I just heard this today. My favorite of his was "On the Road to Freedom" with Mylon La Fevre. I still have that record. And, of course there's the classic "A Space in Time" as well. So long, buddy.
Well now, I'm going to give the Beav a teeny tiny break because of his youth.
He might turn out better in the coming years, though I wouldn't bet on it. Now
if I owned a Barry Manilow CD, I'd have hit the play button ASAP, but I don't.
I could buy one, but that would only put a few pennies in Barry's pocket and
I don't want to encourage him. And the worst of Barry is mostly over with, I
hope, I hope, I hope.
rstrong wrote:
Are we off the hook for Celine Dion yet?
Absolutely not.
Agreeing with Vrede. It's really cool that Chris is sharing his experience- the power of social media. Think of the youngsters being introduced to David Bowie; broaden the little buggers' horizons.
<sigh> it's bittersweet for those of who believed, fifty years ago, that space travel would become commonplace in our lifetime.
I completely forgot about Justin. Put him in the mix and this thing could stretch
out into the 22nd Century. O, Canada. Thank goodness Barry Manilow is an
It was an American talent manager that "discovered" him, and American corporations that made him a star. If it weren't for them, he'd be just another Tim Horton's employee posting self-made YouTube videos from his mom's basement.
I figure that Rush is, er, carbon neutral. Their good stuff up to 1982 balances out what they've recorded since.