2020 Elections

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2020 Elections

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I might vote for Kanye rather than Hillary for a 2nd term, if he's dumped Kim by then.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:I might vote for Kanye rather than Hillary for a 2nd term, if he's dumped Kim by then.
A black guy, with an African-sounding name, from Chicago, whose father left him, who as a kid spend time in Asia and went to school there....

The bigots and birthers in the Republican party will be able to republish all their wingnuttery after a simple global search & replace on the names.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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I expect that in 2020, Geraldo will give Trump some serious competition.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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rstrong wrote:I expect that in 2020, Geraldo will give Trump some serious competition.
Got a spare room?

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
rstrong wrote:I expect that in 2020, Geraldo will give Trump some serious competition.
Got a spare room?
Get in line:

With previous elections there were Republican claims of moving to Canada if a Obama won, and Democrat claims of moving to Canada if Bush/Romney wins.

Now you have BOTH Democrat and Republican claims of moving to Canada if a Hillary wins, and both Democrat and Republican claims of moving to Canada if any of the Republican candidates win. The Canadian government is going to start taxing spare rooms during US election years.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Piss on all of them. I've never seen a squirrellier bunch of idiots than what we have this year vying for POTUS. Trump is nothing more than a spoiled, name-calling brat who uses social media to jab at his opponents. The others are using Hillary's email fiasco as stepping stones to fame.
Aww hell, I'm moving to Costa Rica!
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Re: 2020 Elections

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Living as an ex-pat isn't as easy as it looks, but there are advantages. But sometimes it's better to just step back and look at how or if the crazy gummint really affects your daily life. I lived in Greece when the military junta was running the country, so when the right-wing idiots talk about Obama's "tyranny" I basically laugh my ass off. But even with them, if you weren't political, went on about your life, your chances of getting in trouble disappearing in the middle of the night and finding yourself in a cell getting your feet beaten were really low. From my perspective, yes, I see the Republicans ruining public education, but I don't have any kids in school, or close friends or family whose teaching career has been screwed over. Neither I nor "Mrs. O Really" are going to have an abortion. I've got a concealed carry permit and probably more training than 90% of NRA members, and I don't have any problem registering my weapons or limiting the firearms I can buy. I also don't think anything is going to change is firearm laws in my lifetime. Money talks. Bought Congressmen stay bought. I think refusal to do something about human contribution to environmental ruin is going to make life for humans pretty miserable, but I'll be long gone. So yeah, I could take a political stand and happily move somewhere else. Or I could just look at each day on its on and say that even if Trump is President, my life can be preserved.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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I thought hard about emigrating to Canada, but I got too old. I could work, but would pay into its SS without ever being able to benefit. Might take a traveler contract there sometime, though, or spend real time after I retire.

Still, Trump winning would be as good a reason for leaving as any, and I've never said that about any candidate. Even less so for what he might do than that it means Americans are beyond all hope.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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rstrong wrote:I expect that in 2020, Geraldo will give Trump some serious competition.
And hey, by 2016 standards Ann Coulter is now a moderate! DRAFT COULTER FOR 2020!

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Nah, it will be Chelsea Clinton after beating a Kennedy in the primaries vs. Jenna Bush after beating a Paul in the primaries.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Tear up the Democratic Party

Clearly, 'better than the GOP' doesn't cut it.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Michael Moore called Trump’s victory. Now he has a plan.

Ridiculing Trump and his Trumpettes is easy, changing what we do will be hard.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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It may be that the best Democrats can do is to act REALLY POSITIVE. Like Reagan did. Emphasize where they agree with Trump's populist promises about fighting Wall Street, the TPP, etc. So when Trump doesn't / can't keep promises, it's harder to blame Democrats. "We respectfully disagree and can't support that, but you control the White House, House and Senate. If your proposed legislation didn't pass, ask your Republican congressmen why.

Keep the partisan fighting between Trump's alt-right, the Tea Party and traditional Republicans. Not between Republicans and Democrats.

