The Whining Thread

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Colonel Taylor
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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Colonel Taylor »

Vrede too wrote:
Vrede too wrote:One thing I really appreciate about Colonel Taylor is that he insists on posting the same whiny stupidity over and over. Mostly all that's needed for response is cut, paste, then watch him run away from the responses while posting the same stupidity again. Thanks!
Colonel Taylor wrote:vrede you can do your little dancy twisty thing all ya want but BS is your forte for sure. So you weren't trying to find real world ID's with the IP addresses so were you trying to find our fairy addresses? :roll: You think you can BS chrome off a bumper in your own mind. You TRIED :roll: to out other members the end.
Vrede too wrote:Lie, as usual. I never attempted to find a real world ID. That's all Mr.B, one other poster, the poster Mr.B is hilariously defending now, Ombudsman, and the four or more cons that Mr.B claims want my ID. Project much?
Colonel Taylor wrote:If memory serves me right YOU were the one who posted pictures of GENE! Why do you now get upset when others want to do the same to you Is his career not as important as yours? Banni has now made sure that entire thread is so screwed up so you can't even follow it as It's not the way it was for more then a year. I still can't see the pictures or any comments about where he worked.
Vrede too wrote:
Vrede too wrote:The situation is not comparable, dummy. He never posted to this forum and his BRN posts were long, long gone.

It's hilarious that Colonel Taylor returns to the forum, posts so stupid and Mr.B swallows it.
No one was in a position to do any harm to him, idiot. Why is that concept so difficult for you to grasp? Oh wait, you're Colonel Taylor.
Vrede too wrote:
bannination wrote:... From my memory, people knew who ThisIsGene was way back before BRN was shut down. Could be wrong though, that was a long time ago.
Yep, he never posted here and no one had access to his BRN posts to use against him. This is far different from the situation Mr.B created for me and that Colonel Taylor cheerleads for. Colonel Taylor's comparison, as always, is goofy.
Colonel Taylor wrote:YOU posted and/or made it public here that an IP of a poster went to a Buncombe County or Asheville so others could see that the poster was posting from work as YOU said, so you were outing another poster, what goes around comes around same thing. Now all your post are gone so you can do your Lie and Deny thingy, how convenient!
:lol: Do you know how many thousands of people work for "Buncombe County (never did that) or Asheville"? I didn't out anyone, imbecile, or ever try to. All I did was show that unidentified con socialist workers are using our taxpayer paid resources and time to post anonymously to a forum. It's hilarious that doesn't bother you. Why not? Because it's perfectly okay with you for cons to abuse taxpayers, hypocrite.
Colonel Taylor wrote:I am not going to go thru thousands of post to find one were a lib in a post commented on my PM to them disappearing, it's happened here more then once.
Translation: After being challenged many times to link where the accusations I've made were ever discussed, I'm running away. If any of my hallucinations were true I would easily be able to find where I or one of my contard buddies had mentioned them, but I'm too much of a slacker to try and have no personal responsibility.
Colonel Taylor wrote:I am a mod on a forum with thousands of members and probably 500 plus post daily and I know I can go into accounts an do anything just as if I was that user. I can see PM's, their personal info, e-mail they used to sign up. I had only did it once to delete a signature line and lock that feature. I don't know enough to know though if the owner of the forum can see what I did and when I did it though, don't rally care because I wouldn't do anything dishonest....
Vrede too wrote:Paranoia, as usual. I don't think I had that power, but I never went looking for it, anyhow.
bannination wrote:... Now, PM's. Absolutely no one can access PM's. It's not built into the software. The only way to get any PM information would be to connect to the database directly and try to decipher text mixed with a bunch of html and @ codes. I have every access right imaginable, and I'm pretty sure I can't even delete PM's of another user, much less read them. At any rate, if PM's were disappearing, then why didn't someone say something?! That sounds more like a bug than a conspiracy. Someone could have at least checked logs for anything unusual.

