Still thinking about voting for Obama??

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by gongoozler »

Vrede wrote:
gongoozler wrote:
Vrede wrote:
gongoozler wrote:
perspctv wrote:Because he is black...
He is?
You started a thread about it. Remember? - the one where you only care about lefty race cards.
Sorry, I forgot to include the [sarcasm] tag.
Just as I omitted the "Hoist by your own petard" tag.
I feel like you are the poster formerly known as Boat Rocker.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

Reality wrote: do not subscribe to the opinions of the Obama supporters on this forum.
What we have given you are called "facts" NOT opinions.. . . granted.. "facts" are of little use to rightwingers much in the same way that your opinion is of little use to reality... . But "facts" are what rational individuals use to arrive at reasoned decisions.. again.. a foreign concept to you rightwingers..

Now if you can do more than randomly peck the keys on which Fox placed your feed corn ... . do present something (anything) to back up your bs.. .. .. .
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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

Vrede wrote:
gongoozler wrote:
Vrede wrote:Just as I omitted the "Hoist by your own petard" tag.
I feel like you are the poster formerly known as Boat Rocker.
I don't remember her/him from BRN. I never posted to goupstate if that's where s/he was.
Boatrocker was another Left of Center realist that consistently handed these rightwing nitwits their ass.. ... He was also accused of being me, Alan, kilgore..etc.. and now you..

You're in good company..
`~~~:< .. Welcome to the Swamp.. .. Swim Fast..

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by gongoozler »

Crock Hunter wrote:
Vrede wrote:
gongoozler wrote:
Vrede wrote:Just as I omitted the "Hoist by your own petard" tag.
I feel like you are the poster formerly known as Boat Rocker.
I don't remember her/him from BRN. I never posted to goupstate if that's where s/he was.
Boatrocker was another Left of Center realist that consistently handed these rightwing nitwits their ass.. ... He was also accused of being me, Alan, kilgore..etc.. and now you..

You're in good company..
Y'all all sound the same to me. There's little to no diversity on the left here.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by rstrong »

Crock Hunter wrote:
Reality wrote: do not subscribe to the opinions of the Obama supporters on this forum.
What we have given you are called "facts" NOT opinions.. . .
As others have pointed out, facts have a liberal bias. The use of facts and fact-checking is a sleazy tactic that only liberals resort to.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

gongoozler wrote:
Crock Hunter wrote:
Vrede wrote:
gongoozler wrote:
Vrede wrote:Just as I omitted the "Hoist by your own petard" tag.
I feel like you are the poster formerly known as Boat Rocker.
I don't remember her/him from BRN. I never posted to goupstate if that's where s/he was.
Boatrocker was another Left of Center realist that consistently handed these rightwing nitwits their ass.. ... He was also accused of being me, Alan, kilgore..etc.. and now you..

You're in good company..
Y'all all sound the same to me. There's little to no diversity on the left here.
Yes... facts likely do sound similar no matter who posts them.. .
`~~~:< .. Welcome to the Swamp.. .. Swim Fast..

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Tertius »

Every President inherits problems leftover from the previous administration. And, every President gets dumped on him new problems. If the Obama was not up to the job, and now it is obvious he was not and is still not, he should not have run the first time.

"A man has got to know his limitations." I know most of us know Obama is not much of a man but it still applies.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Crock Hunter »

Tertius wrote:I know most of us know Obama is not much of a man but it still applies.
Yea... You guys all seem to have him at about 3/5ths... . :roll:
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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Tertius »

Crock Hunter wrote:
Tertius wrote:I know most of us know Obama is not much of a man but it still applies.
Yea... You guys all seem to have him at about 3/5ths... . :roll:
No, he is more like fat free half and half. Half milk; half cream and nothing good.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Ragin Rebel »

:lol: :lol: :lol: Poor stupid Liberals. That Obama Kool-Aid must be some powerful stuff!! Obama didn't inherit nothing. It was bought and paid for for him. All of the woes that came about at the end of George Bush's term was brought about by the Senate and Congress, which were both controlled by a Democap majority. Remember the Congress holds the purse strings. The housing bubble crash......also the fault of the Democrap's in control. Most of the massive spending and debt.......again at the hands of the Democraps.

