2020 Elections

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Re: 2020 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:50 pm
Boris Johnson: the clown is crowned as the country burns in hell

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... are_btn_tw

Well, here we are then. Someone who could easily be rejected as a Guess Who character for looking too ridiculous is now to lead the country. A man whose DNA profile is the exact same as a Bernard Manning joke. A man who mentioned the 20 hustings he had taken part in, approximately 30 seconds after Conservative party chairman Brandon Lewis talked of the 16 hustings held.

With 8,000 members of the Johnson family watching on – and Jeremy Hunt, looking for all the world like a sub who’s never gonna get off the bench and knows it – Boris Johnson was announced as the new leader of the Conservative party, and, in short order, the new prime minister. Elected by a staggering 0.2% of the nation, we can’t say it isn’t the will of the people.

It’s quite extraordinary, isn’t it, when the new leader of the country opens his inaugural speech with: “There may be people here who wonder quite what they have done!” – having to address the fact that many people in the room are coming to terms with the fact they’ve got shit on their shoe. :lol:

A Brief History Of Our New Prime Minister's Most Sexist & Homophobic Comments

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Chuck Todd quoting someone else: The Dems have to choose between craven cowards who know how to win the House and refreshing radicals who know how to lose it.

Simplistic and not necessarily true, but to the extent that it is true or that people think it is, it's a pretty scathing indictment of our electorate and system. Sigh.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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American writers should have teed off on Trump from the start like this guy in the Guardian about Johnson...

"Ibelieve it was I who wrote in June 2017 in this very paper: “The secret Tory steering committee has always intended Boris Johnson to be leader of the party and Theresa May has only been put in place as a kind of palate cleanser, a nasty-tasting mouthwash that you swill around your gums before being forced to eat actual human shit.”

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Re: 2020 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:18 pm
American writers should have teed off on Trump from the start like this guy in the Guardian about Johnson...

"Ibelieve it was I who wrote in June 2017 in this very paper: “The secret Tory steering committee has always intended Boris Johnson to be leader of the party and Theresa May has only been put in place as a kind of palate cleanser, a nasty-tasting mouthwash that you swill around your gums before being forced to eat actual human shit.”
Not bad; that guy has a future and perhaps a following. Too bad Walter Cronkite isn't around anymore; or even Hunter Thompson for that matter.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Cronkite would change his sign-off to: "And (sadly) that's the way it is, July 28, 2019.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Speaking of Cronkite and his effect on the public, it wasn't long ago that "snuck" was considered non-standard or colloquial, and "real" grammarians insisted on the use of "sneaked." Then Cronkite used "snuck" on the air and it became OK to use and has subsequently been accepted as standard by dictionaries like Merriam-Webster.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:59 pm
Speaking of Cronkite and his effect on the public, it wasn't long ago that "snuck" was considered non-standard or colloquial, and "real" grammarians insisted on the use of "sneaked." Then Cronkite used "snuck" on the air and it became OK to use and has subsequently been accepted as standard by dictionaries like Merriam-Webster.
He sneaked a word into the language.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/bernie-sande ... 36541.html
Classic Bernie! pic:


I got asked by an immigrant rights group, "If you had to pick today ..."
I clicked on Warren. They did not show the results and I don't expect that they ever will.

One article I saw says it's realistically down to just 5 - Biden, Bernie!, Warren, Harris and Mayor Pete.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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I like Warren and Harris. The others have too much unnecessary baggage, IMNVHO.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Fish swimming around in those podia would have been cool.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Warren Asks Something Many Of Us Have Been Wondering For Months

Throughout Tuesday night’s debate, the self-styled moderates repeatedly took aim at the two most popular candidates on stage ― Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ― insisting their policy ideas were “unrealistic,” “radical” and unpopular.

If there was a ringleader for this cranky band of defeatists, it was former Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.), who spent much of his time in Congress deregulating big banks and much of his stage time Tuesday attacking “Medicare for All,” a Green New Deal and a wealth tax on the richest Americans.

After 90 minutes, Warren seemed to have had enough. When Delaney attacked Warren for “fairy-tale economics,” Warren delivered the most devastating line of the night.

“I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for.”
The crowd was feeling it, too. Warren’s zinger was met with cheers.