Anyway, I think you're end goal here is just to bitch, but if it isn't, and you genuinely would like issues looked into, we're pretty transparent. Always have been. Reasonable requests are always considered, and then most of the time it's a group decision if it should be implemented.
Vrede too wrote:I could not have scripted it more perfectly - the end of my participation in this forum featuring the dumbest, whiniest and most illiterate, cowardly and dishonest poster we've ever had. Thank you.
Wuss extraordinaire you are.
Now after whining to have banni delete ALL YOUR POST you start to ask for proof. You will always be a whiny TWISTER! I have more then once posted the post where I showed you were a liar but now I figure we can't do that because you Whined to banni to delete you posts. So how long did it take you to come up with that strategy!?

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Re: Just for Fun

Unread post by Vrede too »

Vrede too wrote:One thing I really appreciate about Colonel Taylor is that he insists on posting the same whiny stupidity over and over. Mostly all that's needed for response is cut, paste, then watch him run away from the responses while posting the same stupidity again. Thanks!
Colonel Taylor wrote:For someone who is leaving you sure are hanging around a lot. :-H :-H :-H :-H :-H
Vrede too wrote:I'm not really around, crybaby. (Mr.B) succeeded in preventing me from ever posting about politics or society in this forum again. All the threads are yours except for the ones where (Mr.B and you) choose to attack me instead of manning up for how sleazy and immoral (Mr.B is).
Colonel Taylor wrote:I told ya I'm not going to look for one post in thousands especially since banni is now deleting threads/post you were involved with. :-0?>
Vrede too wrote:Translation: After being challenged many times to link where the accusations I've made were ever discussed, I'm running away. If any of my hallucinations were true I would easily be able to find where I or one of my contard buddies had mentioned them, but I'm too much of a slacker to try and have no personal responsibility.

Colonel Taylor wrote:You played this good, screw up endlessly then whine a beg (?) like the wuss you are to have banni delete your threads

Lie, as usual. No threads were deleted.

Why are you so angry when others do just as you did?
Vrede too wrote:
Vrede too wrote:The situation is not comparable, dummy. He never posted to this forum and his BRN posts were long, long gone.

It's hilarious that Colonel Taylor returns to the forum, posts so stupid and Mr.B swallows it.
No one was in a position to do any harm to him, idiot. Why is that concept so difficult for you to grasp? Oh wait, you're Colonel Taylor.
Vrede too wrote:
bannination wrote:... From my memory, people knew who ThisIsGene was way back before BRN was shut down. Could be wrong though, that was a long time ago.
Yep, he never posted here and no one had access to his BRN posts to use against him. This is far different from the situation Mr.B created for me and that Colonel Taylor cheerleads for. Colonel Taylor's comparison, as always, is goofy.

Colonel Taylor wrote:So nascarfan88 said he was a Fireman in Asheville

I never posted anything about nascarfan88 that he had not posted publicly, like your hero Mr.B did to me, nor did I do anything to learn his real ID, like your hero Mr.B did to me, whiny hypocrite.

you said you were a swaby in Hendo, see samething.
I never posted either. You lie, again.
Colonel Taylor wrote:So even though Wneglia may not of minded his picture being posted you still did it without his consent just as Mr. B should do! Same thing an out is an out.
Except that it isn't the "Same thing", you illiterate cretin.
Vrede too wrote:Ummm, he had already told us publicly that Wneglia is his real name, where he worked and what he did, and he never complained about the pic except to laugh and say it wasn't the most flattering one. Try to make sense, try hard.
Wneglia wrote:... I cannot fault Vrede, as it was not only done without malice, and was my fault for being stupid enough to use my real name when initially registering in the original Blue Ridge forum. This is the first non-professional forum I have participated in, and had I known the potential hazards of non-anonymitiy, I would never have done it, but once it was done, anyone could google my name and get pages of hits....
Colonel Taylor wrote:See ya later wuss,

Bye pansy. Run away, wussy Colonel Taylor, run away.

now go look for some more folks ID.

