As my board name indicates, I'm a geriatric old Aussie who is angry nay, f--cking FURIOUS, at the way the last few generations of bone lazy socialistic gimmedats, faggots, air thieves, and useful idiots have f--ked absolutely everything up.
If I dare utilise free speech in Australia to express my disgust and rage at what these Marxist-Feminist maggots have done, and are still doing to western civilisation, the government Thought Police will arrest me and send me to one of its Stalinist re-education camps for PC training!
So here I am, in the place where popular Marxist-Feminist insanity emanates from, i.e. America, trying, like King Canute, to hold back the tide of the Frankfurt School filth that has infected the once civilised and wealthy West.

At least there is still some degree of free speech left in America!
Maybe it is too late to stop the moral and economic rot these Marxist mongrels has started, and an old bloke like myself should just live out his last days plundering the public purse and playing poor persecuted victim like our young Marxist masters. However I want to let the Bolshie filth know just how f--king ropeable I am at their long march through our institutions before I fall off my perch!!