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by JTA »

The JTA plan:

Support everything Trump does with even more enthusiasm than his base. Praise him as if he were a deity.

Come 2020 in a bid to distance themselves from his devout leftist followers, the Trump train will derail.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Not bad, guys, but the point of both posts is that solely reacting to the GOP is the Dems' problem. They've got to stand for something more than GOP-lite.

Many commentators are noting that Hillary's entire homestretch campaign was about how bad Trump is rather than how good she/the Dems are.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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JTA wrote:The JTA plan:

Support everything Trump does with even more enthusiasm than his base. Praise him as if he were a deity.

Come 2020 in a bid to distance themselves from his devout leftist followers, the Trump train will derail.
That's what they've already DONE. Bill Clinton was little different than Reagan and Bush I - and FAR more fiscally conservative - and it pushed the Republicans to more extremist behavior. Obama ran the country as essentially the Bush Republicans' 3rd and 4th terms - but more fiscally conservative - and it pushed the Republicans to more extremist behavior. Even "ObamaCare" was Republican policy up until the moment Obama adopted it.... and then Republicans launched a jihad against it. Ted Cruz and the Tea Party launched a jihad against the Republican establishment and any Republican who one who supported Republican policy when Democrats supported it. The NRA screams bloody murder when Obama or Hillary asks for the same background checks that even the head of the NRA was asking for just a few years ago.

And what did pushing the Republican Party to self-destruction get America? Trump and the alt-right hijacked the anti-Republican-establishment movement, hijacked the Republican Party, and got elected.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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rstrong wrote:... Trump and the alt-right hijacked the anti-Republican-establishment movement, hijacked the Republican Party, and got elected.
True, not all Trump voters are bigots, but all the bigots voted for Trump. However, he also made a successful economic appeal to the white middle and working class that have been abused by 36 years of years of GOP & Dem policy. Whether he and Congress will really do anything for them is very dubious, but I understand their frustration and outrage.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:However, he also made a successful economic appeal to the white middle and working class that have been abused by 36 years of years of GOP & Dem policy. Whether he and Congress will really do anything for them is very dubious, but I understand their frustration and outrage.
I fully agree. It's just a little bit weird that the outrage against tycoons who consider themselves above the rules, above taxation, who offshore jobs and routinely rip off the little guy with impunity..., was turned into support for a tycoon who considers himself above the rules, above taxation, who offshores jobs and hires illegal workers, routinely doesn't pay workers and runs scams like Trump University.

Granted, he really is a Washington Outsider. Newt Gingrich, former Congressman, former Speaker of the House and Freddie Mac consulting millionaire and Washington lobbyist and influence peddler ran in 2012 as a Washington outsider. Ted Cruz, more a Washington insider than most, packaged himself as a Washington outsider. But Trump is the real thing.

The image below from Dr. Strangelove is what Trump voters were trying to do to Washington and Wall Street on Tuesday.
But it may have been just as self-destructive too.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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I agree about the contradictions and that "it may have been just as self-destructive". People either stayed home out of disgust or chose to throw a monkey wrench in the gears and hope that it turns out better than the status quo. It was only at the last minute that I decided against voting for Johnson.

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by Boatrocker »

rstrong wrote:It may be that the best Democrats can do is to act REALLY POSITIVE. Like Reagan did. Emphasize where they agree with Trump's populist promises about fighting Wall Street, the TPP, etc. So when Trump doesn't / can't keep promises, it's harder to blame Democrats. "We respectfully disagree and can't support that, but you control the White House, House and Senate. If your proposed legislation didn't pass, ask your Republican congressmen why.

Keep the partisan fighting between Trump's alt-right, the Tea Party and traditional Republicans. Not between Republicans and Democrats.
Seems like a good policy, in this case. And if the trumphole- by some long shit miracle- is forced to assume a more reasonable manner, in order to actually govern (which the teatrash have not even attempted in 8 years), the popping RW heads will sound like champaign bubbles.
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