You mean a first one like your hero Mr.B does, liar.
Vrede too wrote:I could not have scripted it more perfectly - the end of my participation in this forum featuring the dumbest, whiniest and most illiterate, cowardly and dishonest poster we've ever had. Thank you.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Vrede too »

Vrede too wrote:One thing I really appreciate about Colonel Taylor is that he insists on posting the same whiny stupidity over and over. Mostly all that's needed for response is cut, paste, then watch him run away from the responses while posting the same stupidity again. Thanks!
Colonel Taylor wrote:Wuss extraordinaire you are.
Now after whining to have banni delete ALL YOUR POST (sic) you start to ask for proof. You will always be a whiny TWISTER! I have more then (sic) once posted the post where I showed you were a liar but now I figure we can't do that because you Whined to banni to delete you (sic) posts.

Ummm, your posts are still there and they were all cretinous hallucinations.

So how long did it take you to come up with that strategy!?

Ummm, my posts were deleted before you came back here to whine. Try to make sense, try hard.
Vrede too wrote:You've been challenged (many times) to link where the accusations you've made were ever discussed and you've run away. The only posts that have been removed are mine. If any of your hallucinations were true you would be able to find where you or one of your contard buddies had mentioned them.
Vrede too wrote:Why is this concept so difficult for you to grasp? Oh wait, you're Colonel Taylor.
Run away from by wussy Colonel Taylor, on top of all the other stupidity he ran away from that all I had to do was copy and paste responses to:
Vrede too wrote: :lol: Do you know how many thousands of people work for "Buncombe County (never did that) or Asheville"? I didn't out anyone, imbecile, or ever try to. All I did was show that unidentified con socialist workers are using our taxpayer paid resources and time to post anonymously to a forum. It's hilarious that doesn't bother you. Why not? Because it's perfectly okay with you for cons to abuse taxpayers, hypocrite.

Translation: After being challenged many times to link where the accusations I've made were ever discussed, I'm running away. If any of my hallucinations were true I would easily be able to find where I or one of my contard buddies had mentioned them, but I'm too much of a slacker to try and have no personal responsibility.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Vrede too »

Colonel Taylor wrote:
Boatrocker wrote:Okay,so I don't know this Colonel Taylor asshole- does he ever post sober?
I can't remember for sure but I think he may be a teetotaler. It's congenital or subsequent brain damage.

So do you kiss your kids with that mouth or just you (sic) boyfriend? Seems as though you have plenty of experience! :yawn:
Vrede too wrote:How adorable, Colonel Taylor is fantasizing that I'm gay. Clearly, he's that desperate to have intercourse with gays.
Boatrocker, too, that's how much Colonel Taylor want to be surrounded by gays, nttawwt.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

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homerfobe wrote:... doo doo ... asshole ...

... faghugger.... ass faghugger ... fag-lover ... faggoty ... asshole.... faghuuger ... ass-sniffers ... pee-hole ... shit. If someone were willing to pay for your ID, I have no doubts as to why. Rabid dogs and all that.

... boyfriend ... asshole ... queer shit ... wallow ... Queer shit ...

... faggots, twat twinkies, ass- suckers ... scumbag ...
Infantile, latent and obsessed. That's how Colonel Taylor and Mr.B's team is.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

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Vrede too wrote:Boatrocker, too, that's how much Colonel Taylor want to be surrounded by gays, nttawwt.
"Colonel Taylor", a soldier reference. Has a cowboy avatar. Obsessed with gays, an obsession he shares with our resident "priest". Apparently fantasizing about Boatrocker- presumably a sailor reference.

Dunno if he's gay, but he sure misses the Village People.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

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Colonel George Taylor is the Charlton Heston character from Planet of the Apes. Man crush, nttawwt.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by bannination »

Here you go Colonel, I did a search since you were too lazy to figure out if admins actually could read PM's or not. ... &t=1617915

It's exactly as I stated. Without going directly to the database there is no user interface for reading any private messages.

