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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:46 am
GoCubsGo wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:06 am
They don't even lie credibly. ... 8270348417
What lie? She completely dodged the question,
Vrede too wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:46 am
one that I give Fox's Shannon Bream credit for asking, even quoting - horrors! - the NYT. I'd be interested in whether there was any follow up or whether this was all designed as a CYA ploy for Britt.
It was sincere.
An unconvinced Bream further pushed back on the senator: “To be clear, the story you relayed is not something that’s happened under the Biden administration, that particular person?”
Good on Bream.
Britt’s response, days after her spokesperson told news outlets the story she shared was “100% correct,” was to leave the woman unnamed and indirectly admit the story was decades-old while not addressing whether she meant to imply it was Biden’s fault....
Liar, coward, typical RepuQ.

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Bigots are idiots.

Still up:

Text in case it's taken down:
Matt Maddock

Happening right now. Three busses just loaded up with illegal invaders at Detroit Metro. Anyone have any idea where they’re headed with their police escort? @petehoekstra
... Wayne County Airport Authority, which operates Detroit Metro Airport, confirmed that the buses were transporting four men’s basketball teams competing in this weekend’s Sweet 16 and Elite Eight games in Detroit.
... In a text message, Maddock didn’t answer whether he would delete the tweet now that it appears it’s misinformation; instead claiming immigrants are “dangerous.”
... Sam Inglot, executive director of Progress Michigan, an organization aiming to hold public officials accountable, said in a news release that Maddock’s language leads to violence.

“A lot of people are making fun of Maddock for this, but it’s important to acknowledge the dangerous rhetoric he used while spreading his misinformation,” Inglot said. “Maddock and so many Republicans across the country are carelessly using militaristic language to describe an already-marginalized group of people. This type of dehumanization inevitably leads to violence and we cannot let Republicans get away with using it to divide our communities and put people in danger.”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Maddock and his wife spread misinformation about the virus, and they denied the 2020 election results. Maddock’s wife, Meshawn Maddock, claimed to have organized 20 buses to transport Donald Trump supporters to Washington, D.C., for the Jan. 6, 2021, rally.
:roll: Of course

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He even lies while exploiting a murder victim and her family:

Ruby Garcia's family disputes that Trump spoke with them after he used her name at event

:obscene-birdiered: TRE45QN

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Re: Immigration

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Speaking of liars,
Republicans Are Lying About One Major Way Biden Has Decreased U.S.-Mexico Border Crossings
A Biden administration program that successfully lowered unlawful border crossings has turned into the latest immigration bogeyman.

For a little over a year, Biden has used what’s called “parole” authority to collectively allow up to 30,000 vetted Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans per month into the country, mostly via air travel, for a temporary two-year window.

The program is based on the authority held by the federal government under the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act to grant temporary admission to foreigners on a “on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” And, the Biden administration touts, it has been accompanied by drops in the number of nationals from each of these countries who’ve crossed the U.S.-Mexico border on foot.

But to hear some right-wingers talk about it, the “CHNV parole” program — the name an acronym for the nationalities it encompasses — is a secret, treasonous endeavor that utilizes government-funded charter flights to transport “illegal” migrants into the United States. None of that is true, but that doesn’t seem to be the point.
Long discussion of the program's decades-long history, publicity, mechanics, effectiveness, benefit, and the sudden RW crybaby lying about it. I notice that the Tennessee delegation features prominently :roll: :
... And yet many on the right have misrepresented ― or simply lied about ― what the parole program is, playing on anxieties about race and national identity to paint it as part of a supposed scheme by Democrats to overwhelm the country with new residents or somehow displace American citizens....

Contrary to Blackburn’s post, the program isn’t a “secret,” and participants haven’t broken any laws. Reached for comment on those inaccuracies, Blackburn’s press secretary, Savannah Newhouse, doubled down, saying parole beneficiaries had been “secretly flown” into the United States....

Meanwhile, Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), who last month proposed an unsuccessful amendment to limit the parole authority, falsely described the status quo as “using taxpayer dollars to charter planes that move and import thousands of illegal aliens into your states.”

