Wingnutties out of control!

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Vrede too wrote:
Thu Aug 15, 2019 11:35 am

To be fair, Iowa's bigoted Steve King is merely saying out loud what far too many Repugs believe.
Yeah, but the "saying out loud" part is a problem. In a supposedly civilized society, one does not expect such stuff publicly stated by an elected official, even if you voted for him because you thought he, like you, doesn't like "them." Similar to the use of "fuck" in films and TV. Practically everybody occasionally or regularly uses the term or knows people who do, yet many remain offended if it's used publicly. And they'll bemoan the "loss of civility" or "coarsening of society" or "thrown god out of country" or something - and to a certain extent, they're right. The civil war and the prior importing of Africans didn't start racism/discrimination, and it never ended and isn't limited to the US. The difference is in whether the society sees such things as "wrong" even while recognizing their existence. When you have Trumps and Kings spouting off their vile ummm "opinions," it's changing the concept that racism is - officially - "wrong."

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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O Really wrote:
Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:28 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Thu Aug 15, 2019 11:35 am
I will agree that Meadows is "a skosh" better than Steve King, but no more than that.

Stephen King Wants To Get ‘1 Thing Straight’ About His Racist GOP Rep. Namesake
The horror writer cleared up any confusion surrounding GOP lawmaker Steve King. Again.

To be fair, Iowa's bigoted Steve King is merely saying out loud what far too many Repugs believe.
Yeah, but the "saying out loud" part is a problem. In a supposedly civilized society, one does not expect such stuff publicly stated by an elected official, even if you voted for him because you thought he, like you, doesn't like "them." Similar to the use of "fuck" in films and TV. Practically everybody occasionally or regularly uses the term or knows people who do, yet many remain offended if it's used publicly. And they'll bemoan the "loss of civility" or "coarsening of society" or "thrown god out of country" or something - and to a certain extent, they're right. The civil war and the prior importing of Africans didn't start racism/discrimination, and it never ended and isn't limited to the US. The difference is in whether the society sees such things as "wrong" even while recognizing their existence. When you have Trumps and Kings spouting off their vile ummm "opinions," it's changing the concept that racism is - officially - "wrong."
Agreed and thanks. My post was meant to be more about disparaging Repugs than defending Iowa's bigoted Steve King.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Mother of god; those people look like they just got stranded someplace they've never been.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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neoplacebo wrote:
Wed Aug 28, 2019 3:31 pm
Mother of god; those people look like they just got stranded someplace they've never been.
:D Looks like a Bloomin' Onion to me.

The only thing dumber than a “Stupid Liberal” is a “Smart Conservative.”

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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How disgusting are NC Repugs and how low will they sink? ... -democracy
Tell House Speaker Tim Moore to respect our democracy!

North Carolina Republicans just overturned the Governor's veto of the state budget after lying to Democrats that there would be no votes during the morning session.

Republicans in the NC House then took the vote while many Democratic members were attending commemoration services for 9/11.

Half of the members of the House weren't even there.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:42 pm
How disgusting are NC Repugs and how low will they sink? ... -democracy
Tell House Speaker Tim Moore to respect our democracy!

North Carolina Republicans just overturned the Governor's veto of the state budget after lying to Democrats that there would be no votes during the morning session.

Republicans in the NC House then took the vote while many Democratic members were attending commemoration services for 9/11.

Half of the members of the House weren't even there.
Yeah, I read about this just an hour ago; pretty sleazy tactics. I bet they're all working feverishly on those mandated new district maps, too.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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neoplacebo wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:12 pm
Yeah, I read about this just an hour ago; pretty sleazy tactics. I bet they're all working feverishly on those mandated new district maps, too.
:D , but it's gonna be hard to pull one over on the NCSC.
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 3:37 PM
To: Rep. Chuck McGrady <>
Subject: Recall the dishonest vote to override Governor Cooper's budget veto

Chuck McGrady,

Dear Representative,

I am outraged at the behavior of Republican members of the NC House this morning.