So what forum do you moderate on so that I know not to send PM's on?

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Colonel Taylor wrote:
Boatrocker wrote:Okay,so I don't know this Colonel Taylor asshole- does he ever post sober?
So do you kiss your kids with that mouth or just you boyfriend? Seems as though you have plenty of experience! :yawn:
Experience posting sober? Oh, yes. Rarely post while imbibing. How about you?
As for the language- don't like it, put me on ignore if its a fucking issue for you. I know how you pretend xtians are, with your so very selective sense of outrage and offense.
I will not lie down.
I will not go quietly.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Mr.B »

[quote="bannination"]Here you go Colonel, I did a search since you were too lazy to figure out if admins actually could read PM's or not. ... &t=1617915
It's exactly as I stated. Without going directly to the database there is no user interface for reading any private messages.
At least you explained it in a civilized manner; i.e. without trashing him or vulgarizing him like the two dirt-bags did.

Best thing to do is delete the PM after you've sent it, and delete a PM after you've received and read it.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Mr.B »

Banni, the least you could do is fix it so I can post a quote.

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Re: Just for Fun

Unread post by Mr.B »

Vrede tu-tu wrote: "You mean a first one like your hero Mr.B does, liar."

Heh, heh, heh...only needed the one.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by bannination »

If they're that paranoid, the best thing for them to do would be to use email, or encrypt their pm's.

As I suspected though, the Colonel is just here to bitch about made up crap he can't substantiate. The only remotely valid thing he's said is that there is missing posts in the thisisgene thread, and that's not even our fault, blame Mr.B.

Hell, here's my phone number, real name, and address:

--- This message has been encrypted using eComm Mozilla Firefox Extension
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--- End of Encrypted Message

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

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[quote="bannination"]"...... blame Mr.B." [/quote]

Of course.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:
bannination wrote:Here you go Colonel, I did a search since you were too lazy to figure out if admins actually could read PM's or not....
At least you explained it in a civilized manner; i.e. without trashing him or vulgarizing him like the two dirt-bags did....
"too lazy" is "civilized" and not "trashing"? On what planet?

Anyhow, is that what I did? Let's see:
Vrede too wrote:Paranoia, as usual. I don't think I had that power, but I never went looking for it, anyhow.
Odd, I don't see any vulgarity there. "Paranoia" is trashing, but what was it in response to?
Colonel Taylor wrote:... Hypocrite Libtart ...
... libtart ...
... When Conservative PM's to other cons were posted in threads where was the libtard outrage then Banni????????

Never happened.

When Emails were sent to Buncombe County whining about the use of their IP address during business hours from one of their employees on this forum where was the outrage then????? vrede even mentioned this in a post,

Never happened.

Gee wonder who did that with petitions no less I'm sure?????????????

What petitions?

When many of the cons were getting e-mails from posters here on their personal emails that were supposed to be private where was the outrage then??????

Any of us can send an email, but we don't see the address.


... been outing folks for years ...

Mr.B has become their champion.

... libtart buddies?? Hypocrite!

They'll be back with the typical LIE and DENY defense!

... libtarts are unable to think for themselves ...
... banni and vrede the board HYPOCRITES.

... I would PM you my e-mail address but you never know who is lurking and looking.

... screw up endlessly then whine a beg like the wuss you are ...

... wuss, now go look for some more folks ID.

Never happened.

... libtart ...

... Lie and Deny ...

... Still waiting for a viable answer as to why it was just dandy for banni or whoever he gave power to be allowed to intercept PM's ????? ...

Never happened.

... 75% of PM's between some of us cons were deleted ...

Never happened.

... HYPOCRITES much? He even LIED that I was other posters

Never happened.

and Y'all yucked it up! Ya'll are FOLLOWERS and never have a thought of your own that's why..

