What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote:Also, thanks to bannination, billy.pilgrim, JTA & rstrong. :oops:
Don't forget homerfobe.... :lol:

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

billy.pilgrim wrote: "bb told us about his navy experiences. it makes it easier to understand you two idiot"
Read what you wrote...pot meets kettle.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

O Really wrote: "Don't expect "O Really" to continue to find you entertaining. Too bad - I'll miss "Mr.B" too."

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:
O Really wrote:... As Banni said, to even attempt to find the IRL identity of a group member and then to use that identity as an "ace in the hole" is despicable....

So yeah, Mr.B - you've taken the sleaze-bag approach with your "ace in the hole" and your "reaping and sowing" analogy....
But insinuating my wife is a "cocksucker" isn't despicable,

:?: In most families it's considered a plus. I had no way of knowing that yours is abnormal.

and hanging (?) that "Mrs. B is fair game" ...

She was exactly as long as my parents were fair game and wasn't the very moment they weren't.
Vrede too wrote:... I'll leave the rest of your whining alone. You know what you did.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote:"...and hanging (?) that "Mrs. B is fair game" ...
Dang...left something out...."and hanging that "Mrs. B is fair game" thing over my head..

She was exactly as long as my parents were fair game and wasn't the very moment they weren't.
I notice you failed to or skirted around a reply to this...."insinuating my wife is a "cocksucker" isn't despicable"?

What I "said about your parents" was nothing ugly, and nowhere near as nasty and vile as what you said about my wife; you saw an opportunity to impress the others and gloat over it...you hate to admit it, but I'll say it again....you've reaped what you've sown, whether or not that's a "sleaze-bag analogy" would be up to an impartial jury.
Vrede too wrote:... I'll leave the rest of your whining alone. You know what you did.
Who's whining...? If anything, I'm gloating now! I'm well aware of what I did, and right now I don't regret it.

I made my overture; you "ran shrieking away".
Maybe one day I'll tell you how I did it..... :-0?>

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:... I notice you failed to or skirted around a reply to this...."insinuating my wife is a "cocksucker" isn't despicable"? ...
Vrede too wrote:... :?: In most families it's considered a plus. I had no way of knowing that yours (and homerfobe's) is abnormal.
Y'all think consensual adult sexual activity, even between married opposite sex couples, is "despicable", not me.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote:... :?: "In most families it's considered a plus. I had no way of knowing that yours (and homerfobe's) is abnormal."
Y'all think consensual adult sexual activity, even between married opposite sex couples, is "despicable", not me.
Ask me if I'm surprised.

Compliments of "Cherry-Picking" 101 :

24..Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:
25..Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26..For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27..And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

So your ilk considers "it" a family affair? That's normal?

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

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Fellatio, even between married opposite sex couples, "is against nature"?

No wonder you're so uptight.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by JTA »

Vrede too wrote:Fellatio, even between married opposite sex couples, "is against nature"?

No wonder you're so uptight.
Any form of sex except for procreation is against nature. Missionary with the lights off, once every few years when youre ready to brew another baby.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote:Fellatio, even between married opposite sex couples, "is against nature"?
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

No wonder you're so uptight.
I didn't write, I just agree with it. We are "supposed" to be higher than animals.

Let it go; it's passed.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by neoplacebo »

bannination wrote:On behalf of Vrede:
My real ID has been learned by Mr.B, something that is intolerable to me. I don't know how. I have a career here, this is an "at will" employment state, some of my views are not very PC in con NC, and I don't trust Mr.B as far as I can throw him. I have asked banni to close my account and delete all of my posts.

It has been fun. If any of you lefties want to stay in touch, ask banni, neoplacebo, JTA or k9nanny to forward me an email with your contact info. I'll reply directly or not as feels right at the time.

Viva la revolucion!
Huh.....I leave town and Vrede leaves the Forum on the same day......strange. So long, buddy.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

neoplacebo wrote: Huh.....I leave town and Vrede leaves the Forum on the same day......strange. So long, buddy.

He ain't gone no where....see "Vrede too"

Welcome back; did you get moved and settled in yet?

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:... Let it go; it's passed.
Ummm, your bigot buddy homerfobe, who you have not chastised, and then you brought up the topic of whether Mrs.B is a cocksucker or not and whether what most straight couples do is "despicable".

