Just saw mention of this website from the BRN Facebook page. Vrede, Banni, O'Really and a few by new names. When I saw the Wimpy Wuss post, I knew Vox was still around, bitter as ever, and still holding a grudge against Miller for putting too much starch in his drawers.
I hope I won't get banned by calling Mark Schulman a douchebag for banning people for something called the 1st Amendment.
I wouldn't trust him as a House member, so I certainly wouldn't trust my undies
to him. I've never heard of underwear being dry cleaned anyway. Of course WW
found that being mayor and running his business would likely overtax his pea
brain, so he has decided to run for city council. Even that will be a stretch.
Bungalow Bill wrote:I wouldn't trust him as a House member, so I certainly wouldn't trust my undies
to him. I've never heard of underwear being dry cleaned anyway. Of course WW
found that being mayor and running his business would likely overtax his pea
brain, so he has decided to run for city council. Even that will be a stretch.
I know Jeff and I like him as a person and as a potential candidate. My only complaint was that he ran a very passive campaign last go round, so if that is what you mean by wimpy, then ok.
But I don't know if you have ever really told us why you don't like him, don't trust him, etc. It always sounded more personal to me.
It can't be that personal since I've never met him and rarely go to the dry cleaners.
Take a good look at the guy--looks like a doofusey wimpy wuss. I can't help it if
he looks like that. I remember one of his early ads said we had a record high UE
rate. Guy's never heard of the Great Depression? Anyhow, it's all water over the
bridge now.
Unfortunately, people can't help what they look like....if people were judged by, or their accomplishments judged by their looks,
I believe we all would be in one mell of a hess.
Glad to hear BB say " it's all water over the bridge now".....Jeff's a pretty decent ol' joe.
Greetings All....yes it is I, the one and only. I see the old crew is here. I'll check in from time to time but good to see things haven't changed much. I saw Mike Fain's obit in the paper...which explained a lot now looking back--such a tragedy. So what's everyone up to?
RonJ wrote:Greetings All....yes it is I, the one and only. I see the old crew is here. I'll check in from time to time but good to see things haven't changed much. I saw Mike Fain's obit in the paper...which explained a lot now looking back--such a tragedy. So what's everyone up to?
RonJ wrote:Greetings All....yes it is I, the one and only. I see the old crew is here. I'll check in from time to time but good to see things haven't changed much. I saw Mike Fain's obit in the paper...which explained a lot now looking back--such a tragedy. So what's everyone up to?
Ron Jeremy?
Negative. Its your nemesis from the old Times-News forum. I was one on the first people on that forum back in 2006 when it opened....lots has changed since then.
RonJ wrote:Greetings All....yes it is I, the one and only. I see the old crew is here. I'll check in from time to time but good to see things haven't changed much. I saw Mike Fain's obit in the paper...which explained a lot now looking back--such a tragedy. So what's everyone up to?
Ron Jeremy?
Negative. Its your nemesis from the old Times-News forum. I was one on the first people on that forum back in 2006 when it opened....lots has changed since then.
The military Ron....? (can't recall the exact forum name...if so Welcome Back!)
RonJ wrote:Greetings All....yes it is I, the one and only. I see the old crew is here. I'll check in from time to time but good to see things haven't changed much. I saw Mike Fain's obit in the paper...which explained a lot now looking back--such a tragedy. So what's everyone up to?
Ron Jeremy?
Negative. Its your nemesis from the old Times-News forum. I was one on the first people on that forum back in 2006 when it opened....lots has changed since then.
The military Ron....? (can't recall the exact forum name...if so Welcome Back!)
That would be me but I'm former military. And thank you.
bannination wrote:Oh, I feel like a super hero/villain now, I have a nemesis!!!
Did ya miss me? Who else is here and posts regularly?
I'm not even sure I could cross reference the names to names you would know, I think other people keep up with all that better than I. I can say however that our more conservative? /wingnut?/ posters left us for www.conservativepoliticalforum.com. They still do some drive by trolling every once in a while.... see "Troll Patrol".