A Nutjob A Day

Generally an unmoderated forum for discussion of pretty much any topic. The focus however, is usually politics.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by bannination »

When wing-nut conservatives are talking about common sense and logic, I think this is the level they are at:


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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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The nutjobs over there are a hoot, but there's no sense in going over there.
Debates are about facts, and these folks are paranoids who live in their own
fantasy world and facts can't penetrate through that kind of stupidity. As soon
as someone says Obama is a Marxist and actually believes it, the jig is up, and
there's no reason to go any further. You can't fix stupid crazy. :crazy:

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Roland Deschain »

Bungalow Bill wrote:The nutjobs over there are a hoot, but there's no sense in going over there.
Debates are about facts, and these folks are paranoids who live in their own
fantasy world and facts can't penetrate through that kind of stupidity. As soon
as someone says Obama is a Marxist and actually believes it, the jig is up, and
there's no reason to go any further. You can't fix stupid crazy. :crazy:
So says the one to cowardly to log in and even attempt debate. Guess it's just easier to hide here and talk a big game right???

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

If Roland weren't such a wimp, he'd confront Solar on the BS he says but he's such a fucking pussy that he won't even sign on here with the same screen name he uses there for fear Solar will take him to the woodshed.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Repeat until no longer necessary......See these folks are paranoid, clueless, the sky is
always about to fall, exaggerating nutjobs. Nutjobs of this kind don't recognize facts or
common sense, it would interfere with their numerous crazy conspiracy theories. Again,
that's why it makes no sense to mix and mingle with them. It would be like trying to play
chess with a wombat. No connections.

Yeah, the Chairman runs this nut farm like some kind of commie cell, where no disagreement
is allowed for long. Pretty ironic given that he sees reds under every rock. And his knowledge
of U.S. history ain't all that great either. We're laughing at them, not with them.:

Where was Alexander Hamilton born, you know, that dead POTUS of years gone by.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Hamilton was a real president? I always thought he was just a mythical figure that was on a twenty dollar bill. :shock:

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by rstrong »

Roland Deschain wrote:So says the one to cowardly to log in and even attempt debate. Guess it's just easier to hide here and talk a big game right???
I logged into Solar's forum. I made one (1) post. It was slightly humorous, did not contain any harsh language, and did not show any disrespect whatsoever to anyone on the forum.

I was banned within minutes. "Nascarfan88" (or whatever name he uses over there") had gone crying to Solar that I was a "liberal", because on the old forum I had disproven some of his claims, with citations. (In most cases *I* was the one taking the conservative stance, but for Nascarfan88 anyone who disagrees with him is by definition a "liberal.")

It's Solar and his forum that are too cowardly to risk - let alone attempt - actual debate.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Roland still hasn't had the balls to post there as Roland Deschain or to confront Solar on any of his bull shit.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

The latest from Taxed:
This is a conservative forum, so we're up to speed on the issues. If you come here and post some idiocy, you are obligated to back up your assertions. This forum doesn't exist for you to facilitate liberal propaganda where you post and run. You need to debate. If you concede, that's fine; just post that. You have some unfinished business in the Patriotism vs Nationalism thread in regards to the S&L crisis.

This isn't a RINO or lib forum. We rub your nose in your liberal idiocy. If you post elsewhere and ignore it, I'll have to put you on a 24 hour ban. You know who you are.
And poor little Solar looks for a pat on the head from the forum owner:
on many forums you'll find these people run in packs and like a sounding board, echo these ignorant posts and like all lies, repeated often enough, become the truth of the day.
:-H :-H :-H :-H :-H :-H :-H :-H :-H

What hypocritical clowns. And Roland is still too scared to post under the name Roland there.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

These people are hilarious, they live in an upside down world. If you post some
idiocy, all the other nutjobs will second that idiocy and then take it one crazy
step further. And if you don't follow the head wingnut's rules, he'll ban you.
How first amendment of him. Still waiting for one of these clowns to back up
their assertion that Obama is a Marxist. It'll be a long, long wait. :crazy:

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

One of the newbs who goes by the name Shenanigans, offered a long very specific rebuttal to some of the BS being posted there. Taxed's response was to refer to him as being up past his bed time and ignored every point the guy made. He then posted the thread warning the newbies that this was a "conservative site" and demanding debate to which this new guy responds, "Sounds more like arrogance to me, not debate. And if your nose is rubbed in your idiocy, what does one get saved for being banned form your "intellectual" forum?" Taxed then says, "Instead of throwing a tantrum, why not just go defend what you posted? I'm sorry, but I can't let you skate."

Tantrum? Wonder when Taxed will go back to the the other thread where the guy did defend what he posted and respond like someone who has half a brain. Meanwhile Old Man Quiller continues to channel is inner Myspace angst ridden teen with stupid photoshop banners of horses asses.

And still no Roland Deschain. What a wus.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

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That's what's so funny about these jokers. They're always bragging about the
high intellectual and fact-driven standards of the place, and then when
someone actually debates them using those standards they act like little
kids and make fun of the person. They just can't stand to have anyone poke
a big hold in their nuttiness.

One of the head nuts was reminding people that a lot more people are reading
the forum then can be told by the stats. Yeah, sure. Just like a few weeks ago
when one of them actually thought Obama's advisors were reading the thing and
would put something in a speech because it was seen on Nutjob Central. Stupid
and totally delusional, and thus totally entertaining.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

I see Partisan62 had to run over there where he could be protected from reality a bit more.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

The wingers have become so obsessed with the poster known as Shenanigans they've started an entire thread for the sole purpose of insulting him. Poor Taxed is about to have a total meltdown. It's both pathetic and totally hilarious.

http://conservativepoliticalforum.com/p ... ans-11929/
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by bannination »

Vrede wrote:
Ombudsman wrote:...they've started an entire thread for the sole purpose of insulting him...
Hmmm, who does that more than anyone else in this forum?

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Yep, Parti shows up every once in a while to re-fight the Civil War and
argue that, compared to Lincoln, Hitler was a powder puff.

I don't think Shenanigans will last too long. Too much common sense will
threaten the wingnuts' world view. One of the head nuts will ban him for
some reason or none at all. That's how they do things at Nutjob Central.

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

Bully Defiant finally got something right:
one of the sure signs of a Lib is someone who thinks he is smarter than everyone else....all conservatives even the GOP variety are knuckle dragging ignoramuses who must be schooled by the super intellectual libs.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Ombudsman »

LOL - From Solar
I've noticed a serious trend, almost all stories and articles that have a comment sections have been taken over by Conservatives.
Libs are either completely at a loss from all the damage Hussein has done to the country, or just simply gave up trying to defend it, and you know the DNC has noticed this trend as well.
Well son if Newsmax and CPF are your only sources, then yeah, there's probably an absence of opposing thought.
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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Yeah, I saw that post. The only thing he defies is reality.

Hell, those folks aren't real conservatives, they're liberals
posing as conservatives to make conservatives look stupid.
Yeah, as if that was really necessary. :crazy:

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Re: A Nutjob A Day

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Ah, yes, Agenda 21- right up there with Roswell and FEMA concentration camps. What would wingnuts do without conspiracy fairy tales?
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