Re: CPF: The BEST Forum Ever

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Re: CPF: The BEST Forum Ever

Unread post by bannination »

Yeah, those libs are nuts, Obama means nothing, God is still in control! He'll not let a communist muslcim pig like Obama control our destiny!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by JTA »

bannination wrote:Yeah, those libs are nuts, Obama means nothing, God is still in control! He'll not let a communist muslcim pig like Obama control our destiny!
Remember when people were threatening to move to Canada if George W. Bush was elected for a second term? Well, when Obama was elected to a second term, some people were honestly saying in all seriousness that they were thinking about moving to "England" to escape socialism. ENGLAND!
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by rstrong »

JTA wrote:Remember when people were threatening to move to Canada if George W. Bush was elected for a second term?
I apologize for my country's shameless trolling, sending down Ted Cruz in response.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Poor Crock is taking a beating over there from BoBo, I wonder if someone should tell him :-H

I think it was last week when his paranoia was directed at "the return of Vrede". The dude needs to get a life :clap:
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by rstrong »

I wonder how they feel about the color blue?
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by AndyJackson »

Howdy - Newly minted / registered poster..........and CPF political refugee. Banned like Charles Manson.

Which is funny, because I'm an arch-conservative, probably won't post here again because I couldn't possibly have a civil debate with folks of your beliefs.

I just thought you'd get a kick out of my story. Well, I know you will, seeing how you hate those guys so fervently. Banned by Solar, who apparently runs the place for the 80-somethings who apparently pay for the place.

I was guilty of not agreeing and cheerleading with Solar.........that "WE" are about to win everything forever everywhere, guaranteed. And the "thought crime" that the various stalled / stopped GOP investigations may possibly go nowhere.

The other great crime in disagreeing with the standard script, is that "important people are reading CPF and we have to show a united front". Apparently everyone at CPF goes beddy-bye thinking sweet thoughts, that Cruz, Paul, Palin, Lee, Sessions, and Mike Reagan are all reading CPF feverishly, and rewriting their philosophies and campaigns, as a result.

Reminds me of someone weeping "I met Brad Pitt, and I know that he just wants to be my BFF !"

So, now when I clink on any link to CPF, I get a little dialogue box that taunts and giggles at me, that I can never ever look at CPF again. At any IP that I ever accessed the site from. Now there's some "promising best business practices" !!

Also, did you folks know that there is a "Solar's Toy" on there, a real person that seems to be connected to Solar in some fashion ? Even I, no kind of feminist moaner & groaner.....thought that was oddly strange, in a weird, uncomfortable, variation of awkwardness.

So there's my CPF story. I don't think they're the worst, as you guys say, but I do agree that their behaviors are as bad or worse, and even sillier, than you guys, lol.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Boatrocker »

"Worst" is a sliding scale- relative and subject to change from day to day. And don't think you can't engage here, as long as you have something other than rhetoric and dogma and some shit you got from The Blaze or WMD or Breitbart or, obviously, FUX. Come with supportable facts and figures and be prepared to defend them with logic and reason. And maintain a thick skin; this place is largely unmoderated.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by rstrong »

AndyJackson wrote:Howdy - Newly minted / registered poster..........and CPF political refugee. Banned like Charles Manson.

Which is funny, because I'm an arch-conservative, probably won't post here again because I couldn't possibly have a civil debate with folks of your beliefs.
Greetings, fellow American! *1 As a conservative *3 republican *4, I welcome you here!

*1) I'm Canadian, but we're both from what's been called America the continent since 276 years before America the country first existed in 1783 *2.

*2) No, not 1776. Apparently a declaration is not the same as independence. The United States was rather vigorous in defending this view in 1861.

*3) Fiscal & traditional conservative. Not a tea party "conservative."

*4) Not a monarchist.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by bannination »

AndyJackson wrote:Howdy - Newly minted / registered poster..........and CPF political refugee. Banned like Charles Manson.

Which is funny, because I'm an arch-conservative, probably won't post here again because I couldn't possibly have a civil debate with folks of your beliefs.

I just thought you'd get a kick out of my story. Well, I know you will, seeing how you hate those guys so fervently. Banned by Solar, who apparently runs the place for the 80-somethings who apparently pay for the place.

