The homophobic thread :>

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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So TV news tonight featured a non-profit center that provides a variety of services to LGBT people in need. News chick managed to keep a straight face discussing the availability of donated clothing from the center's "community closet." Yeppers, the LGBT service center really needs a community closet.

It's a good organization, though, and deserves praise even with their closet.
Established in 1972 as a community-based nonprofit organization, The San Diego LGBT Community Center is one of the most vibrant and largest LGBTQ community centers in the nation. Functioning as the San Diego LGBTQ community’s anchor organization, The Center provides targeted programs and services to the full diversity of the San Diego LGBT community, including men, women, youth, seniors, transgender and non-binary individuals, families, LGBTQ Latino/a/x community members, and their families, and those living with HIV. From the start, The Center has created and provided innovative services, many first in the nation. Below find just a few examples:

The first court-ordered same-sex domestic violence program in the nation
The first program in the nation dedicated to the Latina/o/x community
The first Youth drop-in Center in San Diego devoted to LGBTQ youth
The only agency who offers free and anonymous HIV testing in San Diego
The first Emergency Overnight Housing program devoted to LGBTQ youth in San Diego
The first Host Home program devoted to LGBTQ youth in San Diego
Provides case management and support services at San Diego’s first LGBTQ-affirming housing program for seniors
The Center’s Food Bank won the 2016 Top Neighborhood Distribution Site Award
At The Center, our overarching philosophy and approach to providing support and services is trauma-informed care. Our support and services are designed to be both preventive and rehabilitative in working with people who have been impacted by traumatic events, including bullying, violence and systemic trauma. Our team focuses on 6 key principles with our trauma-informed approach – safety; trustworthiness & transparency; peer support; collaboration & mutuality; empowerment, voice & choice; and cultural, historical, sexuality & gender issues.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:10 pm
So TV news tonight featured a non-profit center that provides a variety of services to LGBT people in need. News chick managed to keep a straight face discussing the availability of donated clothing from the center's "community closet." Yeppers, the LGBT service center really needs a community closet.

It's a good organization, though, and deserves praise even with their closet.

Are you focused on the ironic word 'closet', or on the fact that the org does clothes sharing?

If the latter, there are plenty of impoverished gays. Plus, being a drag queen is probably pretty pricey unless the thrift shops and community closets are bountiful :o Then, sudden transitioning requiring an entirely new wardrobe must be costly :problem:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:10 pm
An issue you've posted on, close to your home:
Battle in Huntington Beach after transgender surfer barred from longboard competition

Sasha Jane Lowerson just wanted to surf.

But when the Australian longboard surfer attempted to enter an upcoming competition in Huntington Beach, the athlete, who was born intersex, learned that the organizer wasn't going to allow transgender athletes.

Instead, surfers would be required to enter the category of the gender they were assigned at birth, the organizer said in a video posted to Instagram last month....
Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies"....
Verifiable physical ambiguity, not just psychological transgender. Back to the article:
"As I walk my journey through the turmoil and the implications of people that want to spread misinformation, I've found myself wondering why?" Lowerson wrote in a post on Instagram in response to the situation. "Just why [do] people hate me for existing?"

... Former President Trump has said he plans to ban transgender athletes from participating in women's sports if he again wins the White House in November. Though the city of Huntington Beach is not part of the fight, some LGBTQ+ activists have expressed concern after the actions of a new, conservative City Council — which, among other things, banned Pride flags from being flown at city properties.
Huntington Beach is red.
Advocates such as surf equity activist Sabrina Brennan say a ban has nothing to do with athleticism or competition.

"It's a Republican and religious agenda that's playing out and, frankly, harming people," Brennan said. "The entire LGBTQ community is being negatively impacted. There's a lot of damage happening."

... International Surfing Assn. policy, which was updated last year, states that a transgender woman may participate in a women's event if she provides a written declaration saying she identifies as a woman and tells the organization's medical commission that her testosterone level has been below a certain concentration in the last 12 months. Lowerson wrote online that she meets all requirements for her to compete in the women's category.
Seems reasonable to me, Idk if the transgender community agrees with the requirements. Surgery won't affect performance.
"I think discrimination on public property, on public lands, is completely unacceptable," Brennan said. "To do this in a surf competition is absolutely not right. The ocean belongs to all of us."

Brennan, who runs Surf Equity, which aims to improve access, equity and justice in pro surfing, said forcing a transgender athlete to "compete in a gender category that they don't identify with is just really wrong."

It's also not in compliance with current policy, she said.

California Coastal Commission staff wrote in a letter Tuesday to Messick that if he wants to host the event, he will have to allow transgender athletes to participate. Banning those individuals violates the Coastal Act, a landmark law that declared the beach as a public treasure to be shared by everyone, according to the letter.

