Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by bannination »

Yep, it wasn't about them having control. They wanted a forum where they could censor people and no one be the wiser.

Must have really pissed on their parade at CPF, cause now anyone that looks up CPF can also find out how much they censor.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Boatrocker »


Come on in, wingnuts, the water's fine, and it's free of censorial contaminants!
People are crazy and times are strange. I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range.
I used to care, but, things have changed.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Vrede too »

I notice the new flag. If historical accuracy matters to you, those Southerners flew this flag more recently and more often:


“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Vrede too »

"Note: Conservatives abandoned this due to the need to ban everyone they disagree with."

“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

Wow. No posts since 2013. Wonder where all the Conservatives went?
Vrede too wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:13 am "Note: Conservatives abandoned this due to the need to ban everyone they disagree with."
Corrected to read:
"Note: Conservatives abandoned this (thread) due to a sociopath's need to trash-mouth everyone they disagree with"

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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Vrede too »

The quote is from the descriptor for this FORUM, NOT "this (thread)" - pay attention! - "2013" is a lie, the words are accurate, and they're banni's, NOT mine. When someone is a lying, crybaby idiot like you, why should they escape being trash-mouthed, and why do you detest personal responsibility? Is that just how career socialist workers are?

Here's the rest of the quote: "Contact the admin if you would like to moderate this forum. The admin is more than willing to change images and theme as you see fit. "

Are you gonna sign up or are you just going to screech at the darkness?
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by neoplacebo »

I'll take "what the fuck am I going to do with this?" for 600......no, wait; I think I'll spin.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

Vrede too wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:46 pm The quote is from the descriptor for this FORUM, NOT "this (thread)" - pay attention!
Oh. Excuse hell out of me.

"2013" is a lie, the words are accurate, and they're banni's, NOT mine
:lol: :lol: You silly-assed dipsquibble! :lol: :lol: You have no clue wtf you're talking about! I wasn't referring to anyone's words in particular, just the gap in the dates, doofwad! :lol: here, let me help:
Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!
by Boatrocker » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:49 am
Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!
by Vrede too » Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:45 am
When someone is a lying, crybaby idiot like you, why should they escape being trash-mouthed, and why do you detest personal responsibility?
Is that just how career socialist workers are?
Just can't get through a post without calling names and getting pissed 'cause you thought you were being personally attacked.
Verified traits of a sociopath. Get help.
I wouldn't know how "career socialist workers are"; I do know I HAD a career, unlike a certain sociopath who traipsed all over the country spewing opinionated hatred at others.

Here's the rest of the quote: "Contact the admin if you would like to moderate this forum. The admin is more than willing to change images and theme as you see fit." Are you gonna sign up or are you just going to screech at the darkness?
Nah, Banni's got you, he don't need me whining too.
neoplacebo wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:59 pm I'll take "what the fuck am I going to do with this?" for 600......no, wait; I think I'll spin.
Sounds like the joke where the farmer told the salesman he could sleep in the barn with the farmer's son:
Salesman: Shit, I'm in the wrong joke. . .
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Vrede too »

Dang, you sure are a screw up!

Your idiotic confusing of this THREAD for the Conservative Forum is YOUR problem, and doesn't merit sarcastic whining about my having noticed.
This is CLEARLY an introduction to the Conservative Forum thread. OF COURSE posts did not continue in THIS thread long past the introduction. It's adorable that even the simplest concepts escape you.
You're cowering from my first question, wuss.
Why are you ALWAYS so sackless when you flub?
Yes, you WERE "referring to anyone's words in particular", liar. You "Corrected" them.
:lol: You're now cowering from that CLEAR reference to me. That's pitiful, wuss. Oh, I forgot to mention that your Dr. Phil impersonation is moronic, and that your "traits of a sociopath" don't apply to me. For example, you are the serial liar, as I've often identified, yet you've never found a supposed lie of mine. Your projection is wussy, "sociopath".
The first "calling names" was yours, crybaby. There's is nothing, nothing more pitiful than a poster that dishes it out then whines like a toddler if it's returned.
"traipsed all over the country"??? I've been licensed in exactly 3 states - my home state, the more urban one I went to in order to advance in my profession more rapidly, and the one where my elderly, sick and then dying mother had retired in. Not my problem that I'm employable anywhere while you were so incompetent that you were too frightened to leave your one America-wrecking prohibitionist job because your socialist bosses made it impossible to get fired from it.
I'm not a moderator in this forum or any other, despite your whining about my moving posts around and deleting several days of them. I KNEW that you would refuse to 'light a candle', slacker.

