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Re: Trump

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JTA wrote:
Vrede too wrote:

"Trump has paid Jones Day $598,109 for its work so far ... Jones Day has been actively recruiting its partners and associates to provide free legal services to ... more than 100,000 people ... who have entered the country unlawfully"

In other words, xenophobic Trumpette donors are subsidizing illegal aliens. :thumbup: This on top of the anti-lobbyist Trump having hired one of the sleaziest lobbyists around to a top campaign post. Seems he's lousy at making personnel decisions.
Trumps gonna be prez and he's gonna deport you libs back to Socialiststan.


I know an unethical lobbyist and a good, free lawyer, you fornicating, frilly purple attired, pancake serving, metalhead, black Jehovah’s Witness.

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Re: Trump

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Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive

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Re: Trump

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Media people are trying really hard to keep up some sense of horse race. Headline: "New Poll Shows Why People Might Vote for Trump" and sure enough, it does say why some people might vote for Trump. But ends with, in effect, Trump is toast. Headline: "Three Reasons Trump Could Win" and look, there are three reasons why Trump could win, But the article ends with Trump being toast. Headline: "Demographics Favor Hillary, but History Against Her." Yes, it's historically hard for a party to keep office more than 8 years, and it's hard for a same-party candidate to win if the incumbent doesn't have high approval. But the same history shows Trump-lite candidates to be toast.

I think I may need a new hobby from now until November.

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Re: Trump

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Seth Milner wrote:(yet another meaningless meme
Do you suppose the author of that knows that it's Trump that's saying America is NOT great?

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Re: Trump

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O Really wrote:
Seth Milner wrote:(yet another meaningless meme)
Ah, the description of so very many of Seth Milner's posts.

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Re: Trump

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O Really wrote:
Seth Milner wrote:(yet another meaningless meme
Do you suppose the author of that knows that it's Trump that's saying America is NOT great?
Probably does. Probably don't G.A.S. I don't. Thanks for the giggle though..
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Re: Trump

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O Really wrote: I think I may need a new hobby from now until November.
How are you at fishing? Great relaxing past-time; even if you aren't catching anything. Beats worrying about who's pissing where, who's insulting who on the political trail, who's trying to out-best who in podunk forums, etc. Try it.
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Re: Trump

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Seth Milner wrote:
O Really wrote: I think I may need a new hobby from now until November.
How are you at fishing? Great relaxing past-time; even if you aren't catching anything. Beats worrying about who's pissing where, who's insulting who on the political trail, who's trying to out-best who in podunk forums, etc. Try it.
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: Trump

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JTA wrote:
Seth Milner wrote:
O Really wrote: I think I may need a new hobby from now until November.
How are you at fishing? ....
3 hours ago:
O Really wrote:... You and JTA can discuss fishing all day and won't likely get a response from me because my favorite fishing hole is the seafood market....

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Re: Trump

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Re: Trump

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Hopefully spot on, but just to play devil's (literally?) advocate -
The same pundits who ignored the polls to say Trump would lose the nomination now urge us to take his odds seriously.
Like Jamelle Bouie, Sept. 17 2015: The Beginning of Trump’s End?
But before we get there, we have to answer a simple question. How will Donald Trump improve on Mitt Romney’s campaign for president? What will he win that Romney lost?
How will Hillary equal Obama’s campaign for president? What will she maintain that Obama won?
If you believe that Trump can win—absent an exogenous shock like a terrorist attack or recession—you need to show how he beats Romney. You need to move this from the realm of speculation and into the world as it exists.
FBI indictment of Hillary or a scathing report, new foundation revelations or closer examination of the existing ones, many other things that Bernie didn't touch.
Eighty-seven percent of all Latino voters have a negative view of Trump, according to a new Latino Decisions national survey.
True, but does Hillary who is running on Obama's record of good words, few deeds and more deportations than ever, along with her support of Honduras' military coup and dictatorship get them to turn out?
OK, well, what about black Americans? There aren’t any detailed polls of blacks vis-à-vis Trump, but most national surveys show disapproval in the 80 to 90 percent range.
True, but does Hillary get them to turn out like they did for Obama?
Trump is deeply unpopular with women, too. Seventy percent hold a negative view, according to a recent Gallup survey.
Does Trump get misogynist votes from more than just Republicans?
And he has to do this while running as the most unpopular nominee in 30 years of polling.
. . . against the 2nd most unpopular nominee in 30 years of polling.
All this, again, in a growing economy with a well-liked president—solid conditions for a Democratic candidate.
The economy has weaknesses - increasing UE applications, possibly temporary, wages still depressed and a still increasing wealth gap.
Donald Trump has to become a radically different person to win.
He's shown that he knows how to put on a successfully manipulative show. We've seen what dismissing him as a threat can lead to.

