PeacefulPartier wrote: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:07 pm
If Joe Biden had all the answers, why didn't he tell Obama?
And if trump has all the answers, why does he do nothing but lie? I don't understand.
What lies are those?
Since this is Sunday, I'll treat you to another "what lies are those" devastating wipeout. And since you have such an affinity for being lied to, I will take this opportunity to announce that I was named man of the year in TN for twelve years running starting in 1980. I will tell you. ... 55276.html
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:04 pm
Still waiting on a lie. Anyone got one?
This long time Republican strategist has one for you, punchy. But somehow I don't think any of my numerous examples of trump lies will ever penetrate your "herd mentality." sad ... 11037.html
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:04 pm
Still waiting on a lie. Anyone got one?
Here you go, punchy. This is video of a legal deposition in which your man that cannot lie plainly lies; about how good his memory is, about how he knows the instructors at Trump University are "great" and that he has personal knowledge of their fitness as instructors, and other things. He also calls losing winning, gives praise to people he doesn't actually like, and on and on. Watch it; it's very informative.....if you have any semblance of understanding English and a working brain. All of this happened before he became president. Be best, punchy. ... 17060.html
So one could argue that Trump lies for "the better good" or so as to "beat the Libs" or that it doesn't matter if he lies as long as he appoints anti-abortion judges, or even that what he says doesn't matter - it's what he does that matters...yada.
But how can even the hardest core Trumpist not acknowledge that he lies constantly? (a) they do know, they just enjoy yanking people's chains; (b) they're in deep self-denial; (c) they're dumber than a box of rocks; (d) all the above.
So one could argue that Trump lies for "the better good" or so as to "beat the Libs" or that it doesn't matter if he lies as long as he appoints anti-abortion judges, or even that what he says doesn't matter - it's what he does that matters...yada.
But how can even the hardest core Trumpist not acknowledge that he lies constantly? (a) they do know, they just enjoy yanking people's chains; (b) they're in deep self-denial; (c) they're dumber than a box of rocks; (d) all the above.
D, obviously.
I guessed the right answer but it wasn't difficult at all given the choices. I know that if I were a trump cult member I would not admit it. I think a lot of them are just too stupid and gullible but many are willfully ignorant, which is worse.
neoplacebo wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:27 amThis long time Republican strategist has one for you, punchy. But somehow I don't think any of my numerous examples of trump lies will ever penetrate your "herd mentality." sad ... 11037.html
45SHOLE lied, tens of thousands of Americans died.
Ironically, that PP is "Still waiting on a (PINO) lie" is itself a lie. Irresponsible cowardice = typical Trumpette.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD
neoplacebo wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:27 amThis long time Republican strategist has one for you, punchy. But somehow I don't think any of my numerous examples of trump lies will ever penetrate your "herd mentality." sad ... 11037.html
45SHOLE lied, tens of thousands of Americans died.
Ironically, that PP is "Still waiting on a (PINO) lie" is itself a lie. Irresponsible cowardice = typical Trumpette.
It takes some bigly willful ignorance for peaceful partier to stick with his willful ignorance. But he's got it covered. Bigly. I will tell you. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. Everybody knows it.
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:04 pm
Still waiting on a lie. Anyone got one?
Here you go, punchy. A whole wall of lies just completed in Brooklyn. You should go there and look at it but that would be like a pig looking at a watch. Oh, well. I just give you what you ask for even though the result is like a pig looking at a watch. What time do you think it is? ... 22660.html
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:04 pm
Still waiting on a lie. Anyone got one?
More for your extensive collection of trump lies, graciously provided by me even though I am blindingly aware of your self imposed ignorance regarding this matter Punchy. This one is sort of a bonus in that it documents a lie not only from trump himself but also one from his son. Enjoy.
neoplacebo wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:04 pmMore for your extensive collection of trump lies, graciously provided by me even though I am blindingly aware of your self imposed ignorance regarding this matter Punchy. This one is sort of a bonus in that it documents a lie not only from trump himself but also one from his son. Enjoy.
Fwiw, far from being "DEM", Moscow, Idaho is purple, city govt is nonpartisan and CV-19 safety is only partisan to Trumpettes, right-wing xtians and other con wingnuts. PINO and Eric are lying idiots.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD
neoplacebo wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:04 pmMore for your extensive collection of trump lies, graciously provided by me even though I am blindingly aware of your self imposed ignorance regarding this matter Punchy. This one is sort of a bonus in that it documents a lie not only from trump himself but also one from his son. Enjoy.
Fwiw, far from being "DEM", Moscow, Idaho is purple, city govt is nonpartisan and CV-19 safety is only partisan to Trumpettes, right-wing xtians and other con wingnuts. PINO and Eric are lying idiots.
I always have a smile on my face when I post these examples of trump lies for Punchy even though I have serious doubt that Punchy would ever believe trump is a pathological liar or even a casual liar. Punchy is trump drunk.
neoplacebo wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:25 pm I always have a smile on my face when I post these examples of trump lies for Punchy even though I have serious doubt that Punchy would ever believe trump is a pathological liar or even a casual liar. Punchy is trump drunk.
Lying about xtians is blasphemy, and denying that PINO is a pathological liar is Commandment-level sinful false witness. Repent PP!
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:04 pm
Still waiting on a lie. Anyone got one?
Here you go, Punchy. This is, like the title of the article says, "the lie that won't die." Except to you, and the rest of the cult members, who cling to this pathological liar and hotbed of ignorance, sad ... 13265.html
PeacefulPartier wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:04 pm
Still waiting on a lie. Anyone got one?
Can you hear me now? I can give you one a day but have given you time to digest, research, and confirm that all the trump lies I've already sent you are in fact, lies. Do you know the difference between a lie and not a lie? I hate to see anyone suffer from willful ignorance, punchy. ... 43768.html