I was guilty of not agreeing and cheerleading with Solar.........that "WE" are about to win everything forever everywhere, guaranteed. And the "thought crime" that the various stalled / stopped GOP investigations may possibly go nowhere.

The other great crime in disagreeing with the standard script, is that "important people are reading CPF and we have to show a united front". Apparently everyone at CPF goes beddy-bye thinking sweet thoughts, that Cruz, Paul, Palin, Lee, Sessions, and Mike Reagan are all reading CPF feverishly, and rewriting their philosophies and campaigns, as a result.

Reminds me of someone weeping "I met Brad Pitt, and I know that he just wants to be my BFF !"

So, now when I clink on any link to CPF, I get a little dialogue box that taunts and giggles at me, that I can never ever look at CPF again. At any IP that I ever accessed the site from. Now there's some "promising best business practices" !!

Also, did you folks know that there is a "Solar's Toy" on there, a real person that seems to be connected to Solar in some fashion ? Even I, no kind of feminist moaner & groaner.....thought that was oddly strange, in a weird, uncomfortable, variation of awkwardness.

So there's my CPF story. I don't think they're the worst, as you guys say, but I do agree that their behaviors are as bad or worse, and even sillier, than you guys, lol.
All I can say is that I'm certainly glad you've seen Solar for what he is. I respect the way they want to run their forum, it's just you have no idea what the rules are from day to day. I've watched so many people get banned for... <insert minor or nothing thing here>.

If you ever need a way to "view" their site, and not post, I can probably hook you up. I watch for the mere morbid curiosity from time to time. The ideals that they espouse are certainly not the ideals they live by on that forum, free speech especially.

I can certainly understand that you don't feel like you could post here. I can promise you though, you'd never be banned for an opinion.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by JTA »

rstrong wrote:
AndyJackson wrote:Howdy - Newly minted / registered poster..........and CPF political refugee. Banned like Charles Manson.

Which is funny, because I'm an arch-conservative, probably won't post here again because I couldn't possibly have a civil debate with folks of your beliefs.
Greetings, fellow American! *1 As a conservative *3 republican *4, I welcome you here!

*1) I'm Canadian, but we're both from what's been called America the continent since 276 years before America the country first existed in 1783 *2.

*2) No, not 1776. Apparently a declaration is not the same as independence. The United States was rather vigorous in defending this view in 1861.

*3) Fiscal & traditional conservative. Not a tea party "conservative."

*4) Not a monarchist.
No need to clarify, we already know that Canada is just America Lite and that you guys are dying to join the US and A. We are just waiting for Canada to mature enough past the angsty teenager stage of life and disband it's socialisms like universal healthcare and collective farming, then we'll welcome you guys as the fifty first state.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

AndyJackson wrote: "Which is funny, because I'm an arch-conservative, probably won't post here again because I couldn't possibly have a civil debate with folks of your beliefs."
You got that right. Boatrocker's reply is a good example. Anyway...welcome. :thumbup:
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Mr.B wrote:
AndyJackson wrote: "Which is funny, because I'm an arch-conservative, probably won't post here again because I couldn't possibly have a civil debate with folks of your beliefs."
You got that right. Boatrocker's reply is a good example. Anyway...welcome. :thumbup:
Boatrocker wrote: . . . Come with supportable facts and figures and be prepared to defend them with logic and reason. And maintain a thick skin; this place is largely unmoderated.
Yeah. I was way outta line. Got it.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by rstrong »

Boatrocker wrote:Yeah. I was way outta line. Got it.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Mr.B »

Boatrocker wrote:"Yeah. I was way outta line. Got it."

"And don't think you can't engage here, as long as you have something other than rhetoric and dogma and some shit you got from The Blaze or WMD or Breitbart or, obviously, FUX."
That's like saying all the crap you read or listen to from your preferred sources is the absolute, infallible truth. :wtf:
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by AndyJackson »

Mr.B wrote:
Boatrocker wrote:"Yeah. I was way outta line. Got it."