After leading members to believe no votes would be taken this morning, many Democratic members left to attend memorials for the September 11 attack on our nation. It is unconscionable to then turn around and call a surprise vote to override Governor Cooper's veto of the budget bill.

This is a direct assault on North Carolina's democracy. It is an assault on working people across North Carolina. And it is an assault on our public schools.

I demand that you recall this vote immediately.


(Vrede too)
RE: Recall the dishonest vote to override Governor Cooper's budget veto
Date: 09/11/2019 (08:21:15 PM CDT)
From: Rep. Chuck McGrady

Chuck: I am unaware of anyone leading members to believe that no votes would be taken this morning. My impression was just the opposite. I had a bill on the calendar, and I came in early to prepare for a vote on my bill [It passed 115-0.]. I wasn’t told to be sure to be there; I wasn’t even asked if I would be there. We’ve been told for weeks to be there, and yesterday it was announced there would be votes.

By the way, I voted for the override. There is a lot of good stuff in the budget bill, including teacher pay raises and monies important for projects in western North Carolina.
Dear Representative McGrady,
cc: Sen. Chuck Edwards,;

I have no way of knowing whether you think that you're telling the truth, but it doesn't pass the smell test. When you went to cast your vote on the budget, budget! veto override and saw that 56 members, almost all Dems, were missing, you knew or should have known that something fishy had gone down. Good luck selling that snake oil. Only the most blindly Repug partisan will ever believe you. Even in the infinitesimally small chance that there was some misunderstanding, a person with even a shred of honor and dignity would have refused to participate in this farce.

NC House overrides budget veto in surprise vote with almost half of lawmakers absent ... 62017.html

NC Republicans’ shameless theft of democracy ... 66387.html

Once again, you've chosen party over fairness, democracy and the people of NC. You've made a habit of this since you sold your formerly wise and semi-independent soul for whatever version of shekels you were offered.

Here's my curse: Remember every 9/11, a day of enormous American patriotism, for the rest of your life that you chose obliviousness or worse towards your party's anti-American sleaze.

How are you doing with being told unanimously by a bipartisan NCSC panel that you have again been destructive to democracy and the people of NC by choosing to place your party first with extreme gerrymandering? Does it hurt to be forced to craft honest maps? It's a shame that you're retiring and won't be there to "enjoy" a finally democratically elected Leg.

Asides on topics you weren't directly responsible for:
When a Repug wins solidly Repug NC 9 by only 2.2% after your party's massive election fraud there, a Dem is certain to win NC next year. No Repug has done so poorly in NC 9 for decades. If a Dem wins NC, s/he is certain to also win the US.
Then, 62% is the SMALLEST tally for a Repug in NC 3 dating back to at least 2002.

I appreciate your contributions towards destroying your party in NC. Was it worth it?

(Vrede too)
RE: Recall the dishonest vote to override Governor Cooper's budget veto
Date: 09/11/2019 (09:55:39 PM CDT)
From: Rep. Chuck McGrady

Chuck: What I really don't understand why the Democrats who were at the session didn't just walk out. If they had, there would have been no vote because there would have been no quorum. I don't know what communications occurred but the calendar and the public announcement was that we would have votes. For the most part, Democratic Members have been much more disciplined in attending sessions than Republican Members have, sometimes even having a majority.

There has been a lot of inaccurate reporting. For example, it was reported that Democratic Members were attending a 9/11 memorial service. Well, that turned out to be untrue; I think Governor Cooper conceded that.

What is bad about this is that it destroys trust, and it will make it very hard to get action on other significant issues, including nonpartisan redistricting.
Hmmm, he could have not replied at all or matched me for harshness. I'm taking this as a tacit admission that I was largely correct.

His reply to me in red.
Dear Representative McGrady,
cc: Sen. Chuck Edwards,;

Have you asked a Dem that stayed why they didn't just walk out? Don't y'all talk when things go bad?

Chuck: There was no ability to talk when Rep. Butler and others were just screaming.

If "Democratic Members have been much more disciplined in attending sessions," wasn't that a huge red flag when they weren't there for something so important?

