Has the Steele dossier been debunked in it's entirety? No.

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Has the Steele dossier been debunked in it's entirety? No.

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Has the Steele dossier been debunked?

Dossier Claim: Russia Meddled

Revelation: The U.S. intelligence apparatus concluded that Russia interfered in 2016’s election in a report released in January 2017. Though Steele’s name is not mentioned in that report, it does back up his reporting that Russia was actively interfering in the election process.

Dossier Claim: Russia Had Dirt on Clinton and DNC

Revelation: Much of the dossier is devoted not only to Trump but to Russia’s—specifically Putin’s—distaste for former Secretary of State Clinton. “Putin motivated by fear and hatred of Hillary Clinton,” one line of the dossier reads. Another line said: “The two sides had a mutual interest in defeating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whom President Putin apparently both hated and feared.”

Steele later cites one source as stating Russia that was behind the leak of hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails to WikiLeaks.

The U.S. intelligence community confirmed not only that Russia had tried to meddle in the election but that it was the source of the hacked DNC emails released by WikiLeaks.

Dossier Claim:
Putin Was in Charge

Revelation: On the very first page of the dossier, Steele explains that the election meddling was “endorsed by Putin” and that the effort was “both supported and directed” by him. The U.S. intelligence report reached the same conclusion, writing that Putin “ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the presidential election.” According to Steele’s sources, Putin and Russia had been cultivating Trump for “at least 5 years.”

See more here: What’s True in Trump-Russia Dossier? Key Parts Proved Over Last Year

Fox News clip

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Re: Has the Steele dossier been debunked?

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bannination wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:45 pm
Has the Steele dossier been debunked? ...
Thanks, just used in verbatim entirety elsewhere.

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Re: Has the Steele dossier been debunked?

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bannination wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:45 pm
Has the Steele dossier been debunked? ...
Glenn Greenwald does not address the areas you cite, but he does say that the Steele dossier been debunked on matters related to the Trump team, and that the FBI knew it and covered it up.

The Inspector General’s Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude: Not Only for the FBI but Also the U.S. Media

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Re: Has the Steele dossier been debunked?

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Ex-FBI director Comey: 'I was wrong’ to defend origins of Russia probe

... Comey also accused Wallace of mischaracterizing the dossier, which Wallace argued was not credible when the FISA applications were renewed.

“I think you're mischaracterizing both what the FBI knew and what Mr. Horowitz says in his report,” Comey said. “They didn't conclude the reporting from Steele was bunk; they concluded there were significant questions about the reliability of some of the sub-source reporting. That should have been included in the renewals. But when I briefed the president, I briefed him on a small part of it that I told him I didn't know whether it was true or not; I didn't care. I just needed him to know about it.”

“Steele misstated or exaggerated the source's statements in multiple sections of the report,” Wallace shot back. “He's saying, ‘I told him one thing, and he wrote something else.’ The FBI knew that.”

“Yeah, but that doesn't drive a conclusion that Steele's reporting is bunk,” Comey said.

When Wallace accused him of minimizing the significance of the Steele information, noting “[Horowitz is] saying it's a lot more important than you let on,” Comey apologized.

“If I was, then I'm sorry that I did that,” he said.
Same article, discussion of use of Steele dossier to start investigation:
http://www.blueridgedebate.com/forum/vi ... 16#p106516

I understand that Steele disputes the IG report, but I haven't yet read in detail what he's saying.

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Re: Has the Steele dossier been debunked?

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I'm going to change the topic title to "Has the Steele dossier been debunked in it's entirety?"

I think that's more fair, and to people that don't understand it's a piece of intelligence and it's obviously probable the entire thing isn't true, it may add clarity.

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Re: Has the Steele dossier been debunked?

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bannination wrote:
Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:25 pm
I'm going to change the topic title to "Has the Steele dossier been debunked in it's entirety?"

I think that's more fair, and to people that don't understand it's a piece of intelligence and it's obviously probable the entire thing isn't true, it may add clarity.
Until all of this I had been telling people that there was a lot of confirmation and no debunking :oops: .

The maddening thing is that we know that Impeached President* Trump and his Klan really did solicit and collude, the Russians really did meddle, and it really did swing a very narrow EC election to him..

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