Gun Range

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Gun Range

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Anyone heard anything about this? Seems strange, the public being informed by the high Sheriff at a neighborhood meeting. ... &item=4311
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Re: Gun Range

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Not sure about the specifics, but I think the idea of an LEO firing range somewhere (Etowah at one point?) has been a controversial topic here for awhile. Maybe search the HT-N?
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Re: Gun Range

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Vrede too wrote:Not sure about the specifics, but I think the idea of an LEO firing range somewhere (Etowah at one point?) has been a controversial topic here for awhile. Maybe search the HT-N?

Are you making a funny? :-H

Holy crap, I spoke too soon! ... n-Zirconia
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Re: Gun Range

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Well, I didn't mean the current controversy, just that if it's been an idea to put one somewhere for awhile I would have learned about it from the HT-N.

Here's what a search found. I'm not clicking on the articles because of the monthly limit of 5.

Zoning board turns down shooting range
Roughly 40 Dana residents rose to their feet and cheered Tuesday evening as the Henderson County Zoning Board of Adjustment shot down a proposed outdoor gun range off Lane Road.
Published September 16, 2014 ... 2/0/search
Sounds private.

Ah, I think this is what I remembered:

Edneyville shooting range to be moved indoors
The N.C. General Assembly passed a bill Wednesday requiring the Justice Academy to build an indoor shooting range at the Edneyville campus, instead of the controversial outdoor facility originally planned.
Published July 30, 2009 ... 7/0/search
State, not county, Edneyville, not Etowah.

It begs the question - Why can't the county just use the state's indoor range in Edneyville?
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Re: Gun Range

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I remember those, the first was a private range for weekend warrior fun. The Edneyville range was deemed to close to schools and residences for an outdoor range. The public won out in both cases.

Funny, I've lived here over twenty years and I cannot recall an instance that the Sheriff's department ever needed to deploy the "tactical" techniques they insist they have to train for.......seems like a lot of testosterone with boys and guns that they can't get out of their systems with paintball :).

If there is really a need for his law enforcement traiining, there must be a need for all of WNC. I'm sure there is plenty of available land, say in Madison County that could be shared at a much lower cost for acquisition and ongoing expenses etc. Methinks the High Sheriff wants the playground in his backyard to make a buck or two in addition to legacy building/politicking et. al.
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Re: Gun Range

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There are lots of crazy women with cigarette lighters and churches in black neighborhoods out there. Our LEOs must be prepared.

Another question - Why not just rent time at existing private ranges?

Dear Commissioners,

I'm not a Green River resident but I oppose throwing our money at a new firing range, whatever the location. The HCSD can rent time at the state's indoor range in Edneyville or at existing private ranges.

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Re: Gun Range

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Re: Gun Range

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Let me know if you'd like me to send another email on an issue you care about. ;)
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Re: Gun Range

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

Vrede too wrote:Let me know if you'd like me to send another email on an issue you care about. ;)
:clap: :clap: :-||
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Re: Gun Range

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Funny thing, only Lapsley replied, and he was noncommittal. I didn't think that bode well.
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