The senator’s press secretary, Audrey Traynor, continued to call parole participants “illegal aliens” in an email to HuffPost on Monday. She also referred to the parole program as “taxpayer funded,” even though beneficiaries pay for their own expenses....
Then, there's our old friend:

Parole beneficiaries are vetted with biometrics and background checks, and they are not able to vote. The X platform sent an automated message back in response to HuffPost’s request for comment.
:obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered:
... “The program has successfully lowered irregular crossings,” Reichlin-Melnick said, granting that the number of people showing up at the border from CHNV counties has fluctuated over time.

A federal judge recently agreed: In January, just a few weeks after the parole program was announced, a group of red states led by Texas sued to stop it in federal court, arguing that the Biden administration had “effectively created a new visa program” and that the program’s beneficiaries would be a burden on state resources. Last month, a Trump-nominated federal judge ruled against them, writing that the states lacked standing to sue in part because the number of people entering the United States from the four countries in question had “dramatically decreased” after the parole program’s implementation.

The states challenging the Biden administration have indicated they will appeal the decision.
Xenophobic racist America-hating RepuQs detest success.

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Texas Soldiers Say Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star Is ‘A Show’
“If anything, I think it makes for better pictures for campaign ads,” said one former Texas Army National Guard medic.


As Lawmakers Debate Border, Immigrants Set To Add $7 Trillion To Economy
According to a new estimate, migrants are set to boost the size of the U.S. workforce and the economy.

... The finding, by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, echoes other economists who say the surge in immigration may have already provided another benefit to the economy by helping it avoid a recession, even as the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates sharply in 2023....

“The labor force in 2033 is larger by 5.2 million people, mostly because of higher net immigration. More workers mean more output and that in turn leads to additional tax revenue,” Swagel said at a briefing unveiling the agency’s annual economic and budget forecast.

“As a result of those changes in the labor force, we estimate that from 2023 to 2034, GDP will be greater by about $7 trillion and revenues will be greater by about $1 trillion than they would have been otherwise,” he said....

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What happens when moronic and ignorant RepuQ bigots debate a constitutional law professor with an undergrad degree in government with concentration in political theory. Spoiler: It ain't pretty.
Jamie Raskin Wrecks Republican's 'Illegals' Comment With Blunt U.S. History Lesson
The House Democrat hit back after a GOP lawmaker offered his interpretation of how the Founding Fathers took immigration.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) schooled Rep. Gary Palmer on Wednesday after the Alabama Republican claimed that the Founding Fathers “never anticipated” having a mass number of people “illegally” come to America.
Palmer has a bachelor's degree in operations management from the University of Alabama.
Raskin said a colleague claimed the founders “never anticipated” there’d be “huge numbers” of people who couldn’t vote who were being counted in the census.

“Of course they did. The vast majority of Americans couldn’t vote when the country started,” said Raskin before Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) chimed in.
Higgins ... attended Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but did not graduate. Instead, he was a National Guard MP and then a civilian cop.
“He said the founders never anticipated this volume of illegals,” noted Higgins, who clarified Palmer’s remarks. “Don’t twist my colleague’s words.”

Raskin called it “very valiant” for Higgins to defend Palmer before sending a U.S. history lesson his way.

“There was no immigration law when the Constitution was adopted at all. In fact, the only illegals in the country, at least according to the native population, were the people writing the Constitution,” said Raskin of the document, which a number of people born outside of the U.S. signed.
:---P :---P :laughing-rolling: Raskin represents my old Rockville hood, MD8 :clap: Hilariously in this instance he co-founded the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project. Poor Palmer and Higgins never stood a chance.

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Legalized murder in America:

Judge declares mistrial in case of Arizona rancher accused of killing unarmed migrant

Depending on the jury poll I'll bet that the prosecution doesn't bother retrying the case :angry-banghead:

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Re: Immigration

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Somebody may have mentioned (many times) before - it's not a wall or even an "illegal" problem, it's an asylum problem.
“Any person on American soil — and it doesn’t matter how they got here — is allowed to start due process on an asylum case,” Schultz said. “Anyone. So as long as that is true, people are going to attempt to cross the border and get on American soil. Why would it ever be any other way?”
Effin insane.