Again, I have no problem debating cons, but your incessant and obsessive illiteracy, stupidity, immaturity, lying, whining and cowardice make it pointless, and are more pathetic than entertaining. So, the floor is yours to throw your usual foot-stomping tantrum on. I'm not bothering to open any more of your posts here.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by neoplacebo »

Boatrocker wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:49 am Bumpbump.

Come on in, wingnuts, the water's fine, and it's free of censorial contaminants!
Ok, I'll swing after all these years. I'm the type of conservative that just fucking hates government interference in business or industrial or financial matters but I'm all right with it when it comes to what you do in your bedroom or what you look like or whether women get to control their childbirth choices or not. I don't mind that I'm against organized labor and quality public education and adequate health care for all citizens....what keeps me up at night is the senseless government regulations on heavy metal emissions from industrial PRODUCTION and the stupid regulations on emissions into waterways.....not to mention all the government land out west that's not available for DEVELOPMENT. it pisses me off. I conveniently forget to realize that the entire western US would still be a fucking desert if it weren't for uh, government intervention, and, uh, that the reason a lot of that land out west is owned by the government is that they don't want to finance another bunch of assholes like me in developing it. But I'm still against them; the government, that is. What these morons don't realize is that we're winning in that we've been stealthily starving the government of money for the past forty years.....and we're not done. No sir, you bet'cha.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by bannination »

Leo Lyons wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:38 pm Wow. No posts since 2013. Wonder where all the Conservatives went?
Vrede too wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:13 am "Note: Conservatives abandoned this due to the need to ban everyone they disagree with."
Corrected to read:
"Note: Conservatives abandoned this (thread) due to a sociopath's need to trash-mouth everyone they disagree with"

That's just stupid, too many options available to ignore one person. They could have banned said person, or ignored said person.

They need *complete* censorship - as in can't post anywhere at any time.

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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

Vrede too wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:27 pm Dang, you sure are a screw up!
Thanks. That's the nicest thing you've said since my return to the forum.

Your idiotic confusing of this THREAD for the Conservative Forum is YOUR problem, and doesn't merit sarcastic whining about my having noticed.
Semantics. Thread, forum, you knew what I was talking about. Mountains and molehills come to mind. (Sociopathic trait)

This is CLEARLY an introduction to the Conservative Forum thread. OF COURSE posts did not continue in THIS thread long past the introduction. It's adorable that even the simplest concepts escape you.
They escaped you as well. You had no clue I meant the last post was by Boatrocker in 2013, yours in 2019.

You're cowering from my first question, wuss. Why are you ALWAYS so sackless when you flub?
I give up; to boost your ego? (Sociopathic trait)

Yes, you WERE "referring to anyone's words in particular", liar. You "Corrected" them. :lol: You're now cowering from that CLEAR reference to me. That's pitiful, wuss.
Poor dumbass. I was referring to dates of the posts. Betcha though I was "attacking" you? :lol: (Sociopathic trait)

Oh, I forgot to mention that your Dr. Phil impersonation is moronic, and that your "traits of a sociopath" don't apply to me.
Self-denial much? (Sociopathic trait) Nobody can impersonate Dr.Phil; he's a piece of work from a now-broken mold. It's ironic though that you're so well familiar with him. (I'll send him an email and tell him his "therapy" session with you was for nought.)

For example, you are the serial liar, as I've often identified, yet you've never found a supposed lie of mine.Your projection is wussy, "sociopath".
Umm .. although lying is a sociopathic trait, I don't recall accusing you of lying; I could be wrong though.

The first "calling names" was yours, crybaby. There's is nothing, nothing more pitiful than a poster that dishes it out then whines like a toddler if it's returned.
Re: Big Brother is Watching You
Post by Vrede too » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:26 am
"It looks like you returned primarily to whine about me, and it was your very first post upon coming back. If that's the case, putting you on 'ignore' is uber easy. I have no interest in your childishness." --- (Sociopathic trait)

"traipsed all over the country"??? I've been licensed in exactly 3 states - my home state, the more urban one I went to in order to advance in my profession more rapidly, and the one where my elderly, sick and then dying mother had retired in. Not my problem that I'm employable anywhere while you were so incompetent that you were too frightened to leave your one America-wrecking prohibitionist job because your socialist bosses made it impossible to get fired from it.
Sorry about your Mom. (really) I wasn't talking about your employment; I was referring to your protesting and picketing you've bragged about. Seems I recall your once picketing a missile site or something in the midwest? I didn't have to be employable anywhere and nobody made it impossible for me to leave. In fact, people like you seeking nose candy kept me in (a damn good paying) job. (Retirement benefits are great
too, thank you very much!) :-||

I'm not a moderator in this forum or any other, despite your whining about my moving posts around and deleting several days of them. I KNEW that you would refuse to 'light a candle', slacker.
More sociopathic denial. You yourself have questioned strange circumstances regarding your posts; not an issue anymore; it's just something for you to continue to harp about. Have fun.

