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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:58 pm
Someone hasn't learned their lesson and really wants another pardon.

Plus he's off the rails and batshit crazy.

The Usurper at 1600
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Trump calls for Liz Cheney to be jailed for investigating him over Capitol attack
Former president’s posts on Truth Social about Republican critic stoke fears of persecution of opponents if he wins 2024 election

... In posts on Sunday on his Truth Social platform, Trump said other members of the congressional committee that investigated the Capitol attack – and concluded he had plotted to overturn his 2020 electoral defeat to Joe Biden – should be imprisoned.

Those statements followed Trump’s previous comments that he would act like a “dictator” on the first day of a second presidency if given one by voters....
:roll: :crybaby:

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Social media influencer is charged with joining the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol

A conservative social media influencer has been charged with storming the U.S. Capitol and passing a stolen table out of a broken window, allowing other rioters to use it as a weapon against police, according to court records unsealed on Monday.

Isabella Maria DeLuca was arrested last Friday in Irvine, California, on misdemeanor charges, including theft of government property, disorderly conduct and entering a restricted area.

DeLuca, who has more than 333,000 followers on the platform formerly known as Twitter, is a former congressional intern who works as a media associate for The Gold Institute for International Strategy. DeLuca's profile on the institute's website says she served as an ambassador for the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA.

DeLuca also interned for former U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, both of whom are Republicans who have supported former President Donald Trump.
Nabbed a well-placed traitor. Good.
... A spokesperson for the Gold Institute for International Strategy said it learned Monday that DeLuca — who was hired in an unpaid position to update the organization's social media presence — was facing criminal charges and said, "following further internal investigation, we felt it necessary to sever our relationship.”
Ouch, getting fired from an unpaid position is pretty bad. ETTD
... When the FBI questioned her roughly two weeks after the Capitol attack, DeLuca denied entering the building on Jan. 6, the agent's affidavit says.
Coward, typical MAGAt.

Hey Maria, influence your 330K fan boys and girls to not be an idiot like you are.
More than 1,300 people have been charged with Capitol riot-related crimes. Over 800 of them have been sentenced, with roughly two-thirds getting a term of imprisonment ranging from a few days to 22 years.
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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:28 am
Social media influencer is charged with joining the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol

A conservative social media influencer has been charged with storming the U.S. Capitol and passing a stolen table out of a broken window, allowing other rioters to use it as a weapon against police, according to court records unsealed on Monday.

Isabella Maria DeLuca was arrested last Friday in Irvine, California, on misdemeanor charges, including theft of government property, disorderly conduct and entering a restricted area.

DeLuca, who has more than 333,000 followers on the platform formerly known as Twitter, is a former congressional intern who works as a media associate for The Gold Institute for International Strategy. DeLuca's profile on the institute's website says she served as an ambassador for the conservative youth organization Turning Point USA.

DeLuca also interned for former U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, both of whom are Republicans who have supported former President Donald Trump.
Nabbed a well-placed traitor. Good.
... A spokesperson for the Gold Institute for International Strategy said it learned Monday that DeLuca — who was hired in an unpaid position to update the organization's social media presence — was facing criminal charges and said, "following further internal investigation, we felt it necessary to sever our relationship.”
Ouch, getting fired from an unpaid position is pretty bad. ETTD
... When the FBI questioned her roughly two weeks after the Capitol attack, DeLuca denied entering the building on Jan. 6, the agent's affidavit says.
Coward, typical MAGAt.

Hey Maria, influence your 330K fan boys and girls to not be an idiot like you are.
More than 1,300 people have been charged with Capitol riot-related crimes. Over 800 of them have been sentenced, with roughly two-thirds getting a term of imprisonment ranging from a few days to 22 years.
GoUS AttorneysGo
No charges for lying to the FBI in her interview 2 weeks after the January 6 attack?
And what about the expenses passed on to taxpayers over the past three years to prove that she lied.

But that’s Biden’s doj - ignore the felonies, we have misdemeanors to prosecute.

The 1/6 prosecutions are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: Sedition

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:54 pm
No charges for lying to the FBI in her interview 2 weeks after the January 6 attack?
And what about the expenses passed on to taxpayers over the past three years to prove that she lied.

But that’s Biden’s doj - ignore the felonies, we have misdemeanors to prosecute.

The 1/6 prosecutions are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
-0-? We'll have to see at trial whether she gets properly fish-slapped and stomped.

"Justice" in San Diego neighborhood of Pacific Beach on Jan. 9, 2021, three days after the Capitol insurrection.
That day, far-right protesters ended up in a string of violent brawls with anti-fascist counter-protesters. Prosecutors, however, focused solely on Antifa, charging 11 defendants with dozens of felonies.
:roll: RW bias.
... defense attorneys argued the case opens the door for conspiracy allegations against anyone who protests against fascism, or even dresses in black. “It has a chilling effect on political expression,” said attorney John Hamasaki, who is representing Lightfoot.

... the prosecution’s high-profile approach has been criticized, in part because the two-sided street brawls only led to charges for one side. Video from the day showed fights involving people affiliated with the extremist group the Proud Boys and local white supremacist factions.

