So off I went to the local PD and have a sit down with a young gentleman who was very polite. I ask why they will not return some of the items if they were his. Answer was we have an entire room full of items that folks can't get back because they have no proof. "We have victims leaving here in tears because we can't return G-G granddad's pocket watch because there's no proof it's theirs. We have firearms here that we can't return to victims because the have no serial number, we have a table stacked with jewelry that people have no ID for. He also said that the ins. co. story is true as this is their new way out.
His only suggesting for the future was to go back and write mod number. serial number and description on an index card put it next to the item and take pictures and send them to a relative for safe keeping.
Does anyone here do this???????
I started over the weekend!