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote:
Mr.B wrote:... Let it go; it's passed.
Ummm, your bigot buddy homerfobe, who you have not chastised,
He's called me a few choice names, but he's not said anything about my wife.

and then you brought up the topic of whether Mrs.B is a cocksucker or not
That's a lie. There was never a "whether" in my posts. I stated what you insinuated.

and whether what most straight couples do is "despicable".
Another lie. "Despicable" is your usage...I cited the Bible's stance on unnatural sex acts.
I'm through with this garbage subject; time to move on.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

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:roll: Riiiight, I created the "Mrs.B's-cocksucking" tangent.
homerfobe wrote:... Mr.B's wife is a cocksucker....
Mr.B wrote:... my wife is a "cocksucker" ...
Both before I said a word on the topic. It's not my problem that homerfobe discussed Mrs.B's cocksucking or not and that you chimed in. :lol:
Mr.B wrote:.... "Despicable" is your usage....
:roll: Riiiight, I wasn't quoting you:
O Really wrote:... As Banni said, to even attempt to find the IRL identity of a group member and then to use that identity as an "ace in the hole" is despicable....
Mr.B wrote:... insinuating my wife is a "cocksucker" isn't despicable ...
Mr.B wrote:...."insinuating my wife is a "cocksucker" isn't despicable" ...
It's not my problem that you think what most straight couples do is "despicable" and "against nature", and that cocksucking women, including Mrs.B or not, "dishonor their own bodies".
billy.pilgrim wrote:bb is a lying cock-sucking piece of shit - always has been - always will be....

Once again, Mr.B has thrown Mrs.B under the bus in order to wussily deflect from his unethical choices.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote: "Once again, Mr.B has thrown Mrs.B under the bus in order to wussily deflect from his unethical choices."
So how far are you going to push...?

Do you think you're being cute or something?

Do I need to push a little more myself...... Or are you gonna let this die?

Oh....btw....Do you still have that "diversity" bumper sticker on the back glass of your vehicle?

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:... Do I need to push a little more myself......

Oh....btw....Do you still have that "diversity" bumper sticker on the back glass of your vehicle?
I'm sorry, does my quoting your posts - my wife is a "cocksucker" - and discussion of the topic that homerfobe brought to the thread and you endorsed bother you? :crybaby:

It's pathetic that you are once again issuing veiled physical threats that you will never have the stones to try to carry out, all because you can't admit that it was stupid of you to endorse a topic (that your bigot buddy brought to the thread) in order to wussily deflect from your own unethical choices. Grow up.

Maybe the whole point has gone sailing over your puny head - There is nothing you can do to me that I'm worried about now that my political and social views are gone from the forum. I have a lifetime of dealing with scarier bigots than you and your childish tantrums are inconsequential.

Fwiw, there is no "diversity" bumper sticker on the back glass of either of my vehicles. Good thing your threats are empty, you would have damaged someone else's rig.

banni, your choice, I offer no opinion this time. Maybe ask the others whether Mr.B's new, pitiful, 'I know where you live,' merits new sanctions.

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede too wrote: I'm sorry, does my quoting your posts - my wife is a "cocksucker" - and discussion of the topic that homerfobe brought to the thread and you endorsed bother you? :crybaby:
I didn't post it in that manner ...you did.

It's pathetic that you are once again issuing veiled physical threats that you will never have the stones to try to carry out,
I've not issued any physical threats; you're paranoid. You're the one who was frantic about "other wingnuts " knowing personal details about you. You're the "health professional" here, you should know how easily someone can snap when they get pushed into a corner.

..all because you can't admit that it was stupid of you to endorse a topic (that your bigot buddy brought to the thread) in order to wussily deflect from your own unethical choices. Grow up.
ME grow up...? Take a good look at what you're doing and decide WHO is the childish one here. I didn't "endorse" any such; you saw an opening and decided to see how far you could push it.
YOUR loving buddy said we were like two school kids; I agree...one-upmanship can be a real bitch, can't it?

There is nothing you can do to me that I'm worried about now that my political and social views are gone from the forum. I have a lifetime of dealing with scarier bigots than you and your childish tantrums are inconsequential.
You're the one who "ran shrieking away" and was frantic about "other wingnuts " knowing personal details about you. Had I been the mean-spirited individual that you envisioned me to be, you know good and well that I could have went ahead and divulged what I know. What I know is moot; it means nothing to me, but you have proven yourself to be the low-down, sneaky jerk that got you to this point; even though your ilk have accused me of being the jerk because I took steps to do something that I felt would back you off..

Fwiw, there is no "diversity" bumper sticker on the back glass of either of my vehicles. Good thing your threats are empty, you would have damaged someone else's rig.
Damaged your "rig"? ...I'm no vandalizing redneck. I referenced that only as a clue to other things that you would pick up on.

banni, your choice, I offer no opinion this time. Maybe ask the others whether Mr.B's new, pitiful, 'I know where you live,' merits new sanctions.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: wahhh wahh wahhh.... banni! make him quit! :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

Although I know....I care less where you live...there may be a few others that might want to know though. Go ahead and ban me. If I really, really wanted to do you harm (mentally, not physical), you know good and well that there's other ways than this forum that I could lash back at you. Also, Bann's not logged in here 24/7...I can always sneak in and register under a new name...etc. Or...Banni could kick us both out.

