 when he sprayed a chemical irritant toward a line of police officers before using a baseball bat to smash a window at the Capitol.

Bilyard was attending basic training at Lackland Air Force Base near San Antonio, Texas, when the FBI questioned him several months after the riot. He later separated from the Air Force and returned home to Cary, North Carolina. Bilyard, now 20, pleaded guilty to an assault charge last year.
Another Cult .45 J6 terrorist gets locked up. GoMerrickGo!

"Liberal" judges?

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates:
Vietnam-era veteran
Reagan/Daddy Shrub prosecutor
Investigated President Bill Clinton under Kenneth Starr
Appointed by Baby Shrub

U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton:
Tough-on-crime mentality
Associate director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Appointed by Baby Shrub

Haha, Trumpettes, you lose again.

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Re: Sedition

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Undoubtedly, some of those who were at the Capitol on 1/6 did not know exactly what they were getting into, and did not arrive intending to commit a crime. Also undoubtedly, some went there with the specific intent to disrupt the lawful election process. But for those who claim "peaceful protest" etc., it would be interesting to ask them, "So when you got up in the morning and got dressed for your adventure, what did you expect to do with those zip-tie cuffs? And did you select your combat gear as some sort of costume that would show your peaceful intent?"

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Re: Sedition

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Crying rivers.
A North Carolina man, the second youngest defendant in more than 1,000 arrests linked to the deadly riot at U.S. Capitol, will spend the next three years of his early adulthood behind bars.

Aiden Bilyard of Cary was 18 when he sprayed chemical agents at police and broke out a window in the Capitol during the violent mob attack on Jan. 6, 2021, to keep Donald Trump in office.

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton sentenced the now-21-year-old to 40 months in prison for assaulting police with a deadly or dangerous weapon. ... 71355.html

Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:59 pm
Crying rivers.
A North Carolina man, the second youngest defendant in more than 1,000 arrests linked to the deadly riot at U.S. Capitol, will spend the next three years of his early adulthood behind bars.... ... 71355.html ... lation.jpg
Me too. :crybaby:
Jury convicts Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys on seditious conspiracy charge

Former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio and three other members of the far-right Proud Boys group have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy by a federal jury in Washington, D.C.

Jurors also convicted Tarrio and the others of obstructing an official proceeding, conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging their duties, obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder and destruction of government property with value of over $1,000 in one of the most important cases to date stemming from the siege on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021....

The convictions amount to a significant victory for the Justice Department, which has now secured them against top leaders of both the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers for their roles in the attempt to keep former President Trump in power and stop certification of the 2020 election.

"Today's verdict makes clear the Justice Department will do everything in its power to defend the American people and to defend democracy," Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a brief statement at the building's headquarters.

He praised the skill and courage of the prosecutors who have worked on the January 6th cases and said they had secured more than 600 convictions. Garland said that work would continue.
... Tarrio and the other defendants, who have been held in federal custody in the course of the trial, face as many as 20 years in prison on the most serious charges against them.
Lock them up!
... Both prosecutors and defense lawyers played the jury a video of Trump calling on the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" during a presidential debate, a moment that made the club jubilant and produced a flood of new membership inquiries....
Lock him up!

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Re: Sedition

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:happy-cheerleaderkid: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Has DOJ lost a Jan 6 case yet?
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:02 pm
:happy-cheerleaderkid: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Has DOJ lost a Jan 6 case yet?
Has the doj prosecuted trump for his part? The rest is just deflection from the primary crime.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Sedition

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:20 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:02 pm
:happy-cheerleaderkid: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Has DOJ lost a Jan 6 case yet?
Has the doj prosecuted trump for his part? The rest is just deflection from the primary crime.
Good point, but I do think it's a decent strategy to sweep up from the bottom. If and when he bags Trump, he'll have hundreds of related convictions on the books, with many if not most of them heading to jail saying in effect "Trump told me to do it."

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Re: Sedition

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O Really wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:48 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:20 pm
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:02 pm
:happy-cheerleaderkid: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Has DOJ lost a Jan 6 case yet?
Has the doj prosecuted trump for his part? The rest is just deflection from the primary crime.
Good point, but I do think it's a decent strategy to sweep up from the bottom. If and when he bags Trump, he'll have hundreds of related convictions on the books, with many if not most of them heading to jail saying in effect "Trump told me to do it."
I hope that's the reason
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:02 pm
:happy-cheerleaderkid: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Has DOJ lost a Jan 6 case yet?
There have been acquittals on some charges, as happened yesterday with Dominic Pezzola, and sentences reduced from what was asked by prosecutors, but I don't think anyone has been completely acquitted.

Go Jack Smith Go!

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 05, 2023 8:32 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:02 pm
:happy-cheerleaderkid: :happy-cheerleaderkid:

Has DOJ lost a Jan 6 case yet?
There have been acquittals on some charges, as happened yesterday with Dominic Pezzola, and sentences reduced from what was asked by prosecutors, but I don't think anyone has been completely acquitted.

Go Jack Smith Go!
Orange man unhappy.

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Re: Sedition

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Y'know, if, before Trump was in office*, somebody posted stuff like that it would have been relegated to the pages of the chase for the Rothchilds, the illuminati, and Hillary's space alien baby. Now it's taken as close to mainstream commentary. Maybe not the Rothchilds and the illuminati, but all the rest.

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Re: Sedition

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O Really wrote:
Fri May 05, 2023 10:39 am
Y'know, if, before Trump was in office*, somebody posted stuff like that it would have been relegated to the pages of the chase for the Rothchilds, the illuminati, and Hillary's space alien baby. Now it's taken as close to mainstream commentary. Maybe not the Rothchilds and the illuminati, but all the rest.
Can you possibly explain why at least some charges haven't been filed? Especially as this appears to be a slam dunk?

Can't they always add more at a later date if needed?

What am I missing here?

Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Sedition

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I'm guessing that Garland d doesn't want to seem to be harassing or filing nusience charges and wants to take the one big swipe he'll get with as much as he can.

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Re: Sedition

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O Really wrote:
Fri May 05, 2023 1:42 pm
I'm guessing that Garland doesn't want to seem to be harassing or filing nuisance charges and wants to take the one big swipe he'll get with as much as he can.
The docs case along with J6 is mostly in Jack Smith's hands. If there's usable evidence in the tweet I'll bet he's noticed.

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