The Food Thread

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by Boatrocker »

My MiL worked for years in a Con Agra chicken plant. Nasty shit.
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by JTA »

Boatrocker wrote:My MiL worked for years in a Con Agra chicken plant. Nasty shit.
I pass trucks hauling chickens down Pleasantburg all the time. I think there's a plant somewhere near Rutherford road in Greenville.
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by JTA »

Honest question for everyone - Do you think we could produce enough food if we didn't use industrialized farming methods? Even if we could, do you think food prices would rise significantly causing hardships for people on lower incomes?
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by rstrong »

McDonald's biggest villain used to be the Hamburgler.
But now it's mostly just documentary filmmakers.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by Wneglia »

i guess I'm in the 20% who would try a Frankenburger if it were available.

While not test-tube meat, this fake chicken by Beyond Meat is available, and I might give it a try. It is supposedly available at Feelin Great Healthy Marketplace in H'ville.


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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by Mr.B »

"Would you eat chicken if you knew all the facts?"

The question is....would you eat anything from the grocery store if you knew all the facts?

I did like the fact that chickens are "dipped in bleach to remove all the poop". As Boatrocker said ..."nasty s**t" :lol:

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by Wneglia »

Tried the Beyond Meat grilled chicken strips. They were surprisingly close to the taste and texture of chicken, although the spices that were added helped disguise the difference.


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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Wneglia wrote:Tried the Beyond Meat grilled chicken strips. They were surprisingly close to the taste and texture of chicken, although the spices that were added helped disguise the difference.

I myself will never go "beyond meat" and I notice you've not remarked about going beyond meat since doing so; this makes me wonder if you suffer any sort of intestinal repurcussions or if you are, in fact, deceased. But never mind that, I will be cooking real dead animal meat tomorrow on a charcoal grill with the concept of "surprisingly close" being irrelevant. I expect it to be damn good, not approximating anything.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by Wneglia »

neoplacebo wrote:
Wneglia wrote:Tried the Beyond Meat grilled chicken strips. They were surprisingly close to the taste and texture of chicken, although the spices that were added helped disguise the difference.

I myself will never go "beyond meat" and I notice you've not remarked about going beyond meat since doing so; this makes me wonder if you suffer any sort of intestinal repurcussions or if you are, in fact, deceased. But never mind that, I will be cooking real dead animal meat tomorrow on a charcoal grill with the concept of "surprisingly close" being irrelevant. I expect it to be damn good, not approximating anything.
I'm still alive, but may have a bit more gas from the soybean component. Agree that real dead meat is much better than faux meat. My curiosity has been sated.


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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Good to know you went beyond meat and survived. I myself confess to an unnatural affinity for those plastic fruits you sometimes see in displays; they look delicious, but as yet I have not ventured "beyond fruit."

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede wrote:...
I agree that genetically modified food should be labeled properly for the consumer to ensure safety...

Nice! I hope he's doing something about it.

Mark Meadows (R-NC11)
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"should be" does not translate into any intent for action when you're anti-regulation. He probably thinks that the producers will just properly label their GMF's voluntarily because their marketing people think they'll sell more. Right, that's the ticket. :roll:

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by rstrong »

And if labeling does happen, someone will point out that selective breeding - which included essentially all the chicken, beef, pork and grains we eat - is genetic modification.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede wrote: I find these BS non-responses to be quite irritating and it's one of the reasons that my support for Hagan will likely be limited to my Nov. vote.
They are irritating, but don't hold it against Hagan personally. Consider the time and effort involved if they actually crafted a direct and on point response to every inquiry. But that and your experience with the Tennessee idiot are part of the reason I don't find "write your Congressman" campaigns to have much merit. If they want to know what your opinion is, they run a poll and a focus group.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede wrote:...

Sometimes, letters and petitions work: ... ash#p37267
Well, there is that.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

what good does it do to tell the repugs anything

a side note on school lunches

the cafeteria workers once cooked meals and held respectable jobs, but now most of the work is farmed out to corporations (at the same time county pols will spend millions courting companies to bring a few jobs into the county) and cafeteria workers can now be paid low wages to assemble meals and have to get government assistance to make ends meet. I may have lucked out but in my 5 years teaching the lunches were good home cooked meals

The main agricultural crop in my county (Santa Rosa) is peanuts. A few years ago (8 or 10) the county school board awarded a contract to a factory in Chicago (where no peanuts are grown) to make peanut butter sandwiches and ship them to our schools. The low paid factory workers spread the peanut butter, trim the evil crust off the bread and stuff it all in a plastic bag for shipment half way across the country.

a couple of years later the man lil bush tapped to head up oversight of the peanut industry got caught (after several deaths) selling his ray shit infested peanuts to factories that supplied peanut butter to school systems, but not a word in the local media to connect the dots and of course, not the slightest discussion about the jobs that could be created by using local products in our local schools

I always packed my kids healthy and sanitary lunches, but all children should be offered healthy sanitary lunches. just another example of how local politics has been overrun with corporate swindlers
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

billy.pilgrim wrote:

what good does it do to tell the repugs anything

a side note on school lunches


The main agricultural crop in my county (Santa Rosa) is peanuts. A few years ago (8 or 10) the county school board awarded a contract to a factory in Chicago (where no peanuts are grown) to make peanut butter sandwiches and ship them to our schools. ...
Ohhhh, nooooooo!, Not peanuts!! Didn't you know that peanuts injury more students per year than firearms? Oh wait - maybe they don't. But still, .06% with an allergy is enough to ban peanuts from schools, right? Oh wait...maybe not.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by O Really »

Vrede wrote:
billy.pilgrim wrote:what good does it do to tell the repugs anything...
A handful might do the right thing and healthy school lunch activists can use the signatures in other ways to assist the cause, including helping defeat Repugs that do the wrong thing.
I'm with Billy. The scurvy slime balls know exactly what they're passing, and that it isn't popular. They don't care. And a lot of them are sufficiently gerrymandered that they would have to "get caught with a dead girl or a live boy" to even be at risk. Fortunately some of the worst of them do tend to self-destruct eventually. F'rinstance, there have been 8 SC sheriff's indicted in the past 4 years. Not that sheriff's have a vote in school lunch legislation, but slime is slime.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

you should never eat seafood from anywhere in or near asia

stick with the gulf and atlantic
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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by neoplacebo »

None of this makes me hungry. I'm against genetically altered anything, but I must say my prototype genetically modified sweet corn pants have been nothing but a godsend.

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Re: The Food Thread

Unread post by JTA »

Layered Bologna Cake with mayonnaise and mustard icing

You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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