Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

Unread post by GoCubsGo »

WTF is right.

Unfortunately, Greene apparently didn’t take the time to read through the text of the bills she was railing against, as her mischaracterization of one bill as establishing a “National Gun Registry” completely ignores the fact that the actual content of the bill specifically states on page five that “Nothing in this Act, or any amendment made by this Act, shall be construed to authorize the establishment, directly or indirectly, of a national firearms registry.”
As an aside, i think this dude is right.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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The steroids the muscle gods take also tend to give them protrusion of the area around and above the eyebrows. Sort of a Cro Magnon look. Easy to spot. It's even been said that these drugs work best on folks with good jeans.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Why wouldn't she fix this?

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:39 am
Why wouldn't she fix this?

I will say she doesn't "fix it" because lying and making blatantly stupid statements is what she does. And now since she is on no House committees, she has no real function at all and is thus able to concentrate on lying and making stupid statements to the exclusion of anything else.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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neoplacebo wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:46 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:39 am
Why wouldn't she fix this?

I will say she doesn't "fix it" because lying and making blatantly stupid statements is what she does. And now since she is on no House committees, she has no real function at all and is thus able to concentrate on lying and making stupid statements to the exclusion of anything else.
She may be endearing herself to the Trumpaloons but I would think continuing stunts like this is going to piss off most House GOP members.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Roid rage is as good an explanation as any, for MTG's insane utterances and posturing.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:45 pm

K-Pop Fans Demolish Republican Congresswoman’s Attempt to #ImpeachBidenNow on Twitter

K-pop fans have once again flexed their social media muscles after successfully drowning out tweets of support for the hashtag #ImpeachBidenNow.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene launched the hashtag on Twitter on Thursday night. She announced that she had filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, and she included #ImpeachBidenNow at the beginning of her tweet.

The impeachment complaint, which was filed two days after Biden’s inauguration, accused the president of abuse of power during his term as vice president by letting his son, Hunter, serve on the board of an energy company in Ukraine, The Hill reports.

K-pop fans hijacked the hashtag by sharing memes of their favorite idols.

More than 100,000 tweets included the hashtag by Friday morning, most of which were used by K-pop fans.


... Last year in June, countless fans reserved tickets for the campaign rally of former President Donald Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma without any plans of attending. They also trolled trending White supremacist hashtags with fancams of their favorite idols.
:lol: :---P
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Krazy ass beetch.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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And stop smokin' that dope!

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Who's mentally ill?

"You know, we can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany," Greene said. "And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about."
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Yeah, being Jewish was a critical health hazard in Germany in the early part of the 20th century. And very contagious. To my way of thinking, Marge is advocating that we eliminate her and her kind. I don't think she meant that, just like I don't think she has any concept of history, religion, politics, or anything else. Maybe she's right, and she should be eliminated.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

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Godwin's law :roll: .
neoplacebo wrote:
Fri May 21, 2021 5:42 pm
Yeah, being Jewish was a critical health hazard in Germany in the early part of the 20th century. And very contagious. To my way of thinking, Marge is advocating that we eliminate her and her kind. I don't think she meant that, just like I don't think she has any concept of history, religion, politics, or anything else. Maybe she's right, and she should be eliminated.
'Evil lunacy': GOP lawmakers slam Marjorie Taylor Greene comparing House mask mandate to Holocaust

... The Republicans who criticized Greene were among those who either voted to impeach former President Donald Trump earlier this year or, in addition, voted to strip Greene of her committee assignments.

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., recently ousted from GOP leadership after she continued to refute Trump's electoral falsehoods, lambasted Greene’s comparison as "evil lunacy" in a tweet.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and one of three Republican House members to vote both for Trump's impeachment and to strip Greene of her committee assignments, tweeted that Greene's remarks amount to "Absolute sickness."

And on Sunday, Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich., told CNN's "State of the Union" that Greene's comments were "beyond reprehensible."

"Any comparisons to the Holocaust, it's beyond reprehensible," he said. "This is, I don't even have words to describe how disappointing it is to see this hyperbolic speech that frankly amps up and plays into a lot of the antisemitism that we've been seeing in our society today."

... Last week, a CNN survey found that less than half of House Republicans would say they had been vaccinated, compared to 100 percent of House Democrats. Greene said recently that Pelosi "cannot force" her to be vaccinated.

Elsewhere, the American Jewish Congress called on Greene to apologize and retract her comments, saying "such comparisons demean the Holocaust & contaminate American political speech." A petition to have House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., expel her from Congress has garnered more than 11,000 signatures as of Sunday morning....
I signed, nearly 25K now.
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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

Unread post by Whack9 »

This woman's been in the headlines a bunch lately.

She's being propelled from irrelevancy to stardom by making headlines saying controversial, idiotic, stuff, much like Trump. I wanna blame the news media because you'd think the dumbassery would be enough to ruin her political ambitions. But in this day in age crazy and loud and controversial and "telling it like it is" earns you a place in the GQP spotlight.
I paid my fees to hip-hop college, sucka!

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

Unread post by Ulysses »

Whack9 wrote:
Wed May 26, 2021 7:44 am
This woman's been in the headlines a bunch lately.

She's being propelled from irrelevancy to stardom by making headlines saying controversial, idiotic, stuff, much like Trump. I wanna blame the news media because you'd think the dumbassery would be enough to ruin her political ambitions. But in this day in age crazy and loud and controversial and "telling it like it is" earns you a place in the GQP spotlight.
Clearly she's an attention whore.

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Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene WTF?

Unread post by Vrede too »

Whack9 wrote:
Wed May 26, 2021 7:44 am
This woman's been in the headlines a bunch lately.

She's being propelled from irrelevancy to stardom by making headlines saying controversial, idiotic, stuff, much like Trump. I wanna blame the news media because you'd think the dumbassery would be enough to ruin her political ambitions. But in this day in age crazy and loud and controversial and "telling it like it is" earns you a place in the GQP spotlight.
It's lucrative.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s incredible fundraising haul reveals what the GOP is really about
Marjorie Taylor Greene raised more than $3 million in the first quarter of 2021.
“The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
-- Howard Zinn, 2004
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