Lots of weather news this week, including several tragic traffic pileups.
Seattle had 9 inches of snow in one day, the most in 53 years! With its hills, drivers might as well just give up and stay home. They're never going to get where they're going, anyhow.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD
Lots of weather news this week, including several tragic traffic pileups.
Seattle had 9 inches of snow in one day, the most in 53 years! With its hills, drivers might as well just give up and stay home. They're never going to get where they're going, anyhow.
Ha! That happens on non-snow days, too. When you've got only two main N/S roads going through the city, and one of them includes a long tunnel, getting where you want to go isn't guaranteed.
It's supposed to get cold here tonight, possibly as low as 30, so of course all schools, university classes including virtual classes, city and county offices and covid testing are closed.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”
So far it's been pretty mild here in the land of milk and honey. One small snowfall for one day a couple weeks ago. I don't think we've even had any low temps lower than mid 20's.
It's supposed to get cold here tonight, possibly as low as 30, so of course all schools, university classes including virtual classes, city and county offices and covid testing are closed.
Thoughts and prayers.
At times it's been a bit cooler than normal here, but nothing crazy. We've had all of 3 snow days, none of which required any shoveling or plowing.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD
It's supposed to get cold here tonight, possibly as low as 30, so of course all schools, university classes including virtual classes, city and county offices and covid testing are closed.
Thoughts and prayers.
At times it's been a bit cooler than normal here, but nothing crazy. We've had all of 3 snow days, none of which required any shoveling or plowing.
Yeah, we had ice in the bird bath and the dog's water bowl. I'm on hold with FEMA right now.
Trump: “We had the safest border in the history of our country - or at least recorded history. I guess maybe a thousand years ago it was even better.”
It gets pretty chilly at night - down into the mid-50's.
They should have closed the schools.
Yeah, except most of them aren't open in-person anyway. But I think NYC did actually shut down the virtual schools for a snow day a week or so ago. Never did quite understand that, unless most of them were running with teachers going into the schools and students online.
It's supposed to get cold here tonight, possibly as low as 30, so of course all schools, university classes including virtual classes, city and county offices and covid testing are closed.
Thoughts and prayers.
At times it's been a bit cooler than normal here, but nothing crazy. We've had all of 3 snow days, none of which required any shoveling or plowing.
Be on the lookout on Thursday. Ice storms were always the worst nightmare.
.25 inch was the magic number. Hit that and I'd be without power for five days.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000000101010202020303010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.
It's supposed to get cold here tonight, possibly as low as 30, so of course all schools, university classes including virtual classes, city and county offices and covid testing are closed.
Thoughts and prayers.
At times it's been a bit cooler than normal here, but nothing crazy. We've had all of 3 snow days, none of which required any shoveling or plowing.
Yeah, we had ice in the bird bath and the dog's water bowl. I'm on hold with FEMA right now.
God hell! Ice on the dog AND the birds? No fucking wonder you're on the phone with FEMA. Hope they can help. Also hope there's no more trump incompetents left. If they come and throw paper towel rolls at you, you'll know the trumpers are still in operation. Good luck.
2020 Texas:
California has a bunch of idiots running the power grid to do all this rolling blackout stuff.
The federal damgummit is worthless. We want to secede.
2021 Texas:
Umm, can you send us some help, FEMA? We're a little cold down here.
We don't know how long rolling blackouts and outages will continue. The (state-run) power grid is over-maxed.
2020 Texas:
California has a bunch of idiots running the power grid to do all this rolling blackout stuff.
The federal damgummit is worthless. We want to secede.
2021 Texas:
Umm, can you send us some help, FEMA? We're a little cold down here.
We don't know how long rolling blackouts and outages will continue. The (state-run) power grid is over-maxed.
Eamus Catuli~AC 000000000101010202020303010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.
People are idiots. Where there's real winter, with regular snow, they have a lot of equipment. Salt/Chem down the roads, plows come out, most everybody goes to work. But places where it rarely if ever snows don't have that. OKfine. So why do people there think they have to immediately get out on the streets? Stay the fuck home - it'll be melted in a day or so.
2020 Texas:
California has a bunch of idiots running the power grid to do all this rolling blackout stuff.
The federal damgummit is worthless. We want to secede.
2021 Texas:
Umm, can you send us some help, FEMA? We're a little cold down here.
We don't know how long rolling blackouts and outages will continue. The (state-run) power grid is over-maxed.
Here are three Texas Republicans mocking California power outages last year and my Dallas bathtub this morning, a literal block of ice
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
1312. ETTD
I bet a lot of homes are gonna have wrecked plumbing.
Aren't a lot of houses down there on slabs? How will they fare when the pipes freeze in extremely cold weather? Wonder if the plumbing under the house is wrecked.
I bet a lot of homes are gonna have wrecked plumbing.
Aren't a lot of houses down there on slabs? How will they fare when the pipes freeze in extremely cold weather? Wonder if the plumbing under the house is wrecked.
What a mess.
Remember that "don't mess with Texas" slogan? Well, you can just kiss that shit goodbye.
2020 Texas:
California has a bunch of idiots running the power grid to do all this rolling blackout stuff.
The federal damgummit is worthless. We want to secede.
2021 Texas:
Umm, can you send us some help, FEMA? We're a little cold down here.
We don't know how long rolling blackouts and outages will continue. The (state-run) power grid is over-maxed.
I remember seeing a tv show a few years ago about the electrical grid in the US and it talked about how there are three power grids; East, West, and Texas. I've never checked this out but also have never watched QTV