Again, I have no problem debating cons, but your incessant and obsessive illiteracy, stupidity, immaturity, lying, whining and cowardice make it pointless, and are more pathetic than entertaining. So, the floor is yours to throw your usual foot-stomping tantrum on.
Ahh, the name-calling begins again. So sociopathic of you; your traits are becoming of you. Thank you ever so much for the opportunity to express my gratitude for our providing entertainment to our fellow members. If it weren't for you, we'd have nothing to laugh about.
I'm not bothering to open any more of your posts here.
Your loss. You done said that before :violin: Play another stanza of that song.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Leo, why do you think that people who support drug law changes do drugs?

I smoked a lot of pot, but that was 40 years ago. I ate a bunch of mushrooms at the same time.
I grew my own pot and harvested the local psilocybin mushrooms. Although I did occasionally try other drugs, I was never really interested in eating things on questionable origin. There were some "study aid" drugs similar to what we give the military today.

To this day, I have never willingly tasted a McDonald's product (I actually did have part of a burger once when my 4 year old was tricked by the local franchise to take Dad for a free Father's Day meal). I'm pretty sure that Nutella and McWhatevers have killed many more people than pot.

Mostly I learned that the drug laws are far worse than the drugs and that the most dangerous drugs were easy to get from doctors.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

billy.pilgrim wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:50 pm Leo, why do you think that people who support drug law changes do drugs?
I can think of numerous replies to give to that question, but the one answer that strikes me best deals with how drugs affect users; it starts with euphoric effects of relaxation and an escape from their personal problems, eventually leading to the habitual need for it's effects. Looking for a longer-lasting or more intense effect, the user gradually increases their intake which leads to addiction. People in stressful jobs use drugs to "help them cope".

Some can handle their habits better than others; many can't, which leads to crime. Early traveling "snake doctors" peddled opium-laced wonder drugs openly and without any controls. Law enforcement then became necessary when it was discovered that people using drugs were willing to kill to get more; while those who decry any sort of law enforcement feel that what one does with his own body is his business, and nobody should have the right to exercise any kind of control over the population.

Changing drug laws is not going to change habitual use. Like alcohol and tobacco, it only puts it sale under control of governmental entities like alcohol and tobacco; you got the money, they got the product. Drugs are more addictive than alcohol and tobacco; it's effects on the body and mind is more demanding and cruel than alcohol and tobacco, therefore, no matter who has control of it's sale, it's effects are the same; it knows no sympathy on anyone, it is nobody's friend, and it's seller is even less sympathetic.

I'm certain our resident medical ex-spurt will debunk this and pick out a few choice syllables to hurl my way, but you asked me in a decent manner, and this is my answer; I've dealt with this evil all my "profitable" career; I hate illegal drugs, it's source, it's suppliers, and mostly it's resulting effects on those who use.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by billy.pilgrim »

Pretty much a swing and a miss leo. You may want to reread the question.

Let's try this. What do you think about the military pumping up their door kicking killing machines with amphetamines before nightly excursions to tame the locals?
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

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billy.pilgrim wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:29 pm Pretty much a swing and a miss leo. You may want to reread the question.

No point in reading the play list if you only know one song.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Vrede too »

O Really wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:19 am
billy.pilgrim wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:29 pmPretty much a swing and a miss leo. You may want to reread the question.
No point in reading the play list if you only know one song.

Steppenwolf - The Pusher
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Leo Lyons »

billy.pilgrim wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:29 pm Pretty much a swing and a miss leo. You may want to reread the question.

Let's try this. What do you think about the military pumping up their door kicking killing machines with amphetamines before nightly excursions to tame the locals?
I'm not going to get entangled in a conversation fueled by hatred and speculation. Sorry.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Turks »

Leo Lyons wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:11 pm
billy.pilgrim wrote: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:29 pm Pretty much a swing and a miss leo. You may want to reread the question.

Let's try this. What do you think about the military pumping up their door kicking killing machines with amphetamines before nightly excursions to tame the locals?
I'm not going to get entangled in a conversation fueled by hatred and speculation. Sorry.

Billy posts at LNF as atreyu. All he posts is speculation and hatred of cons and religion.
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Re: Go nuts cons! Have your "reasonable" discussions here!

Unread post by Vrede too »

Turks wrote: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:12 pm... All he posts is speculation and hatred of cons and religion.

Welcome back, your last post was Mar 25, 2013.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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