Well, sorta. "Right to work" is anti-union and a misnomer, but all it means is that in a RTW state, you can't be required to join or pay union dues even if you work in a unionized company. It's a mechanism to reduce funding to unions and to stir up antagonism between the union members (who pay for all the good stuff the non-joiners enjoy) and the non-joiners, sometimes referred to as deadbeat slugs or worse.
"At Will" has very little impact in real life because the rest of it goes "an employer may terminate an employee for any or no reason as long as it isn't an illegal reason." So sure, your employer can fire you because he doesn't like your ratty car in the lot or just because he doesn't like you. But you're going to go to your lawyer and say that's bullshit. He didn't fire me for that, he fired me because I'm Black/female/old/union organizer, yada. Then the employer will have to justify the firing in a way that's believable. No federal/state agency or jury is ever going to believe the employer who stands up there and says "yeah, he was a good worker, good attendance, good performance, employees and patients liked him, but I got sick of that ratty car in the lot." Or "I just woke up and decided to fire him just because I can"