Since Obama took office we saw unemployment rise until they started cooking the books in their favor, and even by cheating, Obama stands at ground zero. Unemployment by their numbers is where it was on day 1. Gas prices have more than doubled, the cost of energy (power bills) has went up nearly 20%, food prices are up significantly.

Since Obama has took office we are $5.4 Trillion dollars deeper in debt, our credit rating has been dropped 2 times, the national debt has gone from $10 Trillion to $16 Trillion. 25,000,000 Americans are either un or under employed, foreclosure rates are up , more people are in poverty now than ever before. 17 million more Americans are on food stamps than there were on Obama's first day. And billions of dollars have been wasted paying back Obama donors for green energy. Foreign policy is in shambles, most of the middle east is on fire, Obama Unconstitutionally sent troops into Libya. Obama claims he saved the auto industry......, far from it. GM is nearly in bankruptcy again and it's share holders were screwed in favor of Unions. Obama claims credit for killing Bin Laden, but that's like me claiming I re-roofed my house when I had a contractor do the job. And it was policies of the Bush Administration that led to Bin Laden's death, not Obama's. And Obama claims Al Queada is on the run, Al Queada, claims that they are now millions of Bin Laden's. Since Obama has been in office we have had more terrorist attacks on American soil than under Bush after his 9/11. Now Obama has his own 9/11 where he watched in real time as Americans were attacked and killed, and done nothing. Well except for claim it was a spontaneous attack because of a Youtube video.
He has failed as he did in the Fort Hood incident to call it terrorism.

Obama has also divided the US, racially and by class, and we have Obama supporters making death threats against Romney and threatening massive riots if Obama is not re-elected.

This nation has fallen the furthest than in any time in our history, our economy is screwed, there are no morals, we are deep in debt, Obama wants to Socialize us and make us a Nanny State. He is an inexperienced Community organizer who couldn't successfully run a lemonade stand. He is a failure and it's time to send him packing for Chicago or Kenya. Obama has not accomplished anything positive for America, unless you figure that becoming a Socialist State under the control of massive Government and loss of freedom.

I have no idea where you Liberals minds are, but I know your heads are up your ass and you're suffering the effects of methane poisoning.
Coward2.jpg (2.48 KiB) Viewed 1127 times
" I will stand with the Muslim's should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." ------Barack Hussein Obama

The shift occurred September 11, 2001 and he kept his word on that one.
It was evident again on September 11, 2012.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by rstrong »

Ragin Rebel wrote:(blather)
That's a favorite wingnut "debate" method. You post a wall of text containing so many half-truths, misrepresentations and outright lies that no-one will bother to debunk them all. It makes no difference that they've all been thoroughly debunked previously; you declare victory (in your own little mind) when even one of the claims is not addressed on the spot.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by perspctv »

Ragin Stupid: Just to address the stupid in your sig line. Here are some of the similar Bush quotes:
"Here in the United States our Muslim citizens are making many contributions in business, science and law, medicine and education, and in other fields. Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration are serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our nation's ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace."
Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
December 5, 2002

"Over the past month, Muslims have fasted, taking no food or water during daylight hours, in order to refocus their minds on faith and redirect their hearts to charity. Muslims worldwide have stretched out a hand of mercy to those in need. Charity tables at which the poor can break their fast line the streets of cities and towns. And gifts of food and clothing and money are distributed to ensure that all share in God's abundance. Muslims often invite members of other families to their evening iftar meals, demonstrating a spirit of tolerance."
Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
December 5, 2002

"America treasures the relationship we have with our many Muslim friends, and we respect the vibrant faith of Islam which inspires countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality. This year, may Eid also be a time in which we recognize the values of progress, pluralism, and acceptance that bind us together as a Nation and a global community. By working together to advance mutual understanding, we point the way to a brighter future for all."
Presidential Message Eid al-Fitr
December 5, 2002