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Re: Immigration

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O Really wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 7:45 pm
Somebody may have mentioned (many times) before - it's not a wall or even an "illegal" problem, it's an asylum problem.
“Any person on American soil — and it doesn’t matter how they got here — is allowed to start due process on an asylum case,” Schultz said. “Anyone. So as long as that is true, people are going to attempt to cross the border and get on American soil. Why would it ever be any other way?”
Effin insane.
The canceled bipartisan Senate immigration bill addressed that.
Vrede too wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 5:48 pm

Fuck TRE45QN, his sickophants and the House GQP.

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Joe Biden Flips Donald Trump’s New Attack Right Back At Him: ‘Is He Describing Himself?’
“Look, everybody knows what’s happened," the president responded to his likely 2024 election rival's rant.


“Look, everybody knows what’s happened,” the president continued. “We had a deal. It was much broader than this, much better, much more accepted across the board, and he got on the phone and told the Republicans, ‘Don’t support it, it will hurt me, it will help Biden.’”

Biden’s bipartisan border bill was blocked by congressional Republicans earlier this year at the insistence of Trump. The president earlier this week recalled that being an “extremely cynical political move” from the GOP.

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Judge blocks Biden administration from granting legal status to spouses of U.S. citizens

A federal judge in Texas on Monday temporarily blocked the Biden administration from granting legal status to unauthorized immigrants married to American citizens, granting a request from 16 Republican-led states who challenged the new policy.

The order by District Court Judge J. Campbell Barker effectively brings to a halt a large immigration program that opened just last week to an estimated half a million immigrants living in the U.S. without legal status. While preliminary and temporary, the ruling is also an early blow to one of the two major moves taken by President Biden in June on immigration, a top campaign issue in the 2024 race for president.

Announced just weeks after another executive action that has greatly curtailed access to asylum at the southern border, the program, known as Keeping Families Together, was announced as a measure to address the plight of some of the undocumented immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for years in legal limbo....
Judge J. Campbell Barker was appointed by ex-PINO. He is only 44 years old. The GQP is the "Family Values" party :angry-banghead:

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Ted Cruz Condemned For Posting Racist Lie About Immigrants Eating Pets
"You know you’re officially a loser when you’re running for office and you’re posting false information and memes," one person noted.

Former President Donald Trump and his MAGA followers have demonized immigrants as rapists and murderers even though data shows that they break fewer laws than natural-born Americans. Springfield police debunked the rumor about pets being stolen and eaten on Monday....
Do you guys all get on a morning call to pick which immigrant nationality to focus on that day?

Friday: Venezuelans. Monday: Haitians. I mean…
You realize white supremacist groups have been using this line for 50 years to attack Vietnamese immigrants and then the Cuban boat people, right? Why are you regurgitating this old racist trope? If it's true, are pets safe around you or should people hide them when you come by?
This crap goes back to Vietnamese refugees when I was a kid, Rafael. This is what you offer Texas and the country? It's also been debunked, not that you care. Weak, lazy, racist,xenophobic, Rafael. The GOP trifecta.

Springfield police say no reports of pets stolen, eaten, after viral social media post
More tweets at the link :---P Teddy is always among the most gullible pols. Now, Vance joins him:
This tweet is an explicit acknowledgement that the Republican campaign for President is propagating a grotesque racist conspiracy, knowing it’s a fabricated lie, because racist memes motivate their voter base.
So the residents of Springfield have contacted your office because their neighbors' pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. But those neighbors never reported any missing pets to the local police. You are so terrible at this.
Yeah when someone gets their pet stolen, the first thing they do is call their senators office, not the police.

Makes total sense.
You’re completely off the mark. JD Vance’s claims are pure fear-mongering, fueled by unverified rumors and outright misinformation. The accusation that Haitian migrants are abducting pets in Springfield is baseless. Local authorities have confirmed zero credible reports of this nonsense. It’s nothing more than an ugly attempt to stir up xenophobia.

As for the so-called murder involving a Haitian migrant, you’ve twisted the truth. It was a tragic accident, not a murder. The claims of rising diseases? Absolutely no evidence, just harmful, ignorant stereotypes.

And calling Kamala Harris’s support for Temporary Protected Status "bragging about amnesty" is a blatant lie. TPS is a temporary humanitarian measure, not amnesty.

