Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Reality wrote:PBO, rstrong's question are in the words of Vred, "silly".

Besides, banni said this was a con forum. You, rstrong and the other lefties need to go back to your forum. If we cons want anything from the left, which I'm sure we don't, we will take your request under consideration.
Ok, but I thought the questions were good ones that have not yet been addressed unless I missed it.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by neoplacebo »

bannination wrote:All this talk of wet nurses is making me thirsty.

:lol: Banni, you need to be a brown shirt if you have the swastika...I've appointed myself fashion nazi, or Kulturrfurhrer. :P
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by rstrong »

Reality wrote:PBO, rstrong's question are in the words of Vred, "silly".

Besides, banni said this was a con forum. You, rstrong and the other lefties need to go back to your forum.
This is a conservative forum. I'm a conservative. Most of the right wingers here are anything but conservative.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

rstrong, since you present yourself as a conservative could you describe a Canadian liberal?
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by rstrong »

Reality wrote:rstrong, since you present yourself as a conservative could you describe a Canadian liberal?
Liberal. A little to the left of your Democrats, although the last couple of Liberal administrations were admirably fiscally conservative. Less pro-business and pro-free-trade than the Conservative Party. More government services via higher taxes, where the Conservative Party wants less government services for lower taxes.

(As opposed to the US where the Republicans ALSO want more government services via higher taxes - they merely differ with the Democrats on WHICH government services should get more funding and who should pay those taxes.)

Our Conservative Party is to the right of your Republicans - not to the right of what Republicans campaign on, but to the certainly to the right of Republicans once elected.

Your turn. What makes you think I'm not a conservative? (Hint: Being a Palin/Bachmann/Santorum Republican does not make you a conservative. Being a Tea Partier certainly does not make you a conservative.) Not that I expect you to be capable of a rational answer this time either.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by mike »

Vrede wrote:Just realized that all our avatars are on the "right". Nice touch, banni.
Not necessarily ... Image


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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Stinger »

Reality wrote: You are the sickest of the sickos and your sicko cohorts for some ungodly reason support what you are doing.
You are, without a doubt, one of the biggest fucking dumbasses in the southeastern U.S.

You whine about the nonexistent "moderation" in a form where there is no moderation, so Banni gives you your very own little baby pool where you're the moderator, and you call him "the sickest of the sickos."

Just fucking stupid.

Moderate your whiny little ass off.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Supsalemgr »

Stinger has such a way with words. I bet he was really a big deal in elementary school. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

First name Dingle does have a way with words, the wrong way. Of course "it" thinks what "it" says has effect but "it" is to mentally deficient to grasp the absurdity of "it's" post.

"It" was the only student in Elementary School that cut "itself" shaving before moving from the 4th grade to the 5th.

Sicko verified!
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

Vred care to post my so called whinning?

I believe the crux of my previous remarks referred to the liberal swarm on this thread that ran many posters away. Don't beleive I nor any other non lib requested a con only forum. They are already available.

I like this one because reading the lib post makes me more thankful everday that I'm a con; that's US con not Canadian.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

Moderator; one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion as the nonpartisan presiding officer.

So Vred, who's the "non partisan" presiding officer in the General Discussion?
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by bannination »

Reality wrote:Moderator; one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion as the nonpartisan presiding officer.

So Vred, who's the "non partisan" presiding officer in the General Discussion?
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

So the non partisan moderator post yet another silly response.

The deeper this thread goes the more the scum works its way to the top. Kinda like a septic tank.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by bannination »

Reality wrote:So the non partisan moderator post yet another silly response.

The deeper this thread goes the more the scum works its way to the top. Kinda like a septic tank.
Ok, since you don't get it again. There is no moderation in General Discussion, only spam control.

However, you can make your own rules here. I thought it would stop the whining; I was wrong.

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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Stinger »

Reality wrote:Vred care to post my so called whinning?
Your incessant "whinning"? Why point it out? Everyone sees it except you. You're too blind.

But, just as ONE example, look at your very next post.
Divorced from Reality wrote:Moderator; one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion as the nonpartisan presiding officer.

So Vred, who's the "non partisan" presiding officer in the General Discussion?
Whining about what isn't there. AGAIN! STILL!

Bannination started your very own forum, giving you all the powers, and the best you can do is whine about something that doesn't exist on another forum. STILL!

There's your "whinning."
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

Well, there you have it folks. The lib side dunce shows up and secures "its" ranking as top dunce.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

The world defined by Vrede, again.

Your inability to distinguish between what is actually said and the way you want to interpret it explains why you have so many more post than the rest of us.

The California connection explains a lot also but the allegiance of Dingle is a mystery.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Stinger »

Reality wrote:Well, there you have it folks. The lib side dunce shows up and secures "its" ranking as top dunce.
Well, then, disprove something I've said.

Don't just stand there with your stupid snark. Man up and back up your words with something besides your asinine stupidity.

You whine about moderating on two different forums, and you can't provide one single instance of any moderator action . . . because it isn't there.

Dumbass. All talk and no brains.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Stinger »

Reality wrote:The world defined by Vrede, again.

Your inability to distinguish between what is actually said and the way you want to interpret it explains why you have so many more post than the rest of us.

The California connection explains a lot also but the allegiance of Dingle is a mystery.
You're just a clueless dumbass who has no idea what he's said, what anyone else has said, or what's going on in general. You're lost.

You "whinn" incessantly about someone moderating unfairly when no one has moderated anything.

Give one frickin' instance where one post was deleted.

Give one frickin' instance where one post was edited.

Give one frickin' instance where any poster was warned or threatened by a moderator.

Give one frickin' instance where any freedom of speech was impinged upon by anyone in any capacity.

You can't because it never happened.

You spent post after post "whinning" about something that never happened because that's just the kind of mama's-boy wuss-baby you are.

You can't keep up, so you blame bannination for something he didn't do. You're incompetent, so you blame others.

Pitiful little wuss.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Reality »

God old dingle. Never misses a chance to solidify "its" postion as the forum dunce. The lack of an extensive vocabulary is noted.
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