"Islam brings hope and comfort to millions of people in my country, and to more than a billion people worldwide. Ramadan is also an occasion to remember that Islam gave birth to a rich civilization of learning that has benefited mankind."
President's Eid al-Fitr Greeting to Muslims around the World
December 4, 2002

"Ours is a war not against a religion, not against the Muslim faith. But ours is a war against individuals who absolutely hate what America stands for, and hate the freedom of the Czech Republic. And therefore, we must work together to defend ourselves. And by remaining strong and united and tough, we'll prevail."
Press Conference by President Bush and President Havel of Czech Republic
Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic
November 20, 2002

"Some of the comments that have been uttered about Islam do not reflect the sentiments of my government or the sentiments of most Americans. Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion, a religion that respects others. Ours is a country based upon tolerance and we welcome people of all faiths in America."
Remarks by President George W. Bush in a statement to reporters during a meeting with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
The Oval Office, Washington, DC
November 13, 2002

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."
President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

"Islam is a vibrant faith. Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslim. We respect the faith. We honor its traditions. Our enemy does not. Our enemy doesn't follow the great traditions of Islam. They've hijacked a great religion."
Remarks by President George W. Bush on U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan
Presidential Hall, Dwight David Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2002

"Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion."
Remarks by President George W. Bush on U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan
Presidential Hall, Dwight David Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2002

"All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith -- face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It's a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It's a faith based upon love, not hate."
President George W. Bush Holds Roundtable with Arab and Muslim-American Leaders
Afghanistan Embassy, Washington, D.C.
September 10, 2002

"If liberty can blossom in the rocky soil of the West Bank and Gaza, it will inspire millions of men and women around the globe who are equally weary of poverty and oppression, equally entitled to the benefits of democratic government. I have a hope for the people of Muslim countries. Your commitments to morality, and learning, and tolerance led to great historical achievements. And those values are alive in the Islamic world today. You have a rich culture, and you share the aspirations of men and women in every culture. Prosperity and freedom and dignity are not just American hopes, or Western hopes. They are universal, human hopes. And even in the violence and turmoil of the Middle East, America believes those hopes have the power to transform lives and nations."
President George W. Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership
The Rose Garden, Washington, D.C.
June 24, 2002

"When it comes to the common rights and needs of men and women, there is no clash of civilizations. The requirements of freedom apply fully to Africa and Latin America and the entire Islamic world. The peoples of the Islamic nations want and deserve the same freedoms and opportunities as people in every nation. And their governments should listen to their hopes."
Remarks by the President George W. Bush at the 2002 Graduation Exercise of the United States Military Academy
West Point, New York
June 1, 2002

"America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of Arab background or Muslim faith America values and welcomes peaceful people of all faiths -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and many others. Every faith is practiced and protected here, because we are one country. Every immigrant can be fully and equally American because we're one country. Race and color should not divide us, because America is one country."
President George W. Bush Promotes Compassionate Conservatism
Parkside Hall, San Jose, California
April 30, 2002

"We're taking action against evil people. Because this great nation of many religions understands, our war is not against Islam, or against faith practiced by the Muslim people. Our war is a war against evil. This is clearly a case of good versus evil, and make no mistake about it -- good will prevail."
Remarks by the President George W. Bush at a Town Hall Meeting with Citizens of Ontario
Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, California
January 5, 2002

"Eid is a time of joy, after a season of fasting and prayer and reflection. Each year, the end of Ramadan means celebration and thanksgiving for millions of Americans. And your joy during this season enriches the life of our great country. This year, Eid is celebrated at the same time as Hanukkah and Advent. So it's a good time for people of these great faiths, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, to remember how much we have in common: devotion to family, a commitment to care for those in need, a belief in God and His justice, and the hope for peace on earth."
Remarks by the President in Honor of Eid Al-Fitr
The Diplomatic Reception Room
December 17, 2001