For a brief moment, Delaney’s Wikipedia bio was edited to state that he was killed in the exchange. (This was a joke. Delaney survived ― barely.)



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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:28 pm
https://www.yahoo.com/news/bernie-sande ... 36541.html
Classic Bernie! pic:
I did not watch live. Looks like it was a more significant moment than I realized:

Sanders Threw His Hands Up During The Debate And A Brilliant Meme Was Born


Fwiw, RCP Average: Bernie! 16.2%, Hickenlooper somewhere below de Blasio's 0.7%.


For the first 45 minutes of last night's debate, the CNN moderator and most of the candidates on the stage peppered Bernie with Republican talking points about our Medicare for All bill.

They tried to tell Bernie what was in his bill.

Well Bernie wrote the damn bill.

Make a contribution – of any amount – and we’ll send you our new "I Wrote the Damn Bill" sticker.


When we are in the White House what we are going to do is guarantee health care as a right to every man, woman and child in this country. We are going to make sure no one goes into a doctor with an illness or injury and comes out bankrupt.

We are going to create a health care system that works for all Americans, not just a handful of insurance and pharmaceutical executives.

That’s what’s in the damn bill.

On this campaign, we are taking on an entire ecosystem of people and corporations who profit from a dysfunctional health care system.

But if we stand together, we are going to win.

Make a contribution to get your "I Wrote the Damn Bill" sticker:


Thanks for chipping in,

Faiz Shakir

A guess, could just be wishful thinking: Bernie! and Warren's poll numbers increase after last night's attacks from the also-ran moderates.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Gabbard rips into Harris for her record on marijuana prosecutions and death penalty

'You're dipping into the Kool-Aid': Booker and Biden clash on criminal justice

Biden and Harris revive dispute on busing and criminal justice

I'm glad that the prison-industrial complex is a central issue in the campaign. BLM, Colin Kaepernick, the Drug Policy Alliance, ACLU and other radicals and reformers have had an impact.

Biden fumbles closing statement at 2nd Democratic debate

At the end of the second Democratic debate, Joe Biden directed his audience to join his presidential bid, sending viewers to a non-existent website.

“Go to Joe 30330 and help me in this fight,” Biden said, failing to say “text” and invoking a command usually associated with web addresses.

Predictably, the domains Joe3030.com and Joe30330.com were purchased and interested parties were redirected to the campaign of South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

The latter URL was later redirected to JoshforAmerica.com, the “first Gen Z’er to declare candidacy for this office.” ...
No biggie that he pulled a grandpa flub, but it's funny that folks took immediate advantage.
Last edited by Vrede too on Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:39 am
A guess, could just be wishful thinking: Bernie! and Warren's poll numbers increase after last night's attacks from the also-ran moderates.
Who won the Democrats' debate? Our panelists' verdict

Jessa Crispin: ‘Lackluster candidates all around’
Art Cullen: ‘The winner was universal healthcare’
Lloyd Green: ‘Joe Biden won. Now he must face Elizabeth Warren’
Kate Aronoff: ‘Climate disaster Joe Biden failed to impress’
Theodore R Johnson: ‘Biden hasn’t lost his supporters’
This syncs with other pundits - some wounded on night 2, no absolute winners. If so, Bernie! and Warren won the combined 2 nights. Any of y'all watch? What do you think?

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:21 am
. Any of y'all watch? What do you think?
I did not watch.

I find it saddening and maddening that these people are willing to play along with the contrived "Hunger Games" atmosphere created by the media and in particular "debate" sponsors. Every candidate needs to start every "debate" response with something like, "Each of my esteemed collegues is a wise and competent person who is far better prepared and qualified to be President than the person currently in office. We all have good ideas, and support each other in the overall campaign for President. Here is what I think..."

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Re: 2020 Elections

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

O Really wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:49 am
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:21 am
. Any of y'all watch? What do you think?
I did not watch.