Chuck: I assumed that they assumed there would be no votes because there was a committee meeting scheduled at 9:00am. But that assumption was inconsistent with what was announced and what was on the calendar. The rules are the rules. They screwed up. I wanted the veto overridden and would vote to override whenever it was brought up for a vote.

Yeah, I saw that about the 9/11 memorial services. It's why I didn't mention them in my reply to you. Sorry that the petition I signed got that part wrong, but it doesn't matter what the Dems were doing. They would have been there if they thought they needed to be there, you should have known that, and you or other GOP leadership DID know that.

Chuck: I have no doubt that they would have been there if they thought they needed to be there, but they need to understand the House rules and we've all got to play by those rules.

I'm glad we have the NCSC to hold your feet to the fire on nonpartisan redistricting, then. Doesn't sound like blaming acrimony will get you very far.

Chuck: NCSC?

(Vrede too)
Reply drafted, but I'll let it sit until tomorrow before sending. Any suggestions?

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Steven Menashi Made His Senate Confirmation Hearing Even Worse Than Expected
The controversial judicial nominee angered Republicans and Democrats by not addressing the work he’s done for Trump.

... the nominee spent most of his time angering Republicans and Democrats by refusing to provide details about what he’s worked on in his current role as a White House legal adviser (yes, Trump nominated one of his own aides to be a federal judge).

As senators asked him which particular issues he has provided legal advice on ― immigration policies crafted by White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller, for example ― Menashi repeatedly declined to say and cited confidentiality.

“Did you work on the administration’s decision to end deferred deportation for undocumented immigrants who are receiving treatment for life-threatening illnesses?” asked Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).

“Senator, again, consistent with my duties of confidentiality to the client ...” began Menashi.

“I’m not asking what advice you gave,” interrupted Durbin. “I’m asking you if you worked on the issue of denying DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] status to those receiving treatment for life-threatening illnesses.”

“Senator, again, I want to be as transparent as possible ...” Menashi responded.

“That’s not an unfair question,” interjected Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the committee chairman and a strong Trump ally. “It’s a specific question. Did you give legal advice on the subject matter?”

It went back and forth like this for several rounds. Menashi, who has been nominated to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, finally said he “may” have worked on the DACA issue since he advises on immigration policy, but he couldn’t recall.

“You’re a really smart guy but I wish you’d be more forthcoming,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) said later, with folded arms and reading glasses balanced on the tip of his nose. “This isn’t supposed to be a game. We’re supposed to try to understand not how you’re going to rule but how you’re going to think.”

... Most of the fireworks around Menashi occurred outside in the hallway, where dozens of protesters clogged the walkways and led loud chants as the hearing was underway.

“Title IX is on the line! Title IX is on the line!” they shouted, referring to Menashi’s role in helping Education Secretary Betsy DeVos roll back Title IX protections for survivors of sexual assault on campuses in 2017. He was DeVos’ legal counsel at the time.

... Menashi has complained about “gynocentrists” participating in Take Back the Night marches, accused the Human Rights Campaign of having “incessantly exploited the slaying of Matthew Shepard” for political benefit, and claimed that a Dartmouth fraternity wasn’t being racist when it held a “ghetto party” attended by white partygoers wearing Afro wigs and carrying toy guns.

He has also denounced women’s marches as sexual assault, opposed the “radical abortion rights advocated by campus feminists and codified in Roe v. Wade,” and spread the Islamophobic myth that Gen. John Pershing executed Muslim prisoners in the Philippines in 1913 with bullets dipped in pig fat....

When Graham opened the hearing, he noted that two of the offices crashed by protesters the day before belonged to other committee members ― Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) ― and said those senators were “basically threatened.” (That is not what happened.)

“To those trying to take our committee away from us and trying to take our judgment away from us ... I think it will serve us well to stick together and fight back,” Graham said.

“I very much agree with those comments,” Feinstein replied.