"The teachings of many faiths share much in common. And people of many faiths are united in our commitments to love our families, to protect our children, and to build a more peaceful world. In the coming year, let us resolve to seize opportunities to work together in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. Through our combined efforts, we can end terrorism and rid our civilization of the damaging effects of hatred and intolerance, ultimately achieving a brighter future for all."
President's Message for Eid al-Fitr
December 13, 2001

"According to Muslim teachings, God first revealed His word in the Holy Qur'an to the prophet, Muhammad, during the month of Ramadan. That word has guided billions of believers across the centuries, and those believers built a culture of learning and literature and science. All the world continues to benefit from this faith and its achievements."
Remarks by the President George W. Bush At Iftaar Dinner
The State Dining Room, Washington, D.C.
November 19, 2001

"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."
President George W. Bush's Message for Ramadan
November 15, 2001

"This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views. We value life; the terrorists ruthlessly destroy it. We value education; the terrorists do not believe women should be educated or should have health care, or should leave their homes. We value the right to speak our minds; for the terrorists, free expression can be grounds for execution. We respect people of all faiths and welcome the free practice of religion; our enemy wants to dictate how to think and how to worship even to their fellow Muslims."
President George W. Bush Addresses the Nation
World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia
November 8, 2001

"All of us here today understand this: We do not fight Islam, we fight against evil."
Remarks by President George W. Bush to the Warsaw Conference on Combating Terrorism
November 6, 2001

"I have assured His Majesty that our war is against evil, not against Islam. There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know -- that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion. The exact opposite of the teachings of the al Qaeda organization, which is based upon evil and hate and destruction."
Remarks by President George W. Bush and His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
September 28, 2001

"Americans understand we fight not a religion; ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil."
President George W. Bush Remarks by the President to Airline Employees
O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois
September 27, 2001

"The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends; it is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists, and every government that supports them."

President George W. Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
September 20, 2001

"I've made it clear, Madam President, that the war against terrorism is not a war against Muslims, nor is it a war against Arabs. It's a war against evil people who conduct crimes against innocent people."
Remarks by President George W. Bush and President Megawati of Indonesia
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
September 19, 2001

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war."
Remarks by the President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
September 17, 2001

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Bungalow Bill »

Bush is only responsible for three little things: two wars and a great recession. Thanks,
dumbya. Let's see, the only thing worse than a great recession would be a great
depression. I guess Mittman has not figured this out yet. And for most of Obama's
term and maybe even now, a plurality of those polled blamed Bush for the bad economy.
Sometimes people get things right. It wasn't a small number of liberals who blamed
Bush, as the nut jobs always say, it was a plurality of Americans.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Reality »

Kasich Predicts Romney Wins Ohio ... de=1084D-1

...and another one bites the dust!

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by rstrong »

Reality wrote:Kasich Predicts Romney Wins Ohio ... de=1084D-1

...and another one bites the dust!
A Republican Governor reports in a Republican media outlet that a Republican will win.

Gosh, that's convincing.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Reality »

Read it and weep.

The "mouth of the south" and "the croaking Canadian" just won't believe anything that doesn't come form a lefty link.

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by mike »

No one ever mentioned they "didn't believe it." Merely that it's hardly "newsworthy" ...

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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by rstrong »

Reality wrote:Read it and weep.
You're still talking about a Republican Governor, in a "news" service set up specifically as a Republican Party media outlet, claiming that a Republican will win.

It's still not credible. Perhaps you should add some more name calling to make it more convincing. You know, like a racing stripe makes a car go faster.

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Ragin Rebel
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Re: Still thinking about voting for Obama??