I find it saddening and maddening that these people are willing to play along with the contrived "Hunger Games" atmosphere created by the media and in particular "debate" sponsors. Every candidate needs to start every "debate" response with something like, "Each of my esteemed collegues is a wise and competent person who is far better prepared and qualified to be President than the person currently in office. We all have good ideas, and support each other in the overall campaign for President. Here is what I think..."
Cubs were playing the Cards.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:09 pm
Cubs were playing the Cards.
Yeah, even a 2-0 baseball game is more interesting than a US political debate. ;)

More seriously, congrats on tying them for the division lead and good luck tonight. Still, worst division leaders in the MLB at .533 and only the 10th best records. :doh:

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Kentucky Democrats: 'Just Say Nyet To Moscow Mitch'

Love to see this asshat gone.....
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:14 pm
Kentucky Democrats: 'Just Say Nyet To Moscow Mitch'

Love to see this asshat gone.....
Or in jail
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: 2020 Elections

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O Really wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:49 am
I did not watch.

I find it saddening and maddening that these people are willing to play along with the contrived "Hunger Games" atmosphere created by the media and in particular "debate" sponsors. Every candidate needs to start every "debate" response with something like, "Each of my esteemed collegues is a wise and competent person who is far better prepared and qualified to be President than the person currently in office. We all have good ideas, and support each other in the overall campaign for President. Here is what I think..."
I can't find the thread, but you recently bemoaned the fact that the Dems can't come up with pithy smears the way the Repugs do. It's looking like "Moscow Mitch" may qualify.

The headline you may have thought impossible:
2020 Vision: Republicans becoming ever more a party of white men

When Republican Rep. Will Hurd announced his retirement Thursday night, it sent a shock through Washington and the state of Texas. The relatively young, charismatic African-American congressman, 41, won a competitive 2018 reelection race for his district, which stretches along the Mexico border. Republicans were expecting a tough rematch with Democrat Gina Ortiz Jones, but his announcement was still a surprise. Hurd is the only African-American Republican congressman and was one of just four House Republicans to vote to condemn President Trump over his “go back to your country” tweets about four Democratic women of color in the House.

As presently constituted, after Hurd’s retirement the next Congress will have exactly one black Republican: Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina. There are no African-American Republican governors.

But it’s not just Hurd. Since the start of summer, seven Republican House members have announced they were retiring at the end of 2020, including Reps. Martha Roby of Alabama and Susan Brooks of Indiana. Roby and Brooks are two of just 13 Republican women in the House, leaving 11 incumbents remaining who will run in 2020. As Politico noted this morning, there are now more House Republicans named Jim running for reelection in 2020 than House Republicans who are women. July was also marked by the departure of the Republican caucus’s only Arab-American, as Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan switched his affiliation to independent after calling for an impeachment inquiry of President Trump.

It’s a stark contrast to the Democratic caucus, which saw its most diverse freshman class ever join the House in January. Eighty-nine of 235 Democrats in the House, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are women. Almost half of those, 42, are women of color; just one Republican woman is a member of a minority — Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, who is of Mexican descent....

Republicans count eight women senators in their caucus, all of them white, compared with 17 women Democrats, four of them minority members, including presidential candidate Kamala Harris. In January, Sens. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Joni Ernst of Iowa were appointed to the Judiciary Committee, marking the first time a Republican woman had a seat on that key committee in its 200-plus-year history.

Heading into 2020, Republicans face headwinds from a recent poll that found 51 percent of Americans believe Trump is racist, even as he holds a strong approval rating among Republican voters. Amid his attacks on prominent and well-respected black Democrats such as Rep. Elijah Cummings, Trump is increasingly reliant on showcasing marginal figures such as the video bloggers Diamond and Silk. With Hurd’s retirement and the dearth of serious minority voices in the party, it’s becoming harder for the GOP to make the case that it’s a party for all Americans.
The Dems will accept and do include all demographics, while the Repugs are practicing the true identity politics of intentionally only appealing to old White hetero Christian men.

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Re: 2020 Elections

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Sleepy Joe Confuses Houston and Michigan with El Paso and Ohio; Dayton Killer Hard-Core Democrat; El Paso Killer Radical Environmentalist

http://kevinwhiteman.com/sleepy-joe-con ... mentalist/

While hosting a San Diego fundraiser, Biden referenced “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before.”

Prior to the site’s deletion, Breitbart managed to screen capture a number of tweets sent out by Connor Betts where he sung the praises of Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

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