Buck up, Diane. Trumpettes Graham and Kennedy being openly miffed may signal trouble for the bigot, we'll see.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Vrede too wrote:
Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:33 pm
Reply drafted, but I'll let it sit until tomorrow before sending. Any suggestions?
Opps, almost forgot.
Dear Representative McGrady,
cc: Sen. Chuck Edwards,;

NC Supreme Court, the bipartisan patriots and believers in our democracy that have called out your uber-partisan GOP BS as being unconstitutional and are forcing you to finally end the obscene gerrymandering.

This is all SOP for your current GOP:
NC’s epic and brazen legislative shenanigans? They’re historic. ... 22837.html

Funny, in my ER RN profession "screaming" indicates that something is wrong and should be investigated. I guess to a GOP pol it means seize any advantage because nothing matters more than the party - not fairness, not democracy, not the people of NC. Those are the things that you should have to “play by”. Shunning them by hiding behind dishonestly manipulated “rules” is cowardly. Seems to me that you don’t want to know what abomination you participated in.

‘Be in your seats’: House GOP leader said he sent text before controversial NC vote. ... 34672.html

You had all the clues you needed to know that your team was playing dirty. You chose to willfully ignore them (or were an enthusiastic participant and are lying to me) and you're still in pathetic denial despite this conversation, others you've had, and newspaper articles and editorials.

I must admit some surprise, I didn't expect you to so blatantly brag about what a hateful creep you've become. Sorry, but only fascist swine consider "rules" to be above all ethics, public interest and morality. Do you really like what you see in the mirror? If "They screwed up," it's only because they underestimated how truly evil you are. It's pathetic that you're now whining about a loss of trust. Grow up and own YOUR poor choices.

NC lawmaker shamed Republicans over surprise vote in video. Now some call her ‘hero’ ... 10892.html

If it’s true that you killed the chances for a veto override in the Senate, karma is a bitch.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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RE: Recall the dishonest vote to override Governor Cooper's budget veto
Date: Today, 10:19:33 AM CDT
From: Rep. Chuck McGrady

Chuck: A few years back, I communicated to you that I wasn't going to respond to your emails since they routinely were over-the-top, but I relent because you're clearly a smart guy although clearly a very partisan one. Your email is another example of that sort of over-the-top communication, so I'm going to return to my earlier practice of not responding to whatever you send.

News sources, like the N&O, routinely get facts wrong, and they've been proven wrong with respect to their story that suggested the vote was taken while Democratic legislators were at a 9/11 memorial celebration.

As for us to being told "to be in our seats," we've been hearing that refrain for the better part of the year. Our leadership has been concerned about simply have a majority on the floor---not with trying to get every Republican to the floor for an override vote. As an example, ten Republicans missed the veto override, including the Majority Leader and the Rules Committee chairman.

I can find no House Rule that was broken in what occurred on Wednesday. What happened was there was a miscommunication, and when that happened, the Democrats started screaming rather than simply walking out which would have thwarted any vote since there wasn't a quorum. If there was evidence that the leadership had lied to deceive Democratic Members, I'd have joined them in pushing to reverse the vote, but there is no evidence of that.

In a short while, I'll no longer be representing District 117. One thing I'll not miss is getting your missives on all the subjects you feel on which I've not represented you.
Dear Representative McGrady,
cc: Sen. Chuck Edwards,;

I’m not a Dem. YOU are the hyper-partisan drone, a tragic digression from your former wisdom and semi-independence. YOU sold out. I have always valued ethics and the public more than any party.

We’ve already discussed the erroneous “Democratic legislators were at a 9/11 memorial celebration,” and it’s the Raleigh N&O itself that investigated and published a correction. That’s how I learned of it BEFORE you ever mentioned it. Your harping on what’s already been settled smells of desperate deflection.

It is OBVIOUS that the Dems were led to believe that no vote of import would occur - only 9 were there. HOWEVER this occurred, it’s CLEAR that you Repugs abused the situation. It shows how anti-democratic, anti-NC and venal your party has become. Your cowering from and denial of what’s plain to all shows how little character you now have.

Taking advantage of manipulated rules, instead of prizing ethics, the public interest, transparency and fairness above all else, is childish and deplorable. Shame. You NEVER would have tolerated the behavior in your summer camps that your party exhibits and you defend.