Unread post by Ragin Rebel »

perspctv wrote:Ragin Stupid: Just to address the stupid in your sig line. Here are some of the similar Bush quotes:
"Here in the United States our Muslim citizens are making many contributions in business, science and law, medicine and education, and in other fields. Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration are serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our nation's ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace."
Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
December 5, 2002

"Over the past month, Muslims have fasted, taking no food or water during daylight hours, in order to refocus their minds on faith and redirect their hearts to charity. Muslims worldwide have stretched out a hand of mercy to those in need. Charity tables at which the poor can break their fast line the streets of cities and towns. And gifts of food and clothing and money are distributed to ensure that all share in God's abundance. Muslims often invite members of other families to their evening iftar meals, demonstrating a spirit of tolerance."
Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
December 5, 2002

"America treasures the relationship we have with our many Muslim friends, and we respect the vibrant faith of Islam which inspires countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality. This year, may Eid also be a time in which we recognize the values of progress, pluralism, and acceptance that bind us together as a Nation and a global community. By working together to advance mutual understanding, we point the way to a brighter future for all."
Presidential Message Eid al-Fitr
December 5, 2002

"Islam brings hope and comfort to millions of people in my country, and to more than a billion people worldwide. Ramadan is also an occasion to remember that Islam gave birth to a rich civilization of learning that has benefited mankind."
President's Eid al-Fitr Greeting to Muslims around the World
December 4, 2002

"Ours is a war not against a religion, not against the Muslim faith. But ours is a war against individuals who absolutely hate what America stands for, and hate the freedom of the Czech Republic. And therefore, we must work together to defend ourselves. And by remaining strong and united and tough, we'll prevail."
Press Conference by President Bush and President Havel of Czech Republic
Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic
November 20, 2002

"Some of the comments that have been uttered about Islam do not reflect the sentiments of my government or the sentiments of most Americans. Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion, a religion that respects others. Ours is a country based upon tolerance and we welcome people of all faiths in America."
Remarks by President George W. Bush in a statement to reporters during a meeting with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
The Oval Office, Washington, DC
November 13, 2002

"We see in Islam a religion that traces its origins back to God's call on Abraham. We share your belief in God's justice, and your insistence on man's moral responsibility. We thank the many Muslim nations who stand with us against terror. Nations that are often victims of terror, themselves."
President Hosts Iftaar Dinner
Remarks by the President at Iftaar Dinner
State Dining Room

"Islam is a vibrant faith. Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslim. We respect the faith. We honor its traditions. Our enemy does not. Our enemy doesn't follow the great traditions of Islam. They've hijacked a great religion."
Remarks by President George W. Bush on U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan
Presidential Hall, Dwight David Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2002

"Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion."
Remarks by President George W. Bush on U.S. Humanitarian Aid to Afghanistan
Presidential Hall, Dwight David Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
October 11, 2002

"All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith -- face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It's a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It's a faith based upon love, not hate."
President George W. Bush Holds Roundtable with Arab and Muslim-American Leaders
Afghanistan Embassy, Washington, D.C.
September 10, 2002

"If liberty can blossom in the rocky soil of the West Bank and Gaza, it will inspire millions of men and women around the globe who are equally weary of poverty and oppression, equally entitled to the benefits of democratic government. I have a hope for the people of Muslim countries. Your commitments to morality, and learning, and tolerance led to great historical achievements. And those values are alive in the Islamic world today. You have a rich culture, and you share the aspirations of men and women in every culture. Prosperity and freedom and dignity are not just American hopes, or Western hopes. They are universal, human hopes. And even in the violence and turmoil of the Middle East, America believes those hopes have the power to transform lives and nations."
President George W. Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership
The Rose Garden, Washington, D.C.
June 24, 2002

"When it comes to the common rights and needs of men and women, there is no clash of civilizations. The requirements of freedom apply fully to Africa and Latin America and the entire Islamic world. The peoples of the Islamic nations want and deserve the same freedoms and opportunities as people in every nation. And their governments should listen to their hopes."
Remarks by the President George W. Bush at the 2002 Graduation Exercise of the United States Military Academy
West Point, New York
June 1, 2002

