The LEO thread

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Re: The LEO thread

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241 NYPD officers have died from 9/11 illnesses, 10 times the number killed in World Trade Center attack


We're just "lucky" that 45SHOLE's bone spurs prevented him from helping out as much as he said he did.

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Re: The LEO thread

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Target: Congress

Congress needs to act to demand accountability from the private prison industry. Private prisons are being run without sufficient oversight, thanks to a loophole that allows them to not disclose information.

As a result, the public is left in the dark about the conditions inside these detention centers. Together, we must change that.

Become a grassroots co-signer of the Private Prison Information Act to force private contractors to adhere to the same public disclosure laws as their federal counterparts.

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Re: The LEO thread

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Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:54 am
241 NYPD officers have died from 9/11 illnesses, 10 times the number killed in World Trade Center attack


We're just "lucky" that 45SHOLE's bone spurs prevented him from helping out as much as he said he did.

But, but that industry EPA whore lady and george bush said the air was all hunky dory to breathe.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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Re: The LEO thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:04 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:54 am
241 NYPD officers have died from 9/11 illnesses, 10 times the number killed in World Trade Center attack


We're just "lucky" that 45SHOLE's bone spurs prevented him from helping out as much as he said he did.
But, but that industry EPA whore lady and george bush said the air was all hunky dory to breathe.
Trump Revives Dodgy Claim He Helped At Ground Zero On 9/11


Trump has also claimed to have lost “hundreds of friends” in the attacks, though his campaign has declined to identify any victim whom he knew.
I remember when DJT saved Ronald Reagan's life. A true hero.
Funny how none of the 200 people came forward to verify Trump's story.
What Trump did was file a claim and receive money for his business even though his business was not damaged in the attack. The man who doesn’t pay income taxes sure gets a lot of government assistance.
Next week Trump says...I was honored to be the first man to walk on the moon...
In a week, some Associate Director at NOAA will stand up and “corroborate” Trump’s tall tale about ground zero.

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Re: The LEO thread

Unread post by 1 CAT FAN »

Stolen Valor
They began jumping not long after the first plane hit the North Tower, not long after the fire started. They kept jumping until the tower fell. They jumped through windows already broken and then, later, through windows they broke themselves. They jumped to escape the smoke and the fire; they jumped when the ceilings fell and the floors collapsed; they jumped just to breathe once more before they died. ~ Tom Junod-Esquire Magazine 2003

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Re: The LEO thread

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So many if not most of the police officers and firefighters who responded to the twin towers catastrophe did things that could legitimately be considered heroic. Some individuals did heroic things in helping others escape or in dealing with the horrific events. But the majority of those killed in that criminal act were just unlucky people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They went to work and were victims of a huge explosion and fire. This happened because an improbable plan by a bunch of wild-eyed fanaticists actually worked. The only difference in the 9/11 events and one loon tossing a bomb into a pizza shop or a couple of guys blowing up a government building is the sheer size of destruction and the number of victims. Like a plane crash - no difference in the event of a falling Cessna or a falling 737 except the cost of the plane, the ground damage, and the number of victims. Yet after 9/11, the US started a couple of international wars, changed everybody's life in terms of security precautions (especially flying), helped to create a national environment of fear and mistrust. Over one event. So how many people have been killed with guns since 2001? I don't know, but it's probably more than 3,000. Eliminate the hunting "accidents" and the parental negligent "accidents" and just count killings with AR-style rifles. Wouldn't that be enough to prompt some 9/11-style action? Apparently not. What if all those people had been shot at once, would that have been enough? I doubt it. Why am I considered more dangerous with a pair of knitting scissors on a plane than I am with a gun on the street?
Idiots. NRA slaves.

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Re: The LEO thread

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billy.pilgrim wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:04 pm
But, but that industry EPA whore lady and george bush said the air was all hunky dory to breathe.
I know your reference, but did not remember all of the details.
Christine Todd Whitman

EPA Administrator

In 2001, the EPA produced a report detailing the expected effects of global warming in each state in the country. President Bush dismissed the report as the work of "the bureaucracy."

Whitman appeared twice in New York City after the September 11 attacks to inform New Yorkers that the toxins released by the attacks posed no threat to their health. On September 18, the EPA released a report in which Whitman said, "Given the scope of the tragedy from last week, I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington, D.C. that their air is safe to breathe and their water is safe to drink." She also said, "The concentrations are such that they don't pose a health hazard...We're going to make sure everybody is safe."[26] A 2003 report by the EPA's Inspector General determined that the assurance was misleading, because the EPA "did not have sufficient data and analyses" to justify it.