I requested we drop this, can't you just heed that...or is your pride, need for attention, and a need to grow up too much of an issue?

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:I didn't post it in that manner ...you did.

That's a direct quote of you, and it remains your topic, regardless. Take responsibility for your choices for once in your life.

I've not issued any physical threats; you're paranoid. You're the one who was frantic about "other wingnuts " knowing personal details about you. You're the "health professional" here, you should know how easily someone can snap when they get pushed into a corner.

It's funny when you contradict yourself in the same paragraph.

ME grow up...? Take a good look at what you're doing and decide WHO is the childish one here. I didn't "endorse" any such;

homerfobe posted, you parroted his tangent. Own it.

you saw an opening and decided to see how far you could push it.

The opening you and your bigot buddy decided to create. Now, you're whining at me because you don't have the stones to admit how stupid that was.

YOUR loving buddy said we were like two school kids; I agree...one-upmanship can be a real bitch, can't it?

Ummm, I'm laughing at how pitiful your one-upmanship is.

You're the one who "ran shrieking away" and was frantic about "other wingnuts " knowing personal details about you.

I am proud of who I am and what I've done but, as O Really and I have made clear to you, that does not include the possibility of sharing our forum posts with our bosses/clients. It's funny how you misstate the issue in order to try and fail at making yourself look good. Again:
Vrede too wrote:... I did choose to weigh the potential risk to my job over staying in this forum. If you want to call that "run shrieking away", so be it. You can both prove that you're braver than me. Leave all of your posts in place and post your real full names in the open forum. Then, homerfobe, you tell us your hometown and employer while unemployed Mr.B tells us, say, the name of his church. I won't hold my breath....
Had I been the mean-spirited individual that you envisioned me to be, you know good and well that I could have went ahead and divulged what I know.

You already were divulging part of what you know in open forum, and you know that it was enough information for anyone with malicious intent and basic research skills to do me harm. Quit lying.

What I know is moot; it means nothing to me, but you have proven yourself to be the low-down, sneaky jerk that got you to this point;

Project much?

even though your ilk have accused me of being the jerk because I took steps to do something that I felt would back you off..

How has that worked out for you?

Damaged your "rig"? ...I'm no vandalizing redneck. I referenced that only as a clue to other things that you would pick up on.

:roll: Whatever, the implied threat is clear.
Mr.B wrote:... Do I need to push a little more myself......

Oh....btw....Do you still have that "diversity" bumper sticker on the back glass of your vehicle?
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: wahhh wahh wahhh.... banni! make him quit! :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

What part of, "I offer no opinion this time," is unclear to you?

Otoh, you're being the :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: wahhh wahh wahhh :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: over my quoting you and pursuing the tangent you and your bigot buddy homerfobe created, all because you don't have the regard for Mrs.B or the cojones to admit it was a mistake.

Although I know....I care less where you live...there may be a few others that might want to know though.

Pffft, by definition internet bigots are cowards attacking whole groups anonymously because they're unwilling to face their own inadequacies.

Go ahead and ban me. If I really, really wanted to do you harm (mentally, not physical), you know good and well that there's other ways than this forum that I could lash back at you.

More delusional threats, pitiful. I had your one opportunity removed - my post history. My bosses know my real world history, it's a proud part of my resume.

Also, Bann's not logged in here 24/7...I can always sneak in and register under a new name...etc.

What part of, "I offer no opinion this time," is unclear to you?

Or...Banni could kick us both out.

I'm not the one making real world threats, dufus.

I requested we drop this, can't you just heed that...or is your pride and need for attention too much of an issue?

Sure, I will gladly drop your tangent if you ever have the balls to admit that it was a mistake to initiate it. Mrs.B got brought to this thread by homerfobe, who you have yet to criticize, and then by yourself, not me. Sans your taking personal responsibility, your whining about the predictable consequences of your own actions is hilarious. :crybaby:

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Re: What happened to Vrede? Answer inside.

Unread post by Mr.B »

"Pffft, by definition internet bigots are cowards attacking whole groups anonymously because they're unwilling to face their own inadequacies."
By that definition, that would also include yourself, Bannination, rstrong, billy.pilgrim, homerfobe, O Really, Boatrocker, Bungalow Bill, Sometimes Lefty....heck...everyone here, huh?