"America rejects bigotry. We reject every act of hatred against people of Arab background or Muslim faith America values and welcomes peaceful people of all faiths -- Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and many others. Every faith is practiced and protected here, because we are one country. Every immigrant can be fully and equally American because we're one country. Race and color should not divide us, because America is one country."
President George W. Bush Promotes Compassionate Conservatism
Parkside Hall, San Jose, California
April 30, 2002

"We're taking action against evil people. Because this great nation of many religions understands, our war is not against Islam, or against faith practiced by the Muslim people. Our war is a war against evil. This is clearly a case of good versus evil, and make no mistake about it -- good will prevail."
Remarks by the President George W. Bush at a Town Hall Meeting with Citizens of Ontario
Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, California
January 5, 2002

"Eid is a time of joy, after a season of fasting and prayer and reflection. Each year, the end of Ramadan means celebration and thanksgiving for millions of Americans. And your joy during this season enriches the life of our great country. This year, Eid is celebrated at the same time as Hanukkah and Advent. So it's a good time for people of these great faiths, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, to remember how much we have in common: devotion to family, a commitment to care for those in need, a belief in God and His justice, and the hope for peace on earth."
Remarks by the President in Honor of Eid Al-Fitr
The Diplomatic Reception Room
December 17, 2001

"The teachings of many faiths share much in common. And people of many faiths are united in our commitments to love our families, to protect our children, and to build a more peaceful world. In the coming year, let us resolve to seize opportunities to work together in a spirit of friendship and cooperation. Through our combined efforts, we can end terrorism and rid our civilization of the damaging effects of hatred and intolerance, ultimately achieving a brighter future for all."
President's Message for Eid al-Fitr
December 13, 2001

"According to Muslim teachings, God first revealed His word in the Holy Qur'an to the prophet, Muhammad, during the month of Ramadan. That word has guided billions of believers across the centuries, and those believers built a culture of learning and literature and science. All the world continues to benefit from this faith and its achievements."
Remarks by the President George W. Bush At Iftaar Dinner
The State Dining Room, Washington, D.C.
November 19, 2001

"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."
President George W. Bush's Message for Ramadan
November 15, 2001

"This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views. We value life; the terrorists ruthlessly destroy it. We value education; the terrorists do not believe women should be educated or should have health care, or should leave their homes. We value the right to speak our minds; for the terrorists, free expression can be grounds for execution. We respect people of all faiths and welcome the free practice of religion; our enemy wants to dictate how to think and how to worship even to their fellow Muslims."
President George W. Bush Addresses the Nation
World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia
November 8, 2001

"All of us here today understand this: We do not fight Islam, we fight against evil."
Remarks by President George W. Bush to the Warsaw Conference on Combating Terrorism
November 6, 2001

"I have assured His Majesty that our war is against evil, not against Islam. There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know -- that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion. The exact opposite of the teachings of the al Qaeda organization, which is based upon evil and hate and destruction."
Remarks by President George W. Bush and His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
September 28, 2001

"Americans understand we fight not a religion; ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil."
President George W. Bush Remarks by the President to Airline Employees
O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois
September 27, 2001

"The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends; it is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists, and every government that supports them."

President George W. Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
September 20, 2001

"I've made it clear, Madam President, that the war against terrorism is not a war against Muslims, nor is it a war against Arabs. It's a war against evil people who conduct crimes against innocent people."
Remarks by President George W. Bush and President Megawati of Indonesia
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
September 19, 2001

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war."
Remarks by the President at Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
September 17, 2001

Poor Libtards. Obama is the only one to occupy the White House who has lived as a muslim. And it is very clear by his actions to portray Fort Hood or the shooting in Arkansas a work place incident instead of terrorism, or to go around apologizing for a Youtube video that had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed 4 Americans.
A real president would have taken action while he was watching the attack in real time. Obama is a Coward of the lowest kind. And anyone who supports his sorry ass is a Coward too.
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" I will stand with the Muslim's should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." ------Barack Hussein Obama

The shift occurred September 11, 2001 and he kept his word on that one.
It was evident again on September 11, 2012.

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