A report in July 2003 by the EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response gave extensive documentation supporting many of the inspector general's conclusions. The report further found that the White House had "convinced EPA to add reassuring statements and delete cautionary ones" by having the National Security Council control EPA communications after the September 11 attacks. In December 2007, legal proceedings began on the responsibility of government officials in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Whitman was among the defendants. The plaintiffs alleged that Whitman was at fault for saying that the downtown New York air was safe in the aftermath of the attacks. In April 2008, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit overruled the district court, holding that as EPA administrator, Whitman could not be held liable for assuring the World Trade Center area residents that the air was safe for breathing after the buildings collapsed. The court ruled that Whitman had based her statement on contradictory information from President Bush. The U.S. Department of Justice had argued that holding the agency liable would establish a risky legal precedent because such holding would make public officials afraid of making public statements.
Sounds a lot like the subsequent Iraq War script, doesn't it? Colin Powell should have known better.
On June 27, 2003, after having several public conflicts with the Bush administration, Whitman resigned.

In an interview in 2007, Whitman stated that Vice President Dick Cheney's insistence on easing air pollution controls, not the personal reasons she cited at the time, led to her resignation. At the time, Cheney pushed the EPA to institute a new rule allowing power plants to make major alterations without installing costly new pollution controls. Whitman stepped down in protest against such demand by the White House, she said. She decided that because she did not agree with the rule, she would not be able to defend it if it were to be challenged in a legal action. The federal court eventually overturned the rule on the ground that it violated the Clean Air Act.

In 2016, Whitman apologized for the first time for her declaration a week after 9/11 that the air in lower Manhattan was safe to breathe.
Better late than never . . . but 15 years???!!!
Political activism

In early 2005, Whitman released a book entitled It's My Party, Too: Taking Back the Republican Party... And Bringing the Country Together Again in which she criticizes the policies of the George W. Bush administration and its electoral strategy, which she views as divisive.

The defining feature of the conservative viewpoint is a faith in the ability, and a respect for the right, of individuals to make their own decisions – economic, social, and spiritual – about their lives. The true conservative understands that government's track record in respecting individual rights is poor when it dictates individual choices....
Her views on the GOP utterly failed.
In February 2013, Whitman supported legal recognition of same-sex marriage in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 2016, Whitman was named the Co-Chair of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative.

On February 26, 2016 she endorsed John Kasich in his bid seeking the GOP nomination for presidential candidate. She said that Donald Trump was using fascist tactics in his campaign and after Chris Christie's endorsement of Trump said that, in the case of a Trump nomination by the GOP, she would vote for Hillary Clinton. Whitman is a member of the ReFormers Caucus of Issue One. The group, which included Bill Bradley and 100 other former elected officials advocated for campaign finance reform....
Her electoral, etc. efforts utterly failed. Why no resignation from the GOP after the decades of abuse?

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Re: The LEO thread

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O Really wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:21 pm
... So how many people have been killed with guns since 2001? I don't know, but it's probably more than 3,000. Eliminate the hunting "accidents" and the parental negligent "accidents" and just count killings with AR-style rifles. Wouldn't that be enough to prompt some 9/11-style action? Apparently not. What if all those people had been shot at once, would that have been enough? I doubt it. Why am I considered more dangerous with a pair of knitting scissors on a plane than I am with a gun on the street?
Idiots. NRA slaves.
The tally has stayed pretty steady at about 35K per year, 630K in 18 years, about the tally from our worst war, the Civil War.
About 11K per year are homicides.
Less than 1K per year are "accidents".
Less than 1K per year are cop shootings.
Most of the rest are suicides.
I think one can google the tally from rifles, from mass shootings, and maybe also from AR-style rifles.

The impact from mass shootings and AR-style rifles far, far exceeds the raw numbers, though. If one is not poor, not involved with gangs or the drug marketplace, not in an abusive relationship, not suicidal and doesn't foolishly keep a gun in the home for counter-productive "protection", the odds of gun death drop considerably. However, aside from being a hermit, there is no way to prevent being a victim of a random mass shooting.

Just giving the numbers, not disputing your point in the least. Our deluge of guns makes both "risky" and non-risky activities much more deadly.

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Re: The LEO thread

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Wrong place at the wrong time


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Re: The LEO thread

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1 CAT FAN wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:58 pm
Wrong place at the wrong time
They just went to their office on what they thought was an ordinary day and ended up on the ledge.

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Re: The LEO thread

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O Really wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:21 pm
... Idiots. NRA slaves.
Wrong place at the wrong time:








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Re: The LEO thread

Unread post by 1 CAT FAN »

9/11 Timeline: Revisiting the September 11 Attacks at World Trade Center, Pentagon, Flight 93 ... ry-1458138

At the World Trade Center, 2,753 people were killed. An additional 184 perished at the Pentagon, and 40 were killed when Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Eighteen years later, first responders are still dealing with the mental and physical effects of clearing the wreckage at ground zero. According to ABC News, more than 200 people have died from illnesses related to the attacks.