"And don't think you can't engage here, as long as you have something other than rhetoric and dogma and some shit you got from The Blaze or WMD or Breitbart or, obviously, FUX."
That's like saying all the crap you read or listen to from your preferred sources is the absolute, infallible truth. :wtf:
You're worse off than I thought you were....
lol, beat me to it. The "shit from anything that I don't agree with"......and "FUX"..........not a promising table-setter. I don't really expect anything conservative (racist) or anything-but-adulation-for-Obama (racist) to be logically debated here.

Same-same as CPF. Only it's at least based in differing world views here. Over there it's more like "while we agree, I don't like the way that you agree with me so you're banned".
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by O Really »

Welcome, Andy -
But I think you may have been reading some other forum. As far as I know, there is no Obama-adulation here, even though most if not all of us voted for him. Some enthusiastically, some with nose held. All-Obama all the time is part of the right-wing program, not ours. Since he was elected, Republicans have held total opposition to anything Obama as their first and apparently only priority. That's not my opinion, that's what McConnell, et. al. has said. So any issue becomes just another Obama-bash. Want to talk gun legislation? Obama's going to take away our guns. Immigration? Obama's an illegal and he wants to give Mexicans our jobs. ISIS? Obama's a closet Muslim who supports them. etc. and yada. From my perspective, Obama has done very little, and what he has done is not enough. But most issues don't really involve Obama to any extent.

The reason I disrespect Fox News (as compared to Fox sports) is that they feed the most ignorant among us. I'm pretty sure most of those guys are smarter and more informed than they let on. They fuel the stories about closet Muslimism and give a place for people like Trump and Guiliano to express their, ummm "views." It's not that other networks are always accurate or that some don't have a point of view. It's that Fox plays to the fringes - like Murdoch.

So sure, if you decide to play with us and you start all your posts about Obama and conspiracy theories about how he's trying to overturn the US government, you might expect some derision and ridicule. But if you want to discuss issues from your own point of view, you'll probably get civil discussion even from those who disagree with some or all of what you say. IMNVHO.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Boatrocker »

Mr.B wrote:
Boatrocker wrote:"Yeah. I was way outta line. Got it."

"And don't think you can't engage here, as long as you have something other than rhetoric and dogma and some shit you got from The Blaze or WMD or Breitbart or, obviously, FUX."
That's like saying all the crap you read or listen to from your preferred sources is the absolute, infallible truth. :wtf:
You're worse off than I thought you were....
And you're probably more senile than I suspected.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by Boatrocker »

AndyJackson wrote: . . . lol, beat me to it. The "shit from anything that I don't agree with"......and "FUX"..........not a promising table-setter. I don't really expect anything conservative (racist) or anything-but-adulation-for-Obama (racist) to be logically debated here.

Same-same as CPF. Only it's at least based in differing world views here. Over there it's more like "while we agree, I don't like the way that you agree with me so you're banned".
You won't be banned from this place except for the most egregious bullshit. Even that idiot Roland is still on the rolls, though he hasn't the balls to come in here much, and Solarbell doesn't like it when one of his cult-ers comes in here. Like I said, bring your facts and figures and be prepared to defend them. If you have the balls.
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Re: CPF: The Worst Forum Ever

Unread post by AndyJackson »

Boatrocker wrote:
AndyJackson wrote: . . . lol, beat me to it. The "shit from anything that I don't agree with"......and "FUX"..........not a promising table-setter. I don't really expect anything conservative (racist) or anything-but-adulation-for-Obama (racist) to be logically debated here.

Same-same as CPF. Only it's at least based in differing world views here. Over there it's more like "while we agree, I don't like the way that you agree with me so you're banned".
You won't be banned from this place except for the most egregious bullshit. Even that idiot Roland is still on the rolls, though he hasn't the balls to come in here much, and Solarbell doesn't like it when one of his cult-ers comes in here. Like I said, bring your facts and figures and be prepared to defend them. If you have the balls.
Damn son, are you 16 years old ? You have a lot of interest in balls. Hopefully, those of "that guy behind the tree"...and not me. There are websites for this, not necessarily political.

And there you have it. I'm in an argument without even having an opinion. Well mods, do what you do. I have a funny feeling it will always go in the favor of the 16-year-old Obama worshipper. Keeper of the flame, bearer of the torch, etc.

Cest la vie.
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