O Really wrote: ↑Fri May 26, 2023 11:09 am
This idiot also has to believe that all space and satellite photos are fake, or that satellites don't really exist, or that you can't really fly or sail around the world, and that all the early explorer stories are lies and myths. She has to believe that the entire space programs since the early 60's of all countries are hoaxes. She has to believe that seeing a horizon is some kind of fixed genetic limit in the eyes of how far they can see and not due to earth curvature. She has to believe that there are edges to the flat world and have some explanation as to how nobody has been there, maybe because its where the Sasquatches, Nessies, and little green aliens really live. Boggles the mind.
They've got wingnutty explanations for all of that.
I'm not as bothered by this as I probably should be:
"tranny semen"?
Mannarino linked to a
page on Chick-fil-A’s website about their commitment to diversity.
“Chick-fil-A’s Corporate Purpose is ‘To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A,'” the website states. “One of our core values at Chick-fil-A, Inc. is that we are better together. When we combine our unique backgrounds and experiences with a culture of belonging, we can discover new ways to strengthen the quality of care we deliver: to customers, to the communities we serve and to the world.”
How awful!
The sorts of things a DEI executive could do to advance diversity could include hiring more people from diverse backgrounds, making sure that the company isn’t discriminating against minority workers, and creating an environment where people of diverse backgrounds feel welcome.
Currently, it’s not known what exactly McReynolds will be doing. He said that he is “committed to ensuring mutual respect, understanding and dignity everywhere we do business” in a statement posted to the Chick-fil-A website.
“These tenets are good business practice and crucial to fulfilling our Corporate Purpose.”
Chick-fil-A has become a cause célèbre for Christian conservatives. Ever since it faced criticism in 2012 for its donations to extreme anti-LGBTQ+ organizations, Evangelicals have flocked to the restaurant to show their support for its conservative values. So any criticism of the fast food chain can be perceived as an attack on conservative Christians themselves.
... Years later, they were again caught donating to groups that oppose LGBTQ+ equality, and the chain again promised to stop donating to them. But a report in 2021 showed that Cathy – one of the heirs to the Chick-fil-A fortune with an estimated net worth of $8 billion – was giving money to organizations working to pass anti-trans laws in dozens of states and blocking the Equality Act in Congress.
Conservative support for Chick-fil-A went so deep that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed what was informally called the “Save Chick-fil-A” bill in 2019, which was meant to protect businesses from “adverse actions” because of the businesses’ “religious beliefs” or “moral convictions.” Abbott surrounded himself with Chick-fil-A food while signing the law.
Just invite everybody to a campfire and you guys can form a circle and take turns crying about it
Usually when Little Joey has one of these, it’s a cross burning
It’s quite the tell when right wingers consider a company hiring a diversity officer as “abandoning their base.” Just say it already.. You know you want to.
Listen to yourself dude, acting like a fast food company betrayed you. We make fun of kids for being dramatic and you're being just as dramatic over something that literally doesn't affect you.
DEI is satanic. It's Marxism trying to overtake & infiltrate every single American corporation & institution to destroy us & insult the Lord. It's NOT a coincidence Marxists are targeting a patriotic Christian business! All TRUE Americans have a duty to BOYCOTT Chik-fil-A NOW!
Sadly, yes. I love CFA and this will end my support, no more money for DIE.
yes I’m afraid they’ve gone woke ! Go woke, go broke !
Bass Pro next!

Comments under a different
History does repeat itself for those who do not learn it. Robespierre went to the guillotine for not being faithful to the revolution. Today the Cathy family isnt conservative enough. Next, Newt Gingrich will be a lefty.
It must be exhausting being outraged constantly. Pretty soon there will no store or restaurant or any business they can patronize. Good, less crowded for the rest of us and shorter lines.
Imagine what passes for the conservative of today having a problem for a business engaging in good business practices. The so-called "republicans" of today have lost their minds - over a nonsensical "problem".
Create a problem then raise money to combat it .Hate is a great unifier! Give people something or someone to hate and they will finance your lifestyle for years to come.
They are going after God's chicken. This is one of the only companies that won't open on the lord's day. The far right is protesting a far right eatery. Only in 2023!!