That said, there are many ways that Trump has disaffected Mitten voters, even the ones that held their noses. Unless Trump maintains his mode of really, really pissing everyone off to the extent that they have to vote against him, we may see the lowest turnout in a long time.

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Re: Trump

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:lol: Then again . . .
Donald Trump’s Latest Abortion Comments Will Make Your Head Spin
Now he claims that saying women should be punished for having an abortion was “an unbelievable academic answer.”

Donald Trump now claims his controversial suggestion that women should be punished for having an abortion “was an unbelievable academic answer.”

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee backtracked from the comments he made in March, and issued a series of confusing clarifications, including a statement saying “the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman.”

Now, he’s issued another clarification — and it might be the most confusing one yet.

He told MSNBC’s Willie Geist:
He was asking me a theoretical, or just a question in theory, and I talked about it only from that standpoint. Of course not. And that was done, he said, you know, I guess it was theoretically, but he was asking me a rhetorical question, and I gave an answer. And by the way, people thought from an academic standpoint, and asked rhetorically, people said that answer was an unbelievable academic answer. But of course not, and I said that afterwards. Everybody understands that.

If you give an infinite number of monkeys a microphone for an infinite number of years eventually one of them will sound a little like Donald Rumsfeld. But, it will still be a monkey.

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Re: Trump

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He's not helping himself there, but I do think there was more misunderstanding and inexperience in that original answer than intent. The question did involve "what if abortion were made illegal" (which isn't' going to happen) and then followed with "should they be punished?" His choices, given that particular hole, were either "no, even though they do something illegal they shouldn't be punished" or "yes, they should be punished" or to offer a more thoughful answer addressing that abortions aren't and aren't going to be illegal. He picked the wrong answer, but from the place where he was boxed, there was no really good one.

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Re: Trump

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Vrede too wrote:Hopefully spot on, but just to play devil's (literally?) advocate -


That said, there are many ways that Trump has disaffected Mitten voters, even the ones that held their noses. Unless Trump maintains his mode of really, really pissing everyone off to the extent that they have to vote against him, we may see the lowest turnout in a long time.
All good points, but bottom line Hillary hasn't pissed off as many people as Trump, and Trump's not going to pick up those who would just like a better Dem candidate. You don't hear Bernie saying he won't support Hillary. Trump's got to turn states that haven't voted Republican in presidential elections in a loooooong time. Nagonnahappen.

Besides, there doesn't seem to be any real chance of Trump not continuing to piss people off.

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Re: Trump

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Whining and analysis from a Republican strategist... Trump=Loser. ... -1.2628025

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Re: Trump

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O Really wrote:He's not helping himself there, but I do think there was more misunderstanding and inexperience in that original answer than intent. The question did involve "what if abortion were made illegal" (which isn't' going to happen) and then followed with "should they be punished?" ...
Ah, thanks. Was he asked whether abortion should be made illegal?

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Re: Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
O Really wrote:He's not helping himself there, but I do think there was more misunderstanding and inexperience in that original answer than intent. The question did involve "what if abortion were made illegal" (which isn't' going to happen) and then followed with "should they be punished?" ...
Ah, thanks. Was he asked whether abortion should be made illegal?
I don't think so. Probably the idea that anybody running as a Republican would say "no" shocked them out of even asking. :roll:

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Re: Trump

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Trump: I would change GOP platform on abortion

Donald Trump said Thursday he would change the Republican Party platform's position on abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother....
So, for other women getting abortions, including when it's for the health (but not life) of the mother, he earned every bit of scorn he's gotten for his 'punish them' answer.

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Re: Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
Hopefully spot on, but just to play devil's (literally?) advocate -
But before we get there, we have to answer a simple question. How will Donald Trump improve on Mitt Romney’s campaign for president? What will he win that Romney lost?
How will Hillary equal Obama’s campaign for president? What will she maintain that Obama won?
May 10, 2016 - Clinton-Trump Close In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds

FLORIDA: Clinton 43 - Trump 42; Sanders 44 - Trump 42
OHIO: Clinton 39 - Trump 43; Sanders 43 - Trump 41
PENNSYLVANIA: Clinton 43 - Trump 42; Sanders 47 - Trump 41

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Re: Trump

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