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Re: The LEO thread

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So 3,000 people killed in one event are somehow more dead or sadder or tragic than 3,000 people killed by a hundred events? If a guy trips going out his house, hits his head on the sidewalk and dies, you'll probably never read about it. If a guy trips at the top of a waterfall, hits his head on a rock and dies, he's a story at least on page 2 and in the TV news. If it was a big waterfall like Niagara, he'll go national. 3,000 people get killed in one day and we're still commemorating the event, changing laws and wearing ribbons 18 years later. 36,000 people get killed over a years period and it's "Oh well."

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Re: The LEO thread

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O Really wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:44 am
So 3,000 people killed in one event are somehow more dead or sadder or tragic than 3,000 people killed by a hundred events? If a guy trips going out his house, hits his head on the sidewalk and dies, you'll probably never read about it. If a guy trips at the top of a waterfall, hits his head on a rock and dies, he's a story at least on page 2 and in the TV news. If it was a big waterfall like Niagara, he'll go national. 3,000 people get killed in one day and we're still commemorating the event, changing laws and wearing ribbons 18 years later. 36,000 people get killed over a years period and it's "Oh well."
It's not just numbers and time. Everyone knows that it's worse to be killed by a Muslim terrorist than by a rightwing White Christian terrorist, even if the latter are killing more of us.

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Re: The LEO thread

Unread post by 1 CAT FAN »

9/11 Attack on America.
Many American people of different backgrounds died that day.
O Really - Oh, they could have just tripped and bumped their head.
Vrede - It’s ok, they were probably white Christians anyway.

Now there’s an explanation to tell the grieving families of the American people who lost their lives.
You two don’t deserve to be called American...
Well, one of ya.
Last edited by 1 CAT FAN on Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The LEO thread

Unread post by neoplacebo »

1 CAT FAN wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:54 am
9/11 Attack on America.
Many American people of different backgrounds died that day.
O Really - Oh, they could have just tripped and bumped their head.
Vrede - It’s ok, they were probably white Christians anyway.

Now there’s an explanation to tell the grieving families of the American people who lost their lives.
A couple of days ago I thought to myself that the cat fan is trolling to see if he can get one of us to disparage, minimize, or rationalize the 9/11 attacks. Since it didn't happen fast enough for him, he's created his own and probably thinks he's quite clever. I'm not going to disabuse him of this notion but I will say that our blind support of Israel sure creates a lot of terrorists for us and that we only have ourselves to blame. How's that? Now start thumping your bible and sputtering more nonsense. You're welcome.

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Re: The LEO thread

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Would you like to have a one on one conversation with each of the family members. rhetorical

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Re: The LEO thread

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neoplacebo wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:45 am
A couple of days ago I thought to myself that the cat fan is trolling to see if he can get one of us to disparage, minimize, or rationalize the 9/11 attacks. Since it didn't happen fast enough for him, he's created his own and probably thinks he's quite clever. I'm not going to disabuse him of this notion but I will say that our blind support of Israel sure creates a lot of terrorists for us and that we only have ourselves to blame. How's that? Now start thumping your bible and sputtering more nonsense. You're welcome.
It was claimed by ObL that our adoring support for Saudi royalty was also a motivating factor. That adoration persists today with the excusing of the assassination of American-resident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, our abetting genocide in Yemen and:

Donald Trump Shows Power Of U.S. By Curtsying For Saudi King
He once criticized Barack Obama for bowing to the country’s leader.


Then, there was that time the Saudis decided to see how stupid a pic they could get 45SHOLE to pose for.
"Hey Ali, does your granny still have that disco ball packed away in her attic"?


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Re: The LEO thread

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1 CAT FAN wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:24 am
Would you like to have a one on one conversation with each of the family members. rhetorical
For what purpose? To console them over the fact that nearly all of the hijackers were Saudis or Egyptians and that our country ignores this? Or to explain to them why the policies we advocate tend to create more terrorists? Or to try to rationally explain why we invaded Iraq because their loved ones were killed? Or is it just to give them lip service with meaningless "thoughts and prayers" babbling that serves no purpose? Or maybe to explain to them how the terrorists have won and forced us all to take our shoes off at airports and be in perpetual fear? Aside from all that, having a one to one talk with probably ten thousand people would take quite some time and nothing I could say to them will serve to lessen their loss? Would you like to have a cyanide pill for the day on which you realize that you're a half wit neo fascist that cannot tell fact from fiction? So many questions, so little time.

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