This kind of rhetoric is dangerous. It distracts from real issues, scapegoats immigrants, and spreads divisive, xenophobic ideas with zero solutions. Stop peddling lies. ... ants-pets/
Stop digging, JD Vance! Stop spreading a vicious and dangerous blood libel about Haitian migrants eating pets. Stop amplifying these irrational fears that your hillbilly base believes. This is why the lasting impression of American voters towards your candidacy is "YUCK!"

Just say you hate people who aren't white and blame them for everything; it would have saved you a lot of time.
:---P Hateful moron.

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Father of 11-year-old killed in crash says Trump and Vance are using son ‘as a political tool’

The father of an 11-year-old Ohio boy who was killed last year when a minivan driven by a Haitian immigrant struck his school bus said Tuesday that Donald Trump and JD Vance were “morally bankrupt politicians” who were using his dead son as a political tool.

Nathan Clark, of Springfield, denounced the Republican presidential ticket and asked Trump and Vance to apologize in an impassioned speech before the City Commission after Vance, the Republican nominee for vice president, mentioned the death of Clark’s son Aiden as a reason to oppose Haitian immigration.

“Using Aiden as a political tool is, to say the least, reprehensible for any political purpose,” Clark said during the commission’s public comment period, according to a livestream of the meeting.

“This needs to stop now,” he added. “I will listen to them one more time to hear their apologies.”

... Aiden died in August 2023 on the first day of school when a minivan driven by a Haitian immigrant hit the bus he was riding in. The driver, Hermanio Joseph, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide and sentenced to nine to 13 years in prison....

The Clarks have repeatedly asked people not to connect their son’s death with immigration or use his death to support hatred against Haitians.

Clark, with his wife, Danielle, by his side at Tuesday’s meeting, said it was not true that his son was “murdered,” as Vance said.

“My son Aiden Clark was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti. This tragedy is felt all over this community, the state and even the nation, but don’t spend this towards hate. In order to live like Aiden, you need to accept everyone,” he said.

Clark named four politicians who he said were “morally bankrupt” for referring to his son: Trump, Vance, Ohio's Republican nominee for the Senate, Bernie Moreno, and Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas.

“They have spoken my son’s name and used his death for political gain,” he said.

“They can vomit all the hate they want about illegal immigrants, the border crisis and even untrue claims about fluffy pets being ravaged and eaten by community members. However, they are not allowed, nor have they ever been allowed, to mention Aiden Clark from Springfield, Ohio,” he said....

Clark said the rise in anti-Haitian hatred was enough to make him wish that his son had been “killed by a 60-year-old white man” so “hate-spewing people would leave us alone.”

“The last thing that we need is to have the worst day of our lives violently and constantly shoved in our faces,” he said.
:cry: :obscene-birdiered: TRE45QN, Vance, Ohio's Republican nominee for the Senate, Bernie Moreno, and Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas. Shame on you.

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After Bomb Threats and Political Vitriol, Ohio Mayor Says Enough

Could this mess put Ohio in play or do Ohioans support the racist lies and hatred?

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GoCubsGo wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:06 am
Vote trump & Vance!
We're Domestic Terrorists!
In case there was any doubt:
... Bomb threat mentions false claim about migrants eating pets


The emailed bomb threat said several disparaging things about Haiti and criticized politicians for allowing Haitian people into the country.

"My hometown of Springfield is becoming a thirdworld (expletive) because you allowed the federal government to dump these (expletive) here," the email stated. "We have Haitians eating our animals and then you lie and claim this is not happening when we see this happening. I’m here to send a message, I placed a bomb in the following locations..." it states, listing Springfield City Hall, Springfield Driver Exam Station, Ohio License Bureau Southside, Springfield Academy-Excellence and Fulton Elementary School as the places under threat.
Gullible MAGAt (redundant, I know).
Trump has posted several AI-generated images riffing on the false rumor about pets being eaten on Truth Social Thursday in the hours after the bomb threat.

A Trump campaign spokesperson blamed the media for "trying to distract the American people" from the problems the migrant community poses for Springfield....
:obscene-birdiered: Pet-eating IS your core message.
Donald J. Trump


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Re: Immigration

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Vrede too wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:38 am

:obscene-birdiered: Pet-eating IS your core message.
Message might be failing. :laughing-rolling:

Eamus Catuli~AC 000000 000101 010202 020303 010304 020405....Ahhhh, forget it, it's gonna be a while.

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