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Re: Trump

Unread post by JTA »

Vrede too wrote:In my hypothetical, I was assuming the weakness of Hitler's early crew. Though I think that comparisons to Trump are apt, I agree that violence is not a wise tactic here and now.

One would have to demonstrate that they are "Sanders supporters" for him to take any responsibility. In general, violent radicals have given up on the electoral system, if these are even eligible to vote at all. Sanders did condemn the minor violence from his team at the AZ Dem convention.

It's an easy choice for you, SC's electoral votes will certainly go to Trump.
Here's a vid of them yelling BERNIE repeatedly:

I'm kind of done with people at this point. Should a person be this jaded in his early 30's? Did you guys ever get the urge to just hole up in a cave and live off of grubs and beetles?
You aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing.

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Re: Trump

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:lol: That is so unclear who is being attacked & who did the attacking. All you've got is an out of context 20 seconds. I don't even see a single Bernie t-shirt or sign. Maybe I should blame soldiers and doctors because one had a cammo t-shirt and another had a surgical mask.

If you give in to cynicism and give up, you'll become just like Seth Milner - stalking forums for something to get butthurt about and childishly trolling about things you don't even care about just because getting a response is the only way you think you matter at all.
Last edited by Vrede too on Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trump

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JTA wrote:
Vrede too wrote:In my hypothetical, I was assuming the weakness of Hitler's early crew. Though I think that comparisons to Trump are apt, I agree that violence is not a wise tactic here and now.

One would have to demonstrate that they are "Sanders supporters" for him to take any responsibility. In general, violent radicals have given up on the electoral system, if these are even eligible to vote at all. Sanders did condemn the minor violence from his team at the AZ Dem convention.

It's an easy choice for you, SC's electoral votes will certainly go to Trump.
Here's a vid of them yelling BERNIE repeatedly:

I'm kind of done with people at this point. Should a person be this jaded in his early 30's? Did you guys ever get the urge to just hole up in a cave and live off of grubs and beetles?
Yes, but not the grubs and beetles. I need a cave with internet access and real food.

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Re: Trump

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I could last awhile with good grub and the Beatles.

Correct me if I'm wrong, JTA, but I believe you've never tried any activism at all. Doing nothing besides debating on internet forums is a certain Rx for frustration, hopelessness and anger.

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Re: Trump

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Vrede too wrote:... activism ...
. . . or kids, the creative arts, a unique hobby, less mean country, a rewarding career rather than a job, people you can help, etc. all can keep you out of that cave.

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Re: Trump

Unread post by JTA »

Vrede too wrote:
Vrede too wrote:... activism ...
. . . or kids, the creative arts, a unique hobby, less mean country, a rewarding career rather than a job, people you can help, etc. all can keep you out of that cave.
True dat man. You're absolutely right.
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Re: Trump

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Vrede too wrote:
JTA wrote:... Whelp, a few Sanders supporters I know were bitching about Trump not saying anything about his white supremacist supporters and violence from his inbred rally attendees, now I await them to do the same with Bernie Sanders and his Mexican nationalist supporters, and others causing violence in his name.

Oh wait, not gonna happen. Do you know why? Because people are hypocrites and have a tendency to ignore things in favor of their demagogue of choice. People need a figure to package up all of their shitty ideals in something easily worshipped....
... One would have to demonstrate that they are "Sanders supporters" for him to take any responsibility. In general, violent radicals have given up on the electoral system, if these are even eligible to vote at all. Sanders did condemn the minor violence from his team at the AZ Dem convention....
TV news said both Hillary and Bernie condemned the violence.

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Re: Trump

Unread post by JTA »

Vrede too wrote:
Vrede too wrote:
JTA wrote:... Whelp, a few Sanders supporters I know were bitching about Trump not saying anything about his white supremacist supporters and violence from his inbred rally attendees, now I await them to do the same with Bernie Sanders and his Mexican nationalist supporters, and others causing violence in his name.