"Prohibiting or unfairly limiting transgender athletes from competing in this or any surf competition that takes place in the coastal waters of California does not meet the requirements of the public access policies of the Coastal Act and impedes access by discriminating against transgender surfers," Coastal Commission Executive Director Kate Huckelbridge wrote.
:---P Is being male even an advantage in a sport that's judged as subjectively as surfing is?
... Lowerson said in an interview with the Inertia that she entered the Huntington Beach contest to have fun. But now she's decided not to participate.
Understandable, but a shame.
... In 2016, the commission required the Titans of Mavericks, a famous big-wave contest near Half Moon Bay, to have a heat for women if it wanted a permit. For decades, the contest had invited only men.

In 2018, the State Lands Commission indicated it would lease the public beach for Mavericks only if women and men were awarded the same prize money. Historically, women have been paid less than male surfers participating in the same contests. Commission staff wrote in a report at the time that "the waves do not discriminate."...
:clap: :clap:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Knowledgeable commentary on the "Open" surfing tournaments here:
"Are Open Divisions in Surf Contests “Equal?” ... in-surfing

Some would argue that, similar to gymnastics, overall skills may be equal, but styles are different and might be judged differently, and in surfing would result in women being disadvantaged because there are a lot fewer of them and their riding may not hit the high-scoring actions that most top men could do. I'd see it similar to ice skaters back when the stronger men were first able to do quads and essentially no women could. So men would have an upfront advantage even if all else were equal.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 5:44 pm

Is being male even an advantage in a sport that's judged as subjectively as surfing is?

O Really wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 11:35 pm
Knowledgeable commentary on the "Open" surfing tournaments here:
"Are Open Divisions in Surf Contests “Equal?” ... in-surfing

Some would argue that, similar to gymnastics, overall skills may be equal, but styles are different and might be judged differently, and in surfing would result in women being disadvantaged because there are a lot fewer of them and their riding may not hit the high-scoring actions that most top men could do. I'd see it similar to ice skaters back when the stronger men were first able to do quads and essentially no women could. So men would have an upfront advantage even if all else were equal.
Thanks, I've never surfed. Idk what this tells us about a skinny, testosterone-depleted intersex person.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Video: US Politician Burns LGBTQ-Inclusive Books In Bid To Win Votes

Missouri GOP Candidate Says 'Don't Be Weak And Gay' In Bonkers Campaign Video

... Valentina Gomez is seen jogging through the heavily LGBTQ Soulard district in St. Louis, according to the Advocate, as she spews her homophobia....

Gomez, a MAGA-aligned Republican who’s a real estate investor, is among many seeking the GOP nomination in the Aug. 6 primary. The current secretary of state, Republican Jay Ashcroft, is running for governor.

One of her campaign promises is to “BURN all books that are grooming, indoctrinating, and sexualizing our children.” She made that statement in February while blowtorching LGBTQ-themed books she said were from the public library, which she would oversee if elected.

When Instagram removed the video, Gomez told HuffPost: “Just like President Trump, I am one of the most suppressed voices on Instagram.”...
:crybaby: :violin:

HAHAHAHAHA is this real? Oh my god what a trainwreck.
Literal homophobia 💀
MAGA destroys everything. This is PEAK cringe 😬
:---P More tweets at the link. Will she win? :puke-left:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat May 11, 2024 12:37 am
Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 5:44 pm

Is being male even an advantage in a sport that's judged as subjectively as surfing is?

O Really wrote:
Fri May 10, 2024 11:35 pm
Knowledgeable commentary on the "Open" surfing tournaments here:
"Are Open Divisions in Surf Contests “Equal?” ... in-surfing

Some would argue that, similar to gymnastics, overall skills may be equal, but styles are different and might be judged differently, and in surfing would result in women being disadvantaged because there are a lot fewer of them and their riding may not hit the high-scoring actions that most top men could do. I'd see it similar to ice skaters back when the stronger men were first able to do quads and essentially no women could. So men would have an upfront advantage even if all else were equal.
Thanks, I've never surfed. Idk what this tells us about a skinny, testosterone-depleted intersex person.
Okay, the genders aren't equal in surfing. What about:
Transgender Teammate
As the debate surrounding transgender athletes continues, major news is coming from the Netherlands national dart team as players resigned over a controversial policy.

Dutch darts players have resigned from national team over their transgender teammate. The decision of two veteran women darts players, Anca Zijlstra and Aileen de Graaf, to resign from the Netherlands national team due to their refusal to compete alongside a transgender woman has sparked a significant debate within the darts community.
:headscratch: Does anyone get naked in the locker rooms? Are there even locker rooms? It's darts, why have gender separation? Is it about alcohol tolerance? :wave:
... Darts
The Dutch Darts Association (NDB) defended Noa-Lynn van Leuven, stating that she has completed her transition and meets all the requirements to play in the women's category....
What more can they ask besides a completed transition?

Maybe the gender separation is so that no male barfly has to ever get beaten by a girl :think:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Back to the surfers ... ... 2f887b5dea

#1woman surfer in the world - Oceanside's Caity Simmers.

