The Worker Thread

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Re: The Worker Thread

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Another reason to hate bosses (and lawyers :P ):
1 of every 5 job postings is actually fake, study says

... Its data showed the construction industry had the largest average ghost job rate out of all industries, with 38% of jobs being classified as ghost jobs. Art industry jobs came in second place at 34%, and legal jobs came in third with 29%. Greenhouse found in the second quarter of 2024, almost 31% of corporate services job postings never led to anyone being hired.

Companies post ghost jobs for a variety of reasons, like trying to project growth even if they aren’t growing, or because they are open to great candidates even if they don’t have a role open.

A survey from Resume Builder in 2024 revealed that 39% of hiring managers said their company posted a fake job listing in the past year. Among those who did, “approximately 26% posted one to three fake job listings, 19% posted five, 19% posted 10, 11% posted 50, 10% posted 25, and 13% posted 75 or more.”

Some hiring managers even admitted they post fake jobs to keep their own employees on their toes, saying they want workers to feel “replaceable” so they will work harder.
:ateeth: :obscene-birdiered:
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Re: The Worker Thread

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I find this practice despicable as well.

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Re: The Worker Thread

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Construction industry?

That's kind of a head scratcher.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: The Worker Thread

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No real surprise there. Other reasons include wanting to keep a "pipeline" going even if they don't have current openings, and posting as a technicality while giving the job to the boss' nephew. As part of the other side of the game, lots of people put in applications for jobs they have no intention of taking. Nobody should believe that anything they see in the overall recruitment process is not heavily coloured with smoke and mirrors.

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Re: The Worker Thread

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Dem Lawmaker Has Urgent 3-Word Warning For Federal Workers Tempted By Trump's Offer
Sen. Tim Kaine warned employees that the president's buyout might not be what they think.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) is warning federal employees not to cave to President Donald Trump’s offer of a buyout that would give workers about eight months’ salary if they leave their jobs next week.

“He’ll stiff you,” Kaine said on the Senate floor.

Contractors who’ve worked for Trump and Trump’s companies have frequently reported struggles getting paid. In 2016, USA Today reported on some 3,500 legal actions against Trump over pay disputes with contractors and others.

... He added that Trump doesn’t have the authority to even make that offer ― and anyone who takes him up on it is taking a huge risk.

“There’s no budget line item to pay people who are not showing up for work,” Kaine said....
:---P :clap:
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: The Worker Thread

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White supremacy, unabated:
Trump Revokes Workplace Discrimination Rules Enacted By LBJ In 1965
The new president just unwound a landmark anti-discrimination measure implemented amid the height of the Civil Rights Movement.

... The rule Trump nuked, Executive Order 11246, forbade federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity....

Judy Conti, government affairs director at the National Employment Law Project, a worker advocacy group, said Trump had stripped away a “key tool” in combating discrimination.

“This is not a return to so-called ‘meritocracy,’” Conti said in a statement. “Rather, it’s an attempted return to the days when people of color, women, and other marginalized people lacked the tools to ensure that they were evaluated on their merits.”
:o :cry: :angry-banghead: :obscene-birdiered:
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: The Worker Thread

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“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD

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