... if vrede wasn't the head homo ...

... CENSORSHIP and is also just dishonest!!
Banni you for sure the most HYPOCRITICAL person I have even encountered on any forum, now go back to your CENSORING!

... vrede was trying to find out folks Id....

Never happened.

... vrede made no secret as looking for the ID of others ...

vrede you can do your little dancy twisty thing all ya want but BS is your forte for sure. So you weren't trying to find real world ID's with the IP addresses


so were you trying to find our fairy addresses? :roll: You think you can BS chrome off a bumper in your own mind. You TRIED :roll: to out other members the end.

Never happened.

... you were outing another poster ...

Never happened.

... Lie and Deny ...

Wuss extraordinaire you are....

You will always be a whiny TWISTER! You will always be a whiny TWISTER! I have more then once posted the post where I showed you were a liar ...

Funny that he can't find even one of his own posts.
:lol: "Paranoia" was gentle. He's a one man freak show of pants-wetting delusional conspiracies.

Anyhow, that line was first posted to you, Mr.B, after you were so stupid as to slobber over Colonel Taylor's "truth telling". So, what was it in response to?
Mr.B wrote:... I was not going to continue to allow Vrede to trash my wife....

:lol: I quoted homerfobe and you in responding to the choice by the two of you to discuss your wife and cocksucking in a thread where she had never been mentioned. My discussion of YOUR TOPIC led to your latest hissy fit meltdown.

... even suggesting that I was homerfobe because occasionally our IP's matched.

Lying paranoia. I said homerfobe wasn't you when your new best friends, Ombudsman and Stinger (he had looked it up with his moderator powers here, not me), were saying it had to be you.

I don't know if they are/were capable of reading PM's, but given Banni's abilities of an administrator/owner of a forum, I have no doubts they regularly checked and snooped in on PM's

Here it comes:
Vrede too wrote:Paranoia, as usual. I don't think I had that power, but I never went looking for it, anyhow.
You ran shrieking away, as you always do.

As you now know, I couldn't and banni can't do that. "Paranoia" was 100% accurate.

... It's adorable though you're admitting your being the despicable, low-life, "tolerable" person you are

Trashing, imagine that.

would be cause for dismissal from your job.
Vrede too wrote:Nope, some of my uncensored political and social views views are not very PC in con NC, as I said. No one would care that I'm mean to bigots and idiots.

It's adorable how you post delusional stupidity, run shrieking away from the response, then post the same delusional stupidity again.
Like I said, there's someone willing to pay for my info, but don't worry, even though I was sleazy enough find you, I will only get sleazy enough to out you if I'm cornered again....
Vrede too wrote:Translation: I will never have the respect for my wife or the personal integrity to admit that opening that door by applauding homerfobe for using my wife to attack Vrede and doing the same thing myself was a mistake, but I will keep exploiting her to rationalize what I've done and am doing to Vrede. Shameful, caring husbands would be better than that.

I'm not really around, crybaby. You succeeded in preventing me from ever posting about politics or society in this forum again. All the threads are yours except for the ones where you choose to attack me instead of manning up for how sleazy and immoral you are.
This is your cue to whine, divert and run away from what a paranoid, hypocritical, crybaby dirt-bag you are.
Last edited by Vrede too on Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:25 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Vrede too »

Mr.B wrote:
bannination wrote:As I suspected though, the Colonel is just here to bitch about made up crap he can't substantiate. The only remotely valid thing he's said is that there is missing posts in the thisisgene thread, and that's not even our fault, blame Mr.B.
Of course.
Yep, you sleuthed my ID, something no one has ever done to you, and knowingly put my job at risk because you're such a crybaby when you can't hold your own in a debate. Since I have no way to stop your tantrums, the risk was removed. Man up and own it.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by bannination »

When many of the cons were getting e-mails from posters here on their personal emails that were supposed to be private where was the outrage then??????