Again with the “walking out which would have thwarted any vote since there wasn't a quorum”??? I’m not in Raleigh and I have no Dem Rep or Senator. Why after more than 2 full days are YOU still afraid to ask them about their choices? Could it be that the answer won’t fit with your excuse-making? One possibility that occurs to me is that they were so stunned by the depths of your evil duplicity that they just didn’t think of it. If so, kudos, your team is better at immorally gaming the system than the Dems are. You must be so proud.

I’ll take your not responding as a badge of honor. You can’t deal with inconvenient facts and logic, so you take your toys and run home. Whatever, if your sleaze 2 days ago guaranteed that the Senate won’t override, you can assume that I’m gloating whether you ever open the email or not, just as I’m gloating over the smackdown you democracy and NC Constitution haters got from the bipartisan NCSC panel. Then, the finally fair and representative NC elections in Nov. 2020 will be cause for outright celebration. Don’t let the door hit you . . .

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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While the entire country recoiled at NC House Speaker Tim Moore's deceitful attempt to override Governor Cooper's veto, the people of North Carolina sprang into action. We showed up at the Capitol with short notice, sent thousands of letters, and made hundreds of phone calls demanding that democratic process be upheld.

The great news is this: WE INTERRUPTED THEIR PROCESS. After our tremendous response to this outrage, the Senate declined to schedule a vote to override the veto.
We have our foot in the door. But we have to keep pushing.

We can still win medicaid expansion. We can still win more resources for our public schools. But in order to get to a budget that our schools, our families, and our communities deserve, we have to keep going. Here's what we have to do:

Get every single vote we can in the NC Senate to sustain the Governor's veto.


Tell need Tim Moore to take a seat.

No More Deception: Tim Moore Must Resign Now (petition)

Ask NC Senate President Phil Berger to publicly commit to no more ambush votes.


And finally, we need to show up, in every way we can, to keep the pressure on. We need all of our friends, family and community to take part.

I WILL NOT YIELD was Deb Butler's promise to the people of North Carolina.

WE WILL NOT YIELD is now our promise to make.

Join us in a day of action on Wednesday, September 18.

We invite you to this webinar to prepare
Occasionally I regret my harsh words to pols. Not this time, not a bit.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Vrede too wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:16 pm
... Ask NC Senate President Phil Berger to publicly commit to no more ambush votes.

Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2019 7:13 PM
To: Sen. Phil Berger <>
Subject: No More GOP sleaze (my Subject)

Phil Berger,

Don't validate duplicity. (my sentence, the rest is all pre-written petition)

​The unannounced vote to override Governor Cooper’s veto that took place on September 11, 2019 in the NC House of Representatives was not democracy.

The people of NC have the right to expect that the single biggest vote of the year - one that impacts the entire state budget - would be properly noticed so that all elected officials could be present to represent them.

Instead, we saw an ambush vote by House Speaker Tim Moore.

A budget that so deeply impacts people’s lives, from healthcare to public education, should not be be subject to procedural trickery.

I am writing to ask you to publicly pledge that there will be no ambush votes to override Governor Cooper’s veto. In addition, we ask that you promise the people of NC that you will give a full 24-hours notice to members of the NC Senate and to the general public and press prior to any veto override vote being taken.
RE: No More GOP sleaze
Date: Today, 01:43:36 PM CDT
From: Sen. Phil Berger

Thank you for writing to Sen. Berger regarding the budget veto override vote that was taken in the NC House on September 11, 2019. As you may know, but is important to note, the vote to override Governor Cooper’s veto of the budget was taken in the NC House, not in the NC Senate, and that the rules and procedures are different in the Senate from the House.

Please find below a statement from Senator Berger regarding the House vote on Wednesday.

“We found out about the override at the same time that everyone else did Wednesday morning, and right now our focus is complying with the redistricting court order. As I was not a party to any conversations with House members or anyone else about votes in the House, it really wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment on their override process.”

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thank you again for writing.