Edit: Interviewer is Shawn Styles now a meteorologist/cooking host, formerly a pro surfer and skíier.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 11:36 pm
Back to the surfers ... ... 2f887b5dea

#1woman surfer in the world - Oceanside's Caity Simmers.

Edit: Interviewer is Shawn Styles now a meteorologist/cooking host, formerly a pro surfer and skier.
Conrats. GoCaityGo

How far will Canadian bigots go?

Windsor woman waits for man who took hospital selfie with terminally ill dad to be sentenced

:shock: :puke-left: :angry-cussing:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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That's some weird ass ass shit.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:59 am
How do Republicans win any elections?
Americans really are that hateful.
Great minds . . . You beat me to it.

:roll: :crazy: Looks like Williams is good for at least one outrage per month:

Vrede too wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 7:09 am
MAGAt Colorado Republican Party chair gone wild:
Colorado politics reporter's expulsion from a Republican gathering causes uproar

... Journalists and prominent politicians, including the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party, came to the defense of Colorado Sun reporter Sandra Fish and against current state GOP Chairman Dave Williams, who said he had “no apologies” for ejecting Fish.

... Among other stories, Fish has reported on how the Colorado Republican Party under Williams’ leadership paid for mailers that subtly attacked one of Williams’ primary opponents, and that fundraising slowed under his chairmanship.
MAGAts hate the light of day.

Anyhow, this tangent is interesting:
... The state Republican Party announced on the social media platform X that it was endorsing U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert over one of her primary opponents, Deborah Flora, in the state's 4th Congressional District race, partly because “Deb Flora lied about participating in the CD4 Assembly process, & now she’s boot licking fake journalists who only help Democrats."

The post was a direct reply to Flora's post on X defending Fish, in which Flora said the expulsion was “wrong and a violation of the First Amendment.”...
I've said all along that Bozobert could win the crowded primary and then likely the general. This can only help.
Vrede too wrote:
Sat May 18, 2024 9:46 am

How dumb is the CO GQP?

Pretty effing dumb. It has endorsed her (Bozobert's) CO4 bid.

Colorado GOP chair's embrace of Trump tactics splits party as he tries to boost his own campaign

:puke-left: Sleazebag, typical MAGAt.
Lock the flag burners up, including Williams for incitement. From your article:
... "For those in the back, both parties are NOT the same," Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib wrote in a post on X. “This type of vile hatred has come to define the CO GOP and it's why we're organizing up and down the ballot to beat them at all levels."...

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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"I'd like to thank my family, my coaches, and in particular my surgeons who made it possible for me to compete for this honour..."

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:55 am
"I'd like to thank my family, my coaches, and in particular my surgeons who made it possible for me to compete for this honour..."
... says every contestant :P

:---P :clap:

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:50 pm
O Really wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:55 am
"I'd like to thank my family, my coaches, and in particular my surgeons who made it possible for me to compete for this honour..."
... says every contestant :P

Well there's that. But some surgeons have to work more than others.

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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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O Really wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:01 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:50 pm
O Really wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:55 am
"I'd like to thank my family, my coaches, and in particular my surgeons who made it possible for me to compete for this honour..."
... says every contestant :P

Well there's that. But some surgeons have to work more than others.

GQP astroturf bigotry :roll: :

A Leonard Leo-Linked Group Is Secretly Funding Legislative Attacks On Trans Rights
Documents obtained by HuffPost show that Leo, a powerful figure who helped Donald Trump select Supreme Court justices, has funneled money to a group pushing gender-affirming care bans.


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Re: The homophobic thread :>

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7.6% of adults in the U.S. now identify as LGBTQ+ according to poll
According to Gallup, demographic trends indicate that LGBTQ+ people could account for more than 10% of U.S. adults in the next three years.

:shock: Better recruiting than the Mormons.

The sheep are herded sooo easily:
Republican support for marriage equality drops as conservatives ramp up anti-trans panic
Most Republicans supported same-sex marriage in 2022. Now they're a minority in their party.


Sonia Sotomayor issues a “clarion call” on the threat to marriage equality
Supreme Court justice says the conservative majority makes “the same fatal error it made in Dobbs” in a just-decided immigration case.

Vacationing conservative freaks out after seeing drag queens in hotel lobby: “Call the police!”
She shouted about how her son "might think he can put on makeup and... high heels and have his penis cut off and take estrogen and grow fake boobs!"

A woman on vacation in Hawaii lost it when she discovered three drag queens sitting in the lobby of her hotel.

Beth Bourne, a local chair for the anti-LGBTQ+ Moms for Liberty chapter in Davis, California and an employee at the university there, came across the three drag artists at the Alohilani Resort Waikiki where she was staying.
Fire her bigoted ass.
... The backstory to Bourne’s attack is a sad one.

It turns out one of Bourne’s own kids recently came out as trans and nonbinary, pushing Bourne over the edge into her anti-trans activism — and tearing her family apart in the process.

Opps, karma :lol:

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