Any of us can send an email, but we don't see the address.
I must have glazed over this point. This is true, btw, the send message feature hides your email address. It's another feature that can be turned off if anyone had asked.

Once again though, this was just a bitch session. It has no basis for the real reason you left, if that's what you're getting at.

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Re: Just for Fun

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7 years was a good run and I'll now have more time for productive endeavors. Knowing what immoral, tantrum throwing assholes you anonymous idiot internet cons are, I wouldn't have predicted it would last that long. I was planning my departure for exactly this reason 6 1/2 years ago.

I leave with the satisfaction of knowing that not only did I never even think twice about stooping to your sleazy, butthurt level, but that I deliberately respected your privacy and rejected opportunities to fight so childishly and dirty when the opportunities to learn your real ID were offered to me.

Heh, heh, heh . . . I win since my integrity remains intact.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Vrede too »

bannination wrote:
Vrede too wrote:
Colonel Taylor wrote:When many of the cons were getting e-mails from posters here on their personal emails that were supposed to be private where was the outrage then??????
Any of us can send an email, but we don't see the address.
I must have glazed over this point. This is true, btw, the send message feature hides your email address. It's another feature that can be turned off if anyone had asked.

Once again though, this was just a bitch session. It has no basis for the real reason you left, if that's what you're getting at.
One doesn't have to ask, it's a check off box in everybody's "User Control Panel".

Colonel Taylor is an idiot for not knowing this, an idiot for never trying to send an email to another poster and learning that you don't see the recipient's email address, and really an idiot for being a moderator, so he says, and not knowing this.

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Re: Where's vrede? Most CENSORER forum on the NET!

Unread post by Vrede too »

homerfobe wrote:... Het Vrede, I recall you one time mentioning your employer as the 'bastards you work for'. Is this the same employer that you claim is singing your praises in another thread? Another example of your lowdown hypocritical nature....
A valued employee can dislike her/his employer. It happens all the time, moron. For example, it would not surprise me a bit to learn that subordinates you've thought highly of quietly thought as little of you as we do, maybe even less.

However, that's not the case here. I probably posted something like that, but only in relation to my not being able to buy into the group health insurance entirely at my own cost - which is a bastardly thing, especially for a healthcare facility. Of course, you wouldn't understand this very costly dilemma that tens of millions of Americans face, socialist worker that you are.

Otherwise, I love saving lives and easing suffering every day, activities you're unfamiliar with, am well treated by my bosses and am satisfied with the work environment. In other words, the contradiction you hallucinate is entirely in your illiterate head and, once again, you're a complete idiot.

Vrede wrote:It's a dumb comparison since I've used the phrase to describe both of you running from your latent tendencies and Mr.B running from fact and logic. I've run from neither who I am nor challenges to any of my posts.

However, I did choose to weigh the potential risk to my job over staying in this forum. If you want to call that "run shrieking away", so be it. You can both prove that you're braver than me. Leave all of your posts in place and post your real full names in the open forum. Then, homerfobe, you tell us your hometown and employer while unemployed Mr.B tells us, say, the name of his church. I won't hold my breath.
Good thing I didn't hold my breath.
homerfobe wrote:... Oh yeah, one more. You wondered where I live, my hometown, my job and all.

Not exactly. I wondered if you and Mr.B would have the balls to put yourselves in the same position Mr.B put me in or if you would "run shrieking away". Looks like the point went sailing over your head, as usual.

I'm from Mass., live in Greenville near Woodruff Rd. and Hwy 14, I told you I was a socialist whore because I'm in the Navy.

You told us that you retired from the Navy. Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Opps, looks like you forgot to post a crucial element of my challenge - your real full name. I'm suuure it's just an accidental oversight and not your "shrieking" cowardice.

Any thing (sic) else? Oh yeah, I'm Black, black as the ace of spades....

Maybe, maybe not. What's really adorable is that you think anyone here, even the cons, would ever believe a word you say without independent proof.
Last edited by Vrede too on Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:57 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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