Yet the office of San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan chose to prosecute only black-clad anti-fascists. Stephan, a longtime Republican who left the party and ran in the nonpartisan DA election, has a history of supporting conspiracy theories about Antifa.

... In her opening statement, Deputy District Attorney Makenzie Harvey played numerous videos of the 11 incidents of violence from Jan. 9 that prosecutors have focused on, some of which only tangentially involved, or didn’t at all involve, either of the defendants.

White, Lightfoot, and their alleged co-conspirators came to San Diego “with the intention to shut down the speech and the assembly of a patriot group, for the simple fact that they didn’t agree with their beliefs,” Harvey told the jury.
:angry-banghead: "patriot" = Proud Boys and local white supremacist seditionists.
... Briggs noted that the people listed as victims in the DA’s case carried weapons of their own: at least two knives, a replica gun, gloves with kevlar-reinforced knuckles and pepper spray.

As USA TODAY first reported in 2022, those victims include people identified by activists as white supremacist agitators notorious for spurring fights in neighborhoods where they're not welcome. At least one has a criminal record and has long been involved with neo-Nazi groups.

“Please pay close attention to whether the people on the stand have vice — whether they’re really victims or not — and approach the prosecution’s case with healthy skepticism,” Briggs told the jury.
Pooor "victims".
Prosecutors, however, filed a successful, wide-ranging motion in the case a few weeks ago that severely limits how the defense attorneys may describe the pro-Trump protesters from the day of the crimes.

Throughout the opening arguments, the prosecutors objected to every mention by defense attorneys of well-known groups including the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters and local San Diego neo-Nazi organizations. At one point, Judge Daniel Goldstein halted proceedings and dismissed the jury before chastising Hamasaki for using such terms, noting that he had ruled on this matter “at least seven times.”
Judge must be a RWer, too.
San Diego community advocate Tasha Williamson, who attended trial in support of White and Lightfoot, said she was upset by the apparent inequity.

“Clearly, the district attorney only believes in the First Amendment rights of white supremacists, not the rights of people who look like me,” Williamson, who is Black, said.

“I heard ‘Antifa’ so many times, but not Proud Boys, or ‘American Guard’ or ‘Defend East County’ or any of these people who have threatened my life, my family’s life, who are known white supremacists.”

She added:

“You can’t even utter those words in that courtroom, and I’m ashamed to have to walk through these doors, where it says justice everywhere. This isn’t justice.”
... While the two face charges with varying sentences, Lightfoot could serve up to 18 years if convicted. The trial is expected to continue through the rest of the month.

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Re: Sedition

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This guy was zapped for felonies:
Man with megaphone who led Capitol rioters gets more than seven years in prison
Taylor James Johnatakis ‘barked commands’ and shouted step-by-step directions for overpowering police officers

... Royce Lamberth, the US district judge, said videos captured Taylor James Johnatakis playing a leadership role during the January 6 riot.
Royce Lamberth was appointed by Ronald Reagan. :---P
Johnatakis, who represented himself, with an attorney on standby, has repeatedly expressed rhetoric that appears to be inspired by the anti-government “sovereign citizen” movement. He asked the judge questions at his sentencing, including: “Does the record reflect that I repent in my sins?”
Christofascist, figures.
Lamberth, who referred to some of Johnatakis’ words as “gobbledygook,” said: “I’m not answering questions here.”
Prosecutors recommended a nine-year prison sentence for Johnatakis, a self-employed installer of septic systems....

A jury convicted him of felony charges after a trial last year in Washington DC....

“The crime is complete,” Johnatakis posted on social media several hours after he left the Capitol. He was arrested in February 2021. Jurors convicted him last November of seven counts, including obstruction of the January 6 joint session of Congress that belatedly certified Joe Biden’s electoral victory. The jury also convicted him of assault and civil disorder charges.

Approximately 1,350 people have been charged with Capitol riot-related federal crimes. Over 800 of them have been sentenced, with roughly two-thirds getting terms of imprisonment ranging from several days to 22 years.

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:---P JoltJoeJolt

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Highly Anticipated A24 Documentary on Jan. 6 Mysteriously Pulled from Amazon

The Sixth, a documentary from the super-hot studio A24 by the award-winning couple Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine, was set to have a same-day streaming release when it hit movie theaters on Friday. But seemingly without any explanation, those plans changed, and it may not be available to stream for free until after the general election in November.

Politico’s Michael Schaffer wrote about the shift in strategy on Friday, and he questioned why such a highly-anticipated, well-received documentary about one of the most important political events in modern history — one that may very well influence some of the viewing audience — has apparently been quietly kept out of the spotlight....
'Catch and kill', again :angry-banghead:

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He went to prison for Jan. 6. Now he's running for Congress. How do voters weigh insurrection?

Evans, 39, served three months in prison after joining pro-Trump protesters who invaded the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. That day, he had yelled, "We’re in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!” as he live-streamed crowds trying to stop Congress from certifying the election of President Joe Biden.