Oh wait, not gonna happen. Do you know why? Because people are hypocrites and have a tendency to ignore things in favor of their demagogue of choice. People need a figure to package up all of their shitty ideals in something easily worshipped....
... One would have to demonstrate that they are "Sanders supporters" for him to take any responsibility. In general, violent radicals have given up on the electoral system, if these are even eligible to vote at all. Sanders did condemn the minor violence from his team at the AZ Dem convention....
TV news said both Hillary and Bernie condemned the violence.
I don't necessarily think he has to disavow them, because you can't choose who supports you, but in doing so hes proven to be more virtuous than that demagogue Trump who would probably smirk at something like this without saying shit had his supporters done the same.
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Re: Trump

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That's as much as I know. Not sure if it was a disavowal since I'm not sure if they're really Bernie supporters.

Trump encouraged violence, then said he never did so.

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Re: Trump

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Mitt Romney Faults Other Republican Candidates for Donald Trump’s Rise

In hindsight, Mitten is correct. However, in the other GOP candidates' defense, none of them thought GOP voters would be so stupid as to stick with Trump throughout. The joke's on them.

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Re: Trump

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Re: Trump

Unread post by JTA »

Vrede too wrote:Mitt Romney Faults Other Republican Candidates for Donald Trump’s Rise

In hindsight, Mitten is correct. However, in the other GOP candidates' defense, none of them thought GOP voters would be so stupid as to stick with Trump throughout. The joke's on them.
Have presidential candidate choices ever been this bad? Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? What is going on.

If Trump gets elected we better hope those checks and.balances we have in place actually work.
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Re: Trump

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The only candidate who holds the record for awful is Trump. Hillary, Bernie, and Johnson are people you might disagree with or personally dislike, but are by typical standards decent candidates.

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Re: Trump

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I don't know a about "bad", but Hillary Clinton is #2 and Donald Trump is #1 for candidates with the highest unfavorability ratings in decades or longer. I'd certainly rate several past GOP nominees and Trump as worse than Hillary, not too many modern Dem nominees.

I don't think you have to worry too much about "checks and balances" with Hillary. She'll govern from the boring middle.

If Clinton were to shoot Trump on Fifth Avenue, I'd still voter for her.

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Re: Trump

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Hillary has always been somewhat of a lightening rod, a love her or hate her sort, but after 25 years of constant and unrelenting bashing from Republicans, I'd say it's pretty good to still be a viable and likely-winning presidential candidate. Besides, it's hard to find any politician anymore who is widely seen favorably. As recent non-winning candidates go, I think Gore and Kerry were capable people, and would have been good candidates if they had gotten personality implants. People like McCarthy, Dean and Bernie can rouse a crowd, but rarely make it to the end. I wish they could.

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Re: Trump

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Yeah, I meant "worse" in terms of other things we've discussed. There have definitely been worse Dem campaigners than Hillary. In fact, she's mostly hampered by her history, deserved and not. There may be some I'm forgetting, but I can't think of any major missteps during this campaign.

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Re: Trump

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Over her many years in public life, Hillary has created some rough spots for herself. But in every single instance, the opposition has exaggerated and magnified the "awful" and rarely if ever acknowledged the good. Looking back to "Hillary-care", she certainly sketched out a much more complicated plan than necessary, and one that would have been difficult to implement. But instead of working with her on it, the opposition started trashing the very idea that she should have been working on it in the first place. And then after successfully scuttling it, spent the next several years using it at a prime example of Hillary "failure."

In context, her oopses aren't any worse than most anybody else's who's been at their high level job for years. Nobody's perfect, but unlike many others whose fuck-ups have been forgiven or forgotten by the public, Hillary's have been constantly used as propaganda for the right.

So yeah, if I had first choice, I would have liked to have had a younger, more firey, less baggage-carrying candidate. (did I describe Warren?), but I can't see calling Hillary a "bad" candidate. She's a survivor.

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Re: Trump

Unread post by O Really »

I wonder why Trump hasn't mentioned the Pulse bouncer who helped save 70 or so people from the attack? Former marine, Afghanistan vet, took bold and heroic action to help people escape. Maybe it's because his name is Imran Yousuf? ... &ocid=iehp

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