On Senator Berger’s behalf,

Rebekah LaHay
Constituent and District Liaison
Office of Senator Phil Berger
What to make of this?

It's very rare to get a reply from a pol that isn't one's own rep. So rare that I didn't even bother requesting a reply like I usually do.
He doesn't commit to ethical dealing.
He doesn't offer any support for the House Repugs.

I think it's safe to say that the House action has had a huge, negative impact on the NC GOP. If the Senate fails to override, the negative will be absolute, and they will still need to craft a compromise on a budget that's now months late.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Re: No More GOP sleaze
To: "Sen. Phil Berger" <>

Dear Senate President Phil Berger,

I find it very revealing that you don't commit to ethical dealing with the override vote, even though that was my specific request. Why do you in the NC GOP find morality, fairness, democracy and the interests of the people of NC to be so difficult?

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:02 pm
Vrede too wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:16 pm
... Ask NC Senate President Phil Berger to publicly commit to no more ambush votes.

Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2019 7:13 PM
To: Sen. Phil Berger <>
Subject: No More GOP sleaze (my Subject)

Phil Berger,

Don't validate duplicity. (my sentence, the rest is all pre-written petition)

​The unannounced vote to override Governor Cooper’s veto that took place on September 11, 2019 in the NC House of Representatives was not democracy.

The people of NC have the right to expect that the single biggest vote of the year - one that impacts the entire state budget - would be properly noticed so that all elected officials could be present to represent them.

Instead, we saw an ambush vote by House Speaker Tim Moore.

A budget that so deeply impacts people’s lives, from healthcare to public education, should not be be subject to procedural trickery.

I am writing to ask you to publicly pledge that there will be no ambush votes to override Governor Cooper’s veto. In addition, we ask that you promise the people of NC that you will give a full 24-hours notice to members of the NC Senate and to the general public and press prior to any veto override vote being taken.
RE: No More GOP sleaze
Date: Today, 01:43:36 PM CDT
From: Sen. Phil Berger

Thank you for writing to Sen. Berger regarding the budget veto override vote that was taken in the NC House on September 11, 2019. As you may know, but is important to note, the vote to override Governor Cooper’s veto of the budget was taken in the NC House, not in the NC Senate, and that the rules and procedures are different in the Senate from the House.

Please find below a statement from Senator Berger regarding the House vote on Wednesday.

“We found out about the override at the same time that everyone else did Wednesday morning, and right now our focus is complying with the redistricting court order. As I was not a party to any conversations with House members or anyone else about votes in the House, it really wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment on their override process.”

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thank you again for writing.

On Senator Berger’s behalf,

Rebekah LaHay
Constituent and District Liaison
Office of Senator Phil Berger
What to make of this?

It's very rare to get a reply from a pol that isn't one's own rep. So rare that I didn't even bother requesting a reply like I usually do.
He doesn't commit to ethical dealing.
He doesn't offer any support for the House Repugs.

I think it's safe to say that the House action has had a huge, negative impact on the NC GOP. If the Senate fails to override, the negative will be absolute, and they will still need to craft a compromise on a budget that's now months late.
Phil is lying; there is no way that he and his cohorts in the Senate had no idea about this. I just don't believe it. Blatant brazen lying has become the standard operating procedure for the GOP these days from city halls to state legislatures to DC.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

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neoplacebo wrote:
Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:38 pm
Phil is lying; there is no way that he and his cohorts in the Senate had no idea about this. I just don't believe it. Blatant brazen lying has become the standard operating procedure for the GOP these days from city halls to state legislatures to DC.
Why not, McGrady is lying. I'll consider that approach if Berger writes me back.

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Re: Wingnutties out of control!

Unread post by billy.pilgrim » ... itual-war/

“Marijuana dispensaries are on the same streets as thriving churches.”

"Lamborn said evidence of a religious war also includes “abortion clinics” near “pregnancy centers” and legislators attempting to “impose radical gender theory on young students while parents in godly homes teach their children the virtue of marriage.”

But what about thriving Marijuana dispensaries on the same streets as struggling churches?
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”

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