At the time, he had been a freshly elected West Virginia state lawmaker. Facing prosecution, he apologized and resigned from his post. But in this election cycle, he has proudly fashioned himself a “J6 political prisoner,” presenting his conviction as an ultimate MAGA credential in hopes of winning the GOP primary in the once-blue coal state turned reliably red....

Evans, a real-estate investor, is among dozens of people who participated in the riot in some capacity and have sought election to everything from school boards to Congress. This year, others include U.S. House candidate Chuck Hand, who is running in a Georgia GOP primary.

It's West Virginia, so his primary opponent is a de facto insurrectionist, too :roll:
... Whether that message resonates widely enough to topple incumbent Carol Miller – herself a pro-Trump Republican, among the 147 in Congress to vote against certifying the 2020 election – is an open question....

Chris Trent, a Logan County Republican, said most establishment Republicans support Miller, who emphasizes that she is pro-Trump. But he’s not surprised that at least some anti-establishment GOP voters, especially those frustrated at the lack of progress in addressing the state’s drug epidemic and or significantly boosting its economy, are drawn to Evans....
MAGAt wins either way :angry-banghead:

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 9:56 am

MAGAt wins either way :angry-banghead:
I'd be curious for an assessment of MAGAt's that are soooooo remorseful after being caught then doing a 180 and embracing their seditious behavior.

It's a strange phenomenon.
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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 10:30 am
I'd be curious for an assessment of MAGAt's that are soooooo remorseful after being caught then doing a 180 and embracing their seditious behavior.

It's a strange phenomenon.
Cowardly democracy-hating hypocrisy and self-serving dishonesty from MAGAts? Say it ain't so.

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 10:40 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 10:30 am
I'd be curious for an assessment of MAGAt's that are soooooo remorseful after being caught then doing a 180 and embracing their seditious behavior.

It's a strange phenomenon.
Cowardly democracy-hating hypocrisy and self-serving dishonesty from MAGAts? Say it ain't so.
With a glimmer of remorse and conscience when faced with consequences.

Then once again emboldened.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 10:48 am
With a glimmer of remorse and conscience when faced with consequences.

Then once again emboldened.
Cowardice, then true colors after trial.
:thumbup: Maybe there is a limit on what even GQP voters will stomach.

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 10:09 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 10:48 am
With a glimmer of remorse and conscience when faced with consequences.

Then once again emboldened.
Cowardice, then true colors after trial.
:thumbup: Maybe there is a limit on what even GQP voters will stomach.
Beat me by one minute! :lol:
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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 8:05 am


Man insults judge who sentenced him to 12 years in prison for attacking police during Capitol riot

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden was appointed by TRE45QN.
That guy is a treat. Guess he's hoping for a dolt 45 pardon and a job in his administration.
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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 9:40 am
That guy is a treat. Guess he's hoping for a dolt 45 pardon and a job in his administration.
Probably :puke-left:


Arlington National Cemetery Turns Away "Ashli Babbitt Memorial Stone" Truck

:violin: :---P

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 10:48 am


Arlington National Cemetery Turns Away "Ashli Babbitt Memorial Stone" Truck

:violin: :---P

I saw that and somewhere I read that some "Patriots" want trump 47 to exhume her body and have her interned at Arlington.
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Re: Sedition

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 11:14 am

I saw that and somewhere I read that some "Patriots" want trump 47 to exhume her body and have her interned at Arlington.
I'll bet that PINO Trump could order that :thumbdown:

Here we go again?
MAGA Extremists Heed Trump’s Call and Threaten Violence After Verdict
Donald Trump’s biggest supporters are plotting violence after his guilty verdict.

Supporters of the newly convicted Donald Trump are already disseminating extensive calls for violence. According to Reuters, which reviewed numerous posts across multiple conservative platforms, users have expressed desires to attack jurors and to kill Judge Juan Merchan, as well as to kill everyone in Washington, D.C., and Democrats overall.

“Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one user on Patriots.Win, a far-right forum that was created after its genesis, r/The_Donald, was suspended by Reddit for hate speech.

“Time to start capping some leftys,” wrote one user on the conservative blog Gateway Pundit. “This cannot be fixed by voting.”

“1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That’s the only solution,” said another.

Fanning the flames himself, Trump posted on Truth Social shortly before the verdict, calling Merchan “highly conflicted” and sowing doubt about the integrity of the jury vote process that led to his conviction. In response, Reuters reports, a user posted a photo of a noose on a hangman’s platform with the caption “Treasonous mobster of the justices system.”

Trump also published a campaign video on Truth Social after his guilty verdicts, promising to “liberate America from these villains once and for all.”

“This is the final battle,” Trump warns in the chilling video. “With you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the Communists, Marxist, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all.”...
:shock: Hopefully, they're just impotent :crybaby: :crybaby: throwing tantrums over being such losers.

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Re: Sedition

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Vrede too wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 2:29 pm

:shock: Hopefully, they're just impotent :crybaby: :crybaby: throwing tantrums over being such losers.
Be afraid, Solar is going to get up from his deathbed and lead the charge. :lol: ... #msg512603
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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