Local Pols

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Vrede too
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Re: Local Pols

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O Really wrote:
Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:46 am
Write yourself in.
Back when I first started voting all write-ins were tallied and I routinely did write in Fidel, Minnie Mouse or whoever. I even unintentionally became a Dem precinct committeeman one year due to other folks writing me in where there was no candidate. That's ended, the candidate has to be an officially declared write-in to appear in any accounting. :(
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Re: Local Pols

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Vrede too wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:33 pm
... So, I'll get a GOP ballot, seems I can have more impact. Unlike some years, there doesn't seem to be opportunity for me to vote for the worst Repug in order to help the Dems in the general.

US House of Representatives, District 11, GOP Primary:
Mark Meadows has been awful.
Chuck Archerd gets my vote by default.

District Attorney, District 42, GOP Primary, no Dem running:
Greg Newman, https://www.facebook.com/DAGregNewman/, incumbent, slimeball
Mary Ann J. Hollocker, https://maryannjhollockerforda.org/ , seems decent for a Repug, she gets my vote

Board of Commissioners, District 4, GOP Primary, no incumbent and no Dem running:
Don Ward, https://www.facebook.com/Elect-DON-WARD ... 189339516/ , ick
Rebecca McCall, https://www.rebeccamccall.com/ , so-so, she gets my vote

There were "constitutional conservative" leafletters at the poll. They were pushing McCall. I thanked them for being there and told them their presence persuaded me to vote AGAINST McCall. :D

Sheriff, GOP Primary, no Dem running:
Charles McDonald has been awful.
Lowell Griffin, https://electlowellgriffin.com/, https://electlowellgriffin.com/the-griffin-difference-1 , interesting resume, typically bad con policy, maybe decent management ideas, he gets my vote

Primary is May 8. So, I have time to change my mind if y'all have a reason for picking the Dem ballot or for picking different Repugs.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Local Pols

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Vrede too wrote:
Tue May 08, 2018 10:06 am
Vrede too wrote:
Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:33 pm
... So, I'll get a GOP ballot, seems I can have more impact. Unlike some years, there doesn't seem to be opportunity for me to vote for the worst Repug in order to help the Dems in the general.

US House of Representatives, District 11, GOP Primary:
Mark Meadows has been awful.
Chuck Archerd gets my vote by default.

Meadows won big, no surprise.

District Attorney, District 42, GOP Primary, no Dem running:
Greg Newman, https://www.facebook.com/DAGregNewman/, incumbent, slimeball
Mary Ann J. Hollocker, https://maryannjhollockerforda.org/ , seems decent for a Repug, she gets my vote

Newman won big, oh well.

Board of Commissioners, District 4, GOP Primary, no incumbent and no Dem running:
Don Ward, https://www.facebook.com/Elect-DON-WARD ... 189339516/ , ick
Rebecca McCall, https://www.rebeccamccall.com/ , so-so, she gets my vote

There were "constitutional conservative" leafletters at the poll. They were pushing McCall. I thanked them for being there and told them their presence persuaded me to vote AGAINST McCall. :D

McCall won a close one, 51.38% - 48.62%, not that I really care. Interesting that her poll workers may have made the difference,

Sheriff, GOP Primary, no Dem running:
Charles McDonald has been awful.
Lowell Griffin, https://electlowellgriffin.com/, https://electlowellgriffin.com/the-griffin-difference-1 , interesting resume, typically bad con policy, maybe decent management ideas, he gets my vote

Whoa, Griffin won handily. Rare that an incumbent gets booted. Let's hope that he's not worse.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Local Pols

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Subject: Schools, guns and money
Date: Sat, June 2, 2018 11:28 am
To: "Rep. Chuck McGrady" <Chuck.McGrady@ncleg.net>, Chuck.Edwards@ncleg.net
Cc: contactgov@nc.gov, publicschoolsfirstnc@gmail.com

Dear Rep. McGrady and Senator Edwards,

I see that you’ve voted racist again by endorsing HB514.

Public Schools First NC:
“HB514: Permit Municipal Charter School/Certain Towns. This bill would allow Cornelius, Huntersville, Matthews, and Mint Hill, majority white suburbs of Charlotte, to create their own charter schools. Further, they will be permitted to restrict access to local residents. In the recently passed budget amendments, a related provision (38.8) allows local municipalities to use (and raise) property taxes to fund schools. It is worrisome that this will exacerbate existing segregation and inequality. Charlotte is already experiencing high levels of segregation. Additionally, taxpayers could see increases in tax bills as localities take on school funding responsibilities. Many public school advocates think these related pieces of legislation will eventually be found unconstitutional. Also troubling is worry that this legislation could return North Carolina back to a time when the quality of education was inequitably distributed based on one's zip code. This bill passed a second reading in the Senate and is on the calendar for June 4th.”

Shame on you.

I see that you prepared the budget, SB99, behind closed doors, prevented all input from minority party lawmakers, then rammed it through without even allowing the opportunity for debate or amendments.

Why do you detest transparency, democracy and ultimately the people of NC?

I see that you’ve retained public school-decimating tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.
I see that over $75 million of federal funds were allocated to NC to expand Pre-K programs and of that, $50 million dollars was used to replace state funding, instead.
I see that vouchers and charter schools are still supported, despite the facts that there’s no evidence of improved outcomes, the tendency to increase vile segregation, and that vouchers are mostly spent on Christian madrassas.

I see that some are pushing the idiotic and dangerous idea of arming school teachers and staff with HB1039. Please oppose this insanity.
I see that Sen. Edwards wants more private guns on school and church property, SB756. Please oppose this insanity, Rep. McGrady.
Please support HB 1070 and any other reasonable gun control measures.

Be better.

Please do the right thing on these bills, Governor Cooper.

(Vrede too)
House Bill 514
Senate Bill 99
House Bill 1039
Senate Bill 756
House Bill 1070 (=S737)

cc: Governor Cooper, Public Schools First NC
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Local Pols

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To: Sierra Club North Carolina Chapter


First off, your NC website does not make it easy to find NC email addresses for y’all. The only “Contact Us” I spotted is for national contacts.

“Rep. Chuck McGrady (has) been a steadfast champion of the environment with a rare ability to bring diverse groups together on difficult issues.”


He started out somewhat independent and responsible years ago, but devolved into a pure GOP hack.

His NCLCV Legislative Scores are a dismal 2017-2018 55 and lifetime 59.
https://nclcv.org/wp-content/uploads/20 ... igital.pdf

He’s a staunch advocate or AgGag legislation, not only preventing exposure of cruelty and pollution at CFOs, but also criminalizing documentation of nursing home and other commercial abuses.

He’s waged a consistent assault on local control statewide and against Asheville in particular - water system, now sewer, and even city council elections to partisan GOP advantage despite not representing the city.

From his position on the Education Committee he’s presided over the GOP’s dismantling of our once stellar pubic schools, and has transferred our desperately needed monies to corporate fat cats, segregated charter schools and Christian madrassas.

Worst of all to me has been his attacks on democracy itself - spiteful limitations on a Dem governor’s power, racist voter suppression, and extreme, unconstitutional, racial and partisan gerrymandering. With these, nothing good can happen for the environment or the state in any other way.

If this is your idea of a “champion”, I’m not interested. I’m unsubscribing and will not be sending any donation that I’d planned to get around to eventually.

In disappointment,
(Vrede too)

cc: Sierra Club National
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Local Pols

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Henderson County Democratic Party files complaint against Congressman Chuck Edwards

Today the Henderson County (North Carolina) Democratic Party filed a complaint against 11th District Congressman Chuck Edwards alleging that a recent mailer that was delivered throughout the 11th Congressional District was a violation of federal law, which prohibits taxpayer funded communications that are “politicized” and that “disparage political parties.”

“The mailer that I received and that tens of thousands of Western North Carolinians received the week before Christmas titled “Crime is out of control in Asheville” was a misleading, hyper-partisan campaign mailer, attacking Asheville and disparaging its mayor and city council, most of whom are Democrats,” said Leslie Carey, Chair of the Henderson County Democratic Party....

Publicly available information on the House of Representatives website reveals that in 2023 Edwards sent out more mass mailings, newsletters, alerts, social media posts, and robo-calls, than any other member of the North Carolina delegation. In fact, he was No. 3 in the entire Congress, at 250, behind Bob Good (R-VA) and Zachary Nunn (R-IA).

“Edwards often labels his constituents who receive much needed government assistance as socialists, but he was quick to accept more than $1 million in COVID relief money to fund his restaurants in 2020. Now he thinks he has found a way to saddle the taxpayer with the cost of his attack mailers,” said Carey. “He needs to be held accountable.”
:---P , sorta. It's unlikely to amount to anything :( Darn, this is going to ruin